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NHM-WP16.002.026    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Fagan Charles Edward  1917.02.08   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Natural History, London, 8 Feb 1917 re display of two A. R. Wallace notebooks to the Trustees and conveying their thanks for the donation.
NHM-WP16.002.027.[01]    Correspondence:   Festival of Britain Design Research Unit  1951.03.13--1951   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Festival of Britain Design Research Unit, 13 Mar 1951, signed Esther Atkin, re possible loan of a diary or notebook of A. R. Wallace's for display, mentioning Sir James Marchant; draft reply 15 Mar 1951 in pencil on the back in WGW's hand. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.002.027.[02]    Correspondence:   Festival of Britain Design Research Unit  1951.03.13--1951   Stamped envelope addressed to WGW, postmarked London 13 Mar 1951, annotated on the front in pencil in WGW's hand "A.R.W | Festival of Britain" with a list of suggested Mss etc. on the back in pencil in his hand. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.002.028    Correspondence:   Festival of Britain Design Research Unit , Darwin Charles Robert  1945.03.23--1945   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Festival of Britain Design Research Unit, London 23 Mar 195, signed Esther Atkin, re aspects of the proposed displays in the Dome of Discovery; unsuitability of original sketches, hopes to obtain a copy of Darwin and A R Wallace's joint 1858 article from the Linnean Society. Place: London Ternate
NHM-WP16.002.029    Correspondence:   Hertford Grammar School, Kinman G W  1916.07.19--1916   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from G W Kinman, the Grammar School, Hertford, 19 Jul 1916, re [A. R. Wallace] Memorial Library, with thanks for offer of pictures. Place: Hertford Hertfordshire
NHM-WP16.002.030    Correspondence:   Hertford Grammar School, Kinman G W  1916.10.02--1916   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from G W Kinman, the Grammar School, Hertford, 2 Oct 1916, re receipt of package of pictures; Wallace Memorial Library; the war. Place: Hertford Hertfordshire
NHM-WP16.002.031    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London , Spruce Richard, Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall  1934.01.17--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 17 Jan 1934 signed S Savage, re Professor Poulton; location of Spruce Mss at Kew and WGW offer of Spruce notebook to the Linnean; annotated by WGW in ink and pencil. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.032    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London, Spruce Richard  1934.01.29--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, signed S. Savage, London 29 Jan 1934 with thanks for Spruce's diary which has safely arrived.
NHM-WP16.002.033    Correspondence:   Spruce Richard 1817-1893  1934.01.29--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 29 Jan 1934, formal thanks of the Society for his present of the manuscript diary of Richard Spruce's expeditions which has been deposited in the Archives; signed S. Savage.
NHM-WP16.002.034    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London , Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall  1936.05.17--1936   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 8 May 1936, formal thanks of the Society for his present of eight note books which belonged to A. R. Wallace, received through Sir Edward Poulton; signed R G Pugsley Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.035    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London  1947.11.24--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 24 Nov 1947, re A. R. Wallace's mss at the British Museum; offer to the Society of "Palms of the Amazon"; wartime storage of A. R. Wallace Mss of "Malay Archipelago"; signed S Savage Place: Amazon Malaya
NHM-WP16.002.036    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London  1947.12.03--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 3 Dec 1947 re receipt of Mss of A. R. Wallace's "Palms of the Amazon" and sketches by A. R. Wallace; signed S Savage. Place: Amazon
NHM-WP16.002.037    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London, Spruce Richard  1951.02.24--1951   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 24 Feb 1951 re Spruce mss and proposed biography of Spruce; encloses formal thanks of the Society for donations by WGW (See 16/2/38); signed S Savage. Place: Amazon
NHM-WP16.002.038    Correspondence:   Linnean Society of London  1951.02.25--1951   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from The Linnean Society of London, London 25 Feb 1951, formal thanks for his present of R Spruce Ms "The acclimatisation of Europeans in Tropical America" and 6 autograph letters of A R Wallace to William Mitten, which have been deposited in the Society's collection of Manuscripts; signed S Savage.
NHM-WP16.002.039    Correspondence:   Museum of the History of Science, Mitten William  1951.01.29--1951   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Museum of the History of Science, Old Ashmolean Building, Oxford 29 Jan 1951, with thanks for three microscopes safely arrived; annotated in ink by WGW with notes that 2 of the microscopes were William Mitten's and the third of a type used by A. R. Wallace. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.040    Note:    1916.12.09--1916   Formal certificate of thanks to William Greenell Wallace and Violet Isabel Wallace from the National Portrait Gallery, London 9 Dec 1916 for their donation of a collection of photographs of A. R. Wallace. See also WP16/2/41 and WP16/2/42.
NHM-WP16.002.043    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth, Harrison Benjamin  1946.12.10   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 10 Dec 1946, with personal thanks for WGW's gift; a connection with great men Wallace, Harrison and Darwin; enclosure to formal thanks for box of flints (See WP16/2/44); signed T K Penniman. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.044    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth, Harrison Benjamin  1946.12.10   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 10 Dec 1946, formal thanks for a box of flints collected by Benjamin Harrison, and letters of A. R. Wallace; signed T K Penniman.
NHM-WP16.002.045    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1947.12.02--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 2 Dec 1947, re choosing specimens from the collection of A R Wallace, arrowheads of particular interest; annotated by WGW; signed T K Penniman. Place: Oxford USA
NHM-WP16.002.046    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1947.12.06--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 6 Dec 1947, re donation of arrowheads and United States Geological Survey monograph; moccasins also of interest; signed T K Penniman Place: Oxford USA
NHM-WP16.002.047    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1947.11.00   Letter, draft or copy in WGW's hand to T K Penniman, Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, from William Greenell Wallace, Bournemouth, undated, (cNov 1947?), offering part of a collection of arrowheads given by the Smithsonian Institution to A R Wallace in 1887; some already chosen by the British Museum.
NHM-WP16.002.048    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1947.12.10--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 10 Dec 1947, re the safe arrival of arrowheads and moccasins; signed T K Penniman; annotated on the back in WGW's hand.
NHM-WP16.002.049    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Gurden R C  1947.12.11--1947   Postcard to William Greenell Wallace from the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 11 Dec 1947, signed R C Gurden, Secretary with thanks for the gift of U.S. Geological Survey Atlas. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.050    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Gurden R C  1947.12.15--1947   Postcard to William Greenell Wallace from the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 15 Dec 1947, signed R C Gurden, acknowledging receipt of Dutton, C E, Tertiary History of the Grand Canon district, (U.S. Geological Survey).
NHM-WP16.002.051    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Bradford J S P  1948.01.15   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the assistant curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 15 Jan 1948, re donation of objects; method of arrowhead chipping; working with obsidian; signed J S P Bradford; annotated by WGW. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.052    Printed:    1948.07.31--1948   Report of the Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Department of Ethnology, for the year ending 31 July 1948 University of Oxford, 11pp; annotated on the front in WGW's hand? "p. 8", marked in pencil in the margin of p. 8 next to the notice of a donation by W G Wallace of American stone implements collected by his father.
NHM-WP16.002.053    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1949.09.22--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 22 Sep 1949 re offer of a betel box; signed T K Penniman; annotated by WGW. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.054    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1949.10.08--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 8 Oct 1949 re receipt of a box for holding lime used in betel chewing; literature on soapstone carving; signed T K Penniman. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.055    Note:    1947.11.20   Certificate of acknowledgement of receipt of a gift, to William Greenell Wallace from Borough of Poole Public Libraries, 20 Nov 1947, with thanks for his gift of 1 vol of Timsworth's Works by Edmund Gosse.
NHM-WP16.002.056    Correspondence:   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew , Prain Sir David  1917.07.31--1917   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the 31 Jul 1917, signed D Prain, with thanks for A. R. Wallace specimens for the Museum; notes on the back in WGW's hand re specimens of Curare poison. Place: Amazon London
NHM-WP16.002.057    Correspondence:   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Hill Arthur William, Spruce Richard  1934.01.24--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 24 Jan 1934, signed Arthur Hill, re donation to the Linnean Society by WGW of Richard Spruce notebook containing a list of botanical excursions 1841 and 1836. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.058    Correspondence:   Royal Geographical Society  1931.08.13--1931   Letter to Miss Walalce (Violet Wallace) from the Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, London 13 Aug 1931 signed Arthur R Hinks, re her brother's letter, her moving house and her offer to donate to the Society a large armchair once used by A. R. Wallace; offer accepted with thanks; 2ff annotated in faint pencil on the back of f.2 in VIW's? hand with list of household items. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.059    Correspondence:   Royal Society ,Dale Sir Henry Hallett, Meldola Raphael  1935.07.25--1935   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London 25 Jul 1935 signed H H Dale, Secretary, accepting offer of a revolving bookstand originally given to A. R. Wallace by professor Meldola; annotated on the back by WGW Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.060    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Winckworth Ronald, Wallace Violet Isabel  1935.08.02--1935   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London 2 Aug 1935, signed R Winckworth, Assistant Secretary, re receipt of revolving bookstand and noting WGW's wish that his sister Violet's name be associated with his in any formal thanks. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.061    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Spruce Richard  1942.10.02--1942   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London, 2 Oct 1942, with thanks for donation of sketches and notes by Richard Spruce; annotated in pencil by WGW "Sketches of scenery, Indians & Rock markings. | W.G.W." Place: Amazon
NHM-WP16.002.062    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Turner G E S, Wallace Violet Isabel  1945.05.04?--1946?   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the University Museum, Oxford, 4 May 1945 [sic], signed G E S Turner, assistant Secretary, accepting offer of trapdoor spider's nest; donation of Caribbean celt to the Pitt Rivers Museum; annotated in pencil by WGW on the front "Spider's nest sent | May 13th 1946 [sic]" and on the back in ink "A very large trapdoor spider's nest from S. Africa with spider. | Given to V.I.W." followed by a list of [Negs?] including Birds of Paradise, in pencil.
NHM-WP16.002.063    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Turner G E S , Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford , Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1946.12.05   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the University Museum Oxford, signed G E S Turner, 5 Dec 1946, re offer to donate a collection of eoliths and examples of flint-knapping by Benjamin Harrison; Mr Penniman of the Pitt Rivers Museum in the ethnological department, would be happy to accept; annotated in pencil by WGW "Wrote Dec 7th - to post on 9th - (Monday) | Two boxes of Harrison flints | & Several letters re same."
NHM-WP16.003    Note:    1914.00.00?--1914.04.00   Papers c 1914 re the sale of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP16.003.001    Correspondence:   Richis? T H,  1914.04.22   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from T H Richis?, Kitwells, Shenley, Herts., 22 Apr 1914, re letter from Mr Cockerell informing him his offer of £200 for A. R. Wallace's library has been accepted; asks WGW to put him in touch with the Public Trustee to complete sale; preferred arrangement for removal of books. Place: Shenley Hertfordshire Notes: In large green envelope with top removed, labelled in Mrs R W's? hand " A.R.W | Letter from British Museum re A. R. Wallace [sale] | Sale of A. R. Wallace's library" with one sheet listing some of A. R. Wallace's books, duplicate of p. 3 of a longer list (See WP16/3/2) and a Helvetia 50 [Swiss centimes?] stamp postmarked "10.12.80 -18". MISSING 6 Nov 2003. Envelope discarded 2003.
NHM-WP16.004.001    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History) , Parker Hampton Wildman, Fraser F C, Rosenberg William Frederik Henry, Kinnear Norman Boyd  1949.09.28   Letter to Colonel C F Fraser, Bournemouth, from H W Parker, BMNH, London 28 Sep 1949, re Fraser's enquiry about the sale and value of bird of paradise skins collected by A. R. Wallace; BMNH alread has an adequate collection, suggests trying a dealer such as Rosenberg; annotated by WGW. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England London England
NHM-WP16.004.002    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Usher Harold Bench  1949.11.10   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from H Bench Usher, BMNH Bird Section, London 10 Nov 1949 re sale of A. R. Wallace's Bird of Paradise skins; BMNH has no sale catalogue available, suggests WGW advertise in the Museums Journal; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.004.003    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Hardy Sir Alister Clavering, Tucker Mr  1949.10.21   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from A C Hardy, Dept of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford, 21 Oct 1949, re the sale of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace; Mr Tucker, curator of birds, is ill and unavailable, Hardy feels skins probably not wanted, but would like to know asking price. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.004.005    Correspondence:   University Museum of Zoology Cambridge , Parrington Francis Rex  1949.12.02   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from F R Parrington, Director, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, 2 Dec 1949, offering to purchase 5 skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace if in good condition; asks to examine them; annotated in ink and pencil by WGW. Place: Cambridge
NHM-WP16.004.006    Correspondence:   University Museum of Zoology Cambridge, Parrington Francis Rex  1950.02.02   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from F R Parrington, Director, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, 2 Feb 1950, re safe arrival of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace; skins in good condition and will purchase, enclosing £10 cheque in payment; annotated by WGW. Place: Cambridge
CUL-DAR148.419    Note:    1868.03.00   Memos on sterility of hybrids, March 1868.   Text
S729.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. My life: A record of events and opinions. London: Chapman & Hall. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
WS3    Book:     Edwards, W. H. 1847. A voyage up the river Amazon, including a residence at Para. London: John Murray.   Image   PDF
S045r    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Extracts from a letter of Mr. A. R. Wallace to Mr. S. Stevens. Zoologist 17 (200-201, March): 6409-6413.   Text   Image
NHM-WP17.002    Photo:    1858.00.00?--unknown   Stag beetle, Sepia image on paper captioned "Dorcus Parryi, Thomp.", headed "Specimen of Photo-lithography", with "From Nature, by Thomas Sims, 5. W.G. Terrace Bayswater" written on the bottom margin. Annotated on the back (by A. R. Wallace?) "Thomas Sims, 5 Westbourne Grove Terrace W." Possibly originally an enclosure in a letter to A. R. Wallace: See several letters from A. R. Wallace to Fanny Sims c.1858-59 in family correspondence (WP1/3) Place: London England Notes: Formerly in a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, containing miscellaneous apparently unrelated letters and photos
NHM-WP17.005.001    Note:    1873.09.18--1873   Printed portrait engraving by C H Jeens, image approximately 7cm square, centred on a sheet of paper approximately 19.5 cm x 28 cm. From a photograph by John Watkins. Presented to the subscribers to "Nature" No 200 18 Sep 1873.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore