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NHM-WP10    Note:    1870?--1897   Physiography examinations: Three small cardboard folders apparently made from the covers of books or notebooks from which the original pages have been removed, bundled together with a sheet of paper with general title "Examinations" in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand. They contain printed copies of Physiography (physical geography) elementary and advanced examinations, c. 1870-1897, and ms notes, mostly in A. R. Wallace's hand, containing suggested questions, names of examiners, notes of examination (board) meetings, statistics, comments on the qualities of the candidates and copies of amusing answers to questions.
NHM-WP10.001    Note:    1870--1879?   Examinations in Physiography; print and Ms notes
NHM-WP10.001.[01]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiner Professor Ansted. 1873.
NHM-WP10.001.[02]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiner Professor Ansted. 1876.
NHM-WP10.001.[03]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Part of a printed examination paper, ( physical geography) advanced, pasted onto a folio with notes in A. R. Wallace's hand written on the back.The paper is dated in pencil and the notes in ink: 1876.
NHM-WP10.001.[04]    Note:    1870--1879?   Ems notes, 1 folio with a table of statistics headed "Elementary papers exd by A.R.W" in pencil on the front and notes on some exam questions in ink on the back. The notes are written over illegible text in faint blue pencil.
NHM-WP10.001.[05]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Part of a printed examination paper, ( physical geography) elementary, pasted onto a sheet of card apparently torn from the cover of a book. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand. Undated.
NHM-WP10.001.[06]    Note:    1870--1879?   Copies in an unknown hand of candidates' answers to physical geography examination questions, undated, folded inside a sheet of lined paper labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Year not known | Prof Anstey's (Ansted?) Time". 3 folios including cover.
NHM-WP10.001.[07]    Note:    1870--1879?   Copies in A. R. Wallace's hand of candidates' answers to some physical geography examination questions of 1878, folded inside a lined paper cover labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "1878 | Curious Answers". 4 folios including cover.
NHM-WP10.001.[08]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiners Professor John W Judd and J Norman Lockyer Esq., 1879, containing four sheets of copies in A. R. Wallace's hand of candidates' answers to some of the questions in the paper.
NHM-WP10.002    Note:    1870?--1888?   Cardboard cover with spine title "Geog. Dist. of Coniferce. [sic]" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand, front title "Physiography | 1888" in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand, containing annotated printed examination papers and notes, most undated. Most annotations appear to be in A. R. Wallace's hand. The contents are as follows: WP10/2.01 to 18 Notes: One page torn, others folded to fit cover. For convenience of location the loose papers have been numbered in pencil in square brackets in the order listed in the description field, but not recorded as separate pieces.P J Lucas, Feb 2003.
NHM-WP10.002.[02]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper, A. Physical geography of Palestine. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "Marks".
NHM-WP10.002.[03]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper. Physical geography of India. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "First Proof Mar 1/70".
NHM-WP10.002.[04]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "Marks." This is NOT a duplicate of the first document, each having different questions.
NHM-WP10.002.[05]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth. 1 folio print, undated, without annotations. This is a duplicate of document 2 in the list.
NHM-WP10.002.[06]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper, A. Physical geography of Palestine. 1 folio print, undated, without annotations. Duplicate of document 2.
NHM-WP10.002.[07]    Note:    1870?--1888?   3 pages of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on 2 folios, headed "Physiography examinations - Notes 1878. | Dew. Unusual errors."
NHM-WP10.002.[08]    Note:    1870?--1888?   Ms notes on three examination questions, on 1 folio in A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "Notes for Judd". Undated.
NHM-WP10.002.[09]    Note:    1870?--1888?   Ms notes on four examination questions, on 1 folio in A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "Notes for Lockyer". Undated.
NHM-WP10.002.[10]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   1 folio, print: Rugby School geographical prize examination paper January, 1881.
NHM-WP10.002.[11]    Note:    1870?--1888?   1 folio cut-out strips of printed examination questions and instructions for marking each, for an elementary geography examination. Undated.
NHM-WP10.002.[12]    Note:    1870?--1888?   2 foolscap folios of ms in an unknown hand (T Rupert Jones' ?), undated, listing names of geography examiners and associated dates; with annotations in A. R. Wallace's? hand. Names include Ansted, Bates, Dallas, Lockyer, Judd and Wallace among others. Associated dates are from 1871 to 1885. One folio is labelled on the back in A. R. Wallace's? hand "T.Rupert Jones' Notes of Examiners."
NHM-WP10.002.[13]    Note:    1870?--1888?   2 folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, headed respectively "Physiography, advanced" and "Physiography, elementary", each containing four examination questions.
NHM-WP10.002.[14]    Note:    1870?--1888?   1 folio of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "Physiography | Suggestions for questions | Elementary". Undated.
NHM-WP10.002.[15]    Note:    1870?--1888?   1 folio (3 pages) of mss notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Suggested questions in Physiography | by A.R. Wallace. 1879".
NHM-WP10.002.[16]    Note:    1870?--1888?   1 folio of ms with geography examination questions in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Sent to Prof. Ansted June 1874".
NHM-WP10.002.[17]    Note:    1870?--1888?   4 folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Remarks on the Syllabus - Physiography. | By Alfred R. Wallace Asst. Exnr." The back of folio 4 is labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Rough draft - A Syllabus - Physiography".
NHM-WP10.002.[18]    Note:    1870?--1888?   3 folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "Private Notes | Curiosities of examinations." with questions and quotations from answers to geography exams of 1873 and 1875. There are two blue foolscap folios (1873 exam) and one small cream folio (1875 exam). Notes: One page torn, others folded to fit cover. For convenience of location the loose papers have been numbered in pencil in square brackets in the order listed in the description field, but not recorded as separate pieces.P J Lucas, Feb 2003.
S715.2Dutch    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Insulinde: het land van den orang-oetan en den paradijsvogel; uit het Engelsch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door p. J. Veth. Amsterdam: p. N. van Kampen. Volume 2.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP04    Note:    1871--1912   Architectural drawings and other papers relating to building and alteration plans for A. R. Wallace's various houses c 1871-1912, and for a Museum of natural history; including building plans and elevations and sketch maps of surrounding land, many by A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP04.001.[01]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 1.Ground plan on waxed linen in black and coloured ink headed "Villa [ i.e. "The Dell"] at Grays | For A. R. Wallace", no date, minor annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand, approx 70 cm x 40 Place: Grays Essex England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container. Architect may have been Thomas Robjohn Wonnacott, architect and Surveyor, who proved a will at St Pancras in 1876 (Source: Nos. 1- 4 were in a modern envelope (discarded) labelled in R W's hand "Plans for 'The Dell' | Sketch for a National Museum 1864"; Nos. 5-7 were in a separate long envelope with no stamp, addressed to "Guayaquil" c/o Davies & Co Advertising agents…London, address crossed out and "Plans of 'The Dell' Grays" added in pencil in ARW's? WGW's? hand. The plan and elevation of the Museum and the envelope were on display in the Rare Books room before listing: they are recorded in the preliminary list for original box 3.
NHM-WP04.001.[02]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 2. Architect's drawings headed "Lodge at Grays Essex For A.R. Wallace", five on one sheet, same type and style as previous, approx. 45 cm square, showing front and side views of lodge, (presumably a separate building in the grounds of "The Dell") ground plan of rooms and a section, signed at bottom right "[T] Wonnacott, |Architect | Farnham and Chertsey" Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[03]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 3. Ground plan on (waxed linen?) in black and coloured ink, apparently drawn by A. R. Wallace; not the same as previous - possibly an initial idea, or of another wing, but may be of a different house, includes verandah leading to a hall with dining room or library on the left and breakfast room on the right; gas pipes shown in red, water pipes in blue; annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand in red, black and blue ink. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[04]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 4. Front view of "The Dell", with a one-storey wing extending to the right, with the date "1871" set above two windows to the right of the entrance. Drawing on (waxed linen?) by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title: identified by comparison with the photo of the house reproduced in "My Life" vol. 2 facing p. 92. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[05]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 5. South view and roof plan of the same house ("The Dell"), approx 37 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title: identified as before Place: Grays Essex England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container. Architect may have been Thomas Robjohn Wonnacott, architect and Surveyor, who proved a will at St Pancras in 1876 (Source: Nos. 1- 4 were in a modern envelope (discarded) labelled in R W's hand "Plans for 'The Dell' | Sketch for a National Museum 1864"; Nos. 5-7 were in a separate long envelope with no stamp, addressed to "Guayaquil" c/o Davies & Co Advertising agents…London, address crossed out and "Plans of 'The Dell' Grays" added in pencil in ARW's? WGW's? hand. The plan and elevation of the Museum and the envelope were on display in the Rare Books room before listing: they are recorded in the preliminary list for original box 3.
NHM-WP04.001.[06]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 6. Ground plan of rooms ("The Dell"?) including Laundry, Workshop and attached Tool House, approx. 35 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[07]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 7. Attic Plan and Chamber Plan (of "The Dell"?) including Nursery and Store in attic, on one sheet approx 37 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP07.041    Printed:    1871--1880   7 Reviews by A. R. Wallace published in "The Academy" and "Nature" 1871-1880, in paper folder labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Reviews by A. R. Wallace | Darwins Descent of man … Academy | Mivart's lessons from Nature [Academy] | Bree (Dr) Fallacies of Darwinism", comprising: WP7/41.01 to 07
NHM-WP07.041.[01]    Draft:    1871   Printed proof sheets from "The Academy" annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "March 1871, of a review by him of Charles Darwin, "The Descent of man and Selection in relation to Sex (London 1871) with minor corrections, pasted onto 7 folios of red-lined blue paper, back and front, most with page numbers (up to 14) added in ink
NHM-WP07.042.[01]    Draft:    1871   Proof sheet? From an unnamed undated journal of a review by A. R. Wallace of H Charlton Bastian, "The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms…" (London 1871), pasted onto one sheet of blue red-lined paper.
NHM-WP07.109.[01]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated proof (1910?) corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only. Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.109.[02]    Note:    1871--1911   Envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Corrected proofs of Geographical Distribution of Animal Life (A.R.W.) For, [sic] Harmsworth's Natural History"; containing the above when listed. Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.109.[03]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated duplicate? proof (1910?) pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only annotated at the top of the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand "(From Harmsworth's Natural History)" and in pencil in an unknown hand "A1". Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP13    Printed:    1871--1913   Hampden, J, papers re Flat Earth controversy 1871-1913: Printed papers, pamphlets and correspondence relating to A. R. Wallace's acceptance of John Hampden's challenge in 1870 to prove the curvature of the earth by demonstrating the convexity of a body water for a wager and subsequent dispute over the result. Place: Downham Market Norfolk England Notes: See also Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Washington DC 29 Jan 1887 (WP1/17/17)
NHM-WP13.001    Note:    1871--1913   Small cardboard folder apparently made from the cover of a book or notebook from which the original pages have been removed. Two titles on the spine in ink in A. R. Wallace's and an unknown hand, obscured by torn paper: "Bates on Delta of Amazon. Wall. on R Wagr . . ." (remainder torn away) and, upside down relative to this and deleted, "Asa Gray. Review of D..." (remainder torn away). Titled on front cover in in in A. R. Wallace's hand, over illegible text in blue pencil: "Papers and Pamphlets by Carpenter and Parallax - also Hampden - Flat-Earth Man!" Contents: Printed papers and pamphlets including material on A. R. Wallace's acceptance of John Hampden's challenge to demonstrate the curvature of the earth and subsequent dispute.
NHM-WP13.001.001    Printed:    1871   Printed pamphlet titled "Water, not convex: The Earth not a Globe! Demonstrated by Alfred R. Wallace Esq. on the 5th of March, 1870, by the old Bedford canal, near Downham Market, Norfolk." Written and published by William Carpenter, London 1871. 31 pages. Place: Norfolk England
NHM-WP13.001.011    Correspondence:   Carpenter William, Wallace Alfred Russel, Hampden John  1871   Letter paper printed with the address Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, with "Spiritualism | Wallace v. Carpenter | Hampden's & Flat-Earth Experiments - I &c. &c. " written on the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink. Place: Dorset Norfolk England Notes: This was found loose among unrelated papers in WP1 and has been inserted here - it is presumably a file title page for the item.
S149    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. [Questions and remarks]. In: Report on spiritualism, of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society, together with the evidence, oral and written, and a selection from the correspondence. London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, pp. 183, 210.   Text   Image   PDF
S171    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. On a diagram of the earth's eccentricity and the precession of the equinoxes, illustrating their relation to geological climate and the rate of organic change. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 40 (part 2: Sections): 89.   Text   Image   PDF
S179a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. [Horned toads and rattlesnakes]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (3 January): 1-2.   Text   Image   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore