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NHM-WP17.014    Photo:    [1913]   Sepia photo approximately 15 cm x 11 cm showing a roofless brick cottage with partly completed building behind to the right, washing on a line and snow on the ground in front. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Done by a landlord to a tenant who always paid her rent! | Nr Guildford." Undated and unattributed (A. R. Wallace?) Place: Guildford Surrey England Notes: In envelope labelled "Photos &c for Studies" (i.e. "Studies Scientific and Social") when listed. The image is not reproduced there and no related essays seem to be included in the text.
NHM-WP18.024    Note:    [1913]--[1951]   Cover of a copy of "Trade Catalogue of the 'London Editions' of Bibles, Prayers, &c." (Eyre & Spottiswoode, London Bible Warehouse, London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melbourne, Sydney and New York, undated) with spine title "The London trade Catalogue of Bibles, Prayers, Books etc." Notes: When listed enclosed obits of and scientific papers sent to William Mitten together with unrelated photographs and a press cutting, all now transferred to appropriate series. Dates based on periods when WGW might have been sorting A. R. Wallace's papers, but very speculative.
NHM-WP18.026    Note:    [1913]--[1951]   Label: "A .R.W. 90th | Birthday | Congratulations" in pencil in WGW's? hand on a small sheet of cream paper approximately 11 cm x 9 cm. Notes: Among letters to A. R. Wallace, mostly on his 90th birthday (1913) when listed. Dates based on periods when WGW might have been sorting A. R. Wallace's papers.
NHM-WP18.030    Note:    [1913]--[1970]   Label " Authors Separate of Original Communication to Linnean Society."; large block capitals in black ink in an unknown hand, undated, on a piece of cream card approximately 16.5 cm x 4 cm. Notes: Found loose in boxes; not recorded earlier but probably original box 4. Almost certainly not created by the NHM and therefore possibly either by A. R. Wallace or a member of his family; to separate books? For an exhibition?
S702a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. [Letter to Edward B.Poulton, dated April 2, 1913]. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 125: 26   Text   Image
WSPEC275    Periodical contribution:     Horn, Walther. 1913. 50 neue Cicindelinae. Archiv für Naturgeschichte Abt. A 79 (11): 1-33.   PDF
NHM-WP07.113    Printed:    1913?   Print, page proof? or press cutting pp. 223 -224 of "The Young Man", undated, headed on p. 223 "Is Britain on the Down Grade?" including a letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace re a (letter?) by William Clarke on the subject of morals.
NHM-WP16.001.070    Correspondence:   Williams James Leon, Wallace Alfred Russel  1913?--1913   Undated (c.1913?) draft letter in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand on 4 folios of exercise book paper, to "Dear Sir" re variation and natural selection, beginning "It is not easy to make the ordinary reader understand such as question as to variation as you put to me…" unsigned and with corrections; possibly to J Leon Williams (See WP16/1/69) about July 1913; enclosed when listed in an envelope postmarked 25 Jun 1913 addressed to W G Wallace (A. R. Wallace's son William) annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's hand "To J Leon? Williams (Biol)" together with a stamped envelope with a return address: WP16/1/69 (2 and 3) Notes: The hand in which the draft is written may be WGW acting as amanuensis though in my opinion it is A. R. Wallace's. Both are very similar - see WGW's ms sketch of his Father's life, in WP2/4, written on the same type of paper. Broken at folds and acidic; empty envelope addresses to Williams was partly sealed when examined but easily unstuck, probably pressure of folding sealed it.
NHM-WP16.003.002    Note:    1913?--1914?   "Dr A .R.Wallace's Library. List of the principal books"; ten numbered folios TS and CC in columns headed Title, Author, Notes and Inscriptions; first page TS, pages 2-10 CC; number of volumes if more than one added in the left margin in pencil in WGW's? hand. See letter from T H Richis? (WP16/3/1) re purchase of library. Notes: When listed were included in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW". A TS of page 3, probably the top copy of the CC p 3 here, was found at another location (See WP16/3/3)
NHM-WP16.003.003    Note:    1913?--1914?   One folio CC, headed "Dr. Wallace's Library", p. 3; duplicate copy of p. 3 of 10 in a list of A. R. Wallace's books (see WP16/3/2)
WS4    Book:     Kinman, G. W. 1914. A Great Hertfordian. Hertford: Austin.   Image
NHM-WP02.006.002.01    Note:    [1914]   Ms table in ink in William Greenell Wallace's? hand headed "Outline of A R Wallace's Life" with "Outline of " corrected, possibly in another hand, to "Table of Events in": listing key events by date and season up to 1909; undated; numerous corrections and deletions; annotation (crossed through) at top left :" To precede 1st chapter". 5 numbered folios approx. 33 cm x 20.5 cm with brass paper clip.
NHM-WP02.006.002.02    Note:    [1914--1915]   Undated Ms in ink in William Greenell Wallace's? hand headed "Outline of Dr. A.R. Wallace's life" tabling events by date up to 1909 with page refs to A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life". 3 numbered ff. approx. 33 cm x 20.5 cm with brass paper clip. Notes: See WP2/6/2/. Though the hand here is smaller it's possible both tables are by the same person, though one may be by WGW and one by VIW. Neither hand resembles that of James Marchant.
NHM-WP02.006.002.03    Note:    [1914--1915]   Rough undated notes in ink in an unknown hand re A. R. Wallace's experiences in the Malay Archipelago, beginning "1854 went to the Malay Archipelago - a part of the world quite unknown then - and full of the most wonderful birds and insects." 2 pp. on 2 ff.
NHM-WP02.006.003.05    Draft:    [1914--1916]   "Home Life of Dr. A. R. Wallace"; undated TS with cover page annotated in WGW's? hand in pencil "Copy of home Life Chap". 5 numbered pp. , 6 ff. Notes: An edited version of this is published in Marchant under the chapter heading "Home Life".
NHM-WP02.006.003.07    Draft:    [1914--1916]   Reminiscence of A. R. Wallace by J W Sharpe; MS printed in an unknown hand (Sharpe's?) beginning "About 35 years ago Dr Wallace built a house at Godalming upon a plot of ground wh. Adjoined that upon wh. Our house stood…"; 4 numbered folios undated and unsigned; annotated on the first in pencil in WGW's? hand "Copied." Notes: An edited version is published in J Marchant, Letters and Reminiscences, (London 1916) vol. 2, pp. 107-108.
NHM-WP16.005.[01]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 1. "List of Works by A. R. Wallace | Books"; CC, listing books by A. R. Wallace 1853-1907, 4 folios including top sheet with title and back sheet, tied with green ribbon at one corner. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[02]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 2. "List of Works by A. R. Wallace | Books", 3 folios TS including top sheet signed in pencil "W G Wallace" and annotated in his hand "Please return to WGW"; listing books by A. R. Wallace 1853-1907, with works 1908 to 1913 added by hand and crossed through in blue pencil. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[03]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 3. 1 p TS or CC addendum to the above listing works 1908-1913 Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[04]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 4. Note headed "Spare copies" listing some A. R. Wallace works, number of copies and shelf location; front page of TS signed W G Wallace. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[05]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 5. Ms list in pencil in WGW's? hand headed "Appendix II | Articles papers &c" listing short publications by A. R. Wallace 1852-1858; 1 folio. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[06]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 6. "Letters Etc. by Dr A.R. Wallace in 'Nature", 7 numbered folios TS plus covering page annotated in WGW's hand "W G Wallace | Please return to WGW" Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[07]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 7. Stamped envelope addressed to W G Wallace, The Haven, Sea Road, Boscombe, postmarked Feb? 1916? with annotations including on the back in blue pencil "List of A. R. Wallace's Works, Articles, & Contributions to 'Nature"'. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
NHM-WP16.005.[08]    Note:    [1914]   TS and Ms lists and notes apparently compiled by William Greenell Wallace comprising: 8. Stamped envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace at Old Orchard, from T D A Cockerell, Boulder California, postmark illegible; annotated on the bottom in an unknown hand in pencil "Letters by Dr Wallace in 'Nature"'. Notes: When listed all except list of letters in "Nature" were in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with some apparently unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"; list of letters etc in Nature, was in envelope addressed to Mrs A R Wallace, loose in original box 3. See also WP2/6, papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . .", for which these lists may have been compiled.
S707ad    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1914. Letter [to Mrs. C.p. Farrell, dated 30 June 1913, Broadstone, Dorset]. In: Proceedings of the International Anti-Vivisection and Animal Protection Congress Held at Washington, D.C. December 8th to 11th, 1913. New York: The Tudor Press, p. 41.   Text
NHM-WP16.002.041    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell  1914?--1917?   TS or CC, undated, by William Greenell Wallace headed "Portraits of Dr. A. R. Wallace" with "Now in the National Portrait Gallery" added below in pencil in WGW's hand, with some details of the history of two portraits of A. R. Wallace, one painted from a photograph of c.1860 and a medallion by Bruce-Joy. Notes: Text suggests the notes may have been made shortly after A. R. Wallace's death, possibly 1914, but pencilled note added later, after donation of portraits to National Portrait Gallery and therefore probably 1917 or later.
NHM-WP02.003.042    Note:    [1915]   Undated design c.1915? in William Greenell Wallace's? hand, for inscription on gravestone of A. R. Wallace and Annie Mitten/Wallace, with their names and dates of birth and death and dimension of design in inches. Notes: Date assumed from Annie's death on 10 Dec 1914.
NHM-WP02.006.003.08    Draft:    [1915--1916]   Undated carbon copies (c.1916?), some with annotations, of personal recollections of A. R. Wallace by various authors and of letters and extracts from letters by him; most if not all published in some form in Marchant 1916: approximately 60 letters or extracts numbered internally, interleaved with pages headed "Home Life [no.]" containing short reminiscences of A. R. Wallace apparently by William and Violet Wallace: approximately 200 A4 folios including: "Reminiscences of A.R. Wallace O.M. by Reginald B Rathbone"; TS carbon copies each five numbered folios A4. Reminiscences of A. R. Wallace by O Pickard-Cambridge, H E Littledale and J W Sharpe. Letters and extracts of letters from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, his son William, his wife Annie, Dr Richard Norris, Miss Norris, Dr Littledale and Fred Birch, 1891-c 1908; two cc of each on A4 paper. Notes: When listed these were in a large modern (1995) envelope (destroyed) labelled in Richard Wallace's (and Mrs R Wallace's? ) hands "Typed letters A. R. Wallace to Violet and Will | Reminiscences of R B Rathbone | [Ditto] WG & VI for Marchants Book". Most duplicated letters exist in the original in this collection but some, including extracts from a letter by A. R. Wallace to Fred Birch and letters to Richard Norris and Dr. Littledale, have not been found in the original here.
NHM-WP02.006.004    Note:    [1915--1916]   Papers of Cassell & Co. Ltd, publishers, re the publication and sale of James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (1916. Cassell & Co. Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne)
NHM-WP16.002    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel  1915?--1951   Correspondence c.1915 -1951 between William and Violet Wallace and various societies and museums re gifts of A. R. Wallace letters and artefacts, in white paper folder annotated on the front in ink in WGW's hand "Letters & Acknowledgments relating to gifts to various museums & societies." Correspondents include the British Museum, BMNH, Pitt Rivers Museum, the Linnean Society, the Royal Society, Royal Geographical Society and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew; a number have copies or draft replies in WGW's hand on the back. Papers have been arranged in alphabetical order by correspondent and then by date, apparently the order created by William Greenell Wallace, though some letters from the British Museum found loose have been inserted. Notes: WP16/2/15A, missed in sorting, has been so numbered because associated with the previous record, rather than moving it out of sequence to the end of the list. PJL 26/1/04
NHM-WP02.006.005.05.[2]    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  [1916]   Five numbered ff. CC headed "List of the Darwin - Wallace Letters", with columns headed "C.D. to A.R.W" and "A.R.W to C.D." listing letters by date with pencilled lines connecting some letters; some with abbreviated page and volume references to "M.Lt." (Marchant Letters and Reminiscences 1916?) and/or "L & L" (Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 1905?) or "My L" (My Life, A. R. Wallace's autobiography 1905?). Miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"
WS1.1    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 1.   Text
NHM-WP02.006.004.01    Printed:    [1916]   Printed advance notice, undated, of the forthcoming publication of James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (March 1916. Cassell & Co. Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne) decorated with a small engraving or woodcut portrait of A. R. Wallace and including order form.
NHM-WP02.006.005.04    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1916]   Brown envelope approximately 25cm X 20cm, used as outer wrapping for bundled letters written by A. R. Wallace from USA and Canada as delivered for listing. A wide strip has been torn away from the front, which is divided into four squares in blue pencil, annotated in an unknown hand "Registered" and addressed to W G Wallace, Esq, Old Orchard, Broadst (Broadstone) Dor (Dorset). Part of the address is missing at the tear. Of three postmarks on the front two are illegible; one is Wimb[orne] (Wimborne?) 10 Jul (1916?). Beneath the postmarks is an annotation in pencil in WGW's? hand : " A. R. Wallace's U.S.A. letters | Copied Aug/15". Place: Wimborne Dorset England
NHM-WP02.006.005.05.[1]    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  [1916]   Index and list of correspondence between A. R. Wallace and Charles Darwin, 1 p. TS headed "Index to Darwin Wallace Letters" with dates of letters to and from Wallace listed in two columns, some with brief notes on content; annotated in pencil in WGW's hand.
WS1.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text
S707    Book contribution:     Clodd, Edward. 1916. Memories. London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 64-65.   Text   Image
WSPEC223    Periodical contribution:     Champion, George Charles. 1916. On new and little-known Lagriidae and Pedilidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1916: 181-242.   PDF
WSPEC320    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1916. Rhynchotal notes – LIX. Homoptera. Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology (8) 17: 313-330.   PDF
S707ar    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1917. Comments on nature vs. nurture. In Marchant, James. Birth-rate and empire. London: Williams and Norgate, p. 101.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP16.002.001    Printed:    1917--1918   Printed pamphlet, "Return | British Museum 1918" HMSO May 1918, financial report including lists of significant donations 1917; reports on p. 22 of the donation in 1917 to the BMNH of two Ms notebooks in A. R. Wallace's hand on specimens, "chiefly insects" collected in the Malay Archipelago. Place: Malaya Notes: P. 22 reports on the donation in 1917 to the BMNH of two Ms notebooks in A. R. Wallace's hand on specimens, "chiefly insects" collected in the Malay Archipelago.
NHM-WP16.002.042    Printed:    1917   Sixtieth Annual Report of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, 1916-1917, (HMSO 1917) 7pp. , annotated on the cover in pencil in WGW's hand "Re A.R.W | See p. 6"; W G Wallace Esq. and Miss Wallace are listed on p. 6 among donors of photographs and engravings on p. 6 and the entry marked by a blue pencilled cross and annotation in lead pencil in WGW's hand "Photos of A.R.W."
WSPEC264    Periodical contribution:     Turner, Rowland E. 1918. Notes on the Braconidae in the British Museum, III. On new Australian Agathinae [description of Braunsia wallacei from New Guinea]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 9) 1: 221-233.   PDF
WSPEC348    Periodical contribution:     Mathews, George M. 1918. Blue kingfisher Alcyone azurea. Pp. 84-94, pl.332 in: The birds of Australia, vol. 7. London: Witherby & Co.   PDF
S707a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1920. From Alfred Russel Wallace. In: Le Prade, Ruth. 1920. Debs and the poets. Pasadena, California, Upton Sinclair, p. 40.   Text   Image
WSPEC162    Periodical contribution:     Baker, E.C.Stuart. 1920. Remarks on some oriental species. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 40: 112-117.   PDF
WSPEC228    Periodical contribution:     Dodd, Alan P. 1920. Notes on the exotic Proctotrupoidea in the British and Oxford University Museums, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1919: 321-382.   PDF
NHM-WP02.003.038    Printed:    1923   "Obituary Notice of A. R. Wallace (with portrait )" by E B P (E B Poulton) Printed pamphlet, reprinted from the "Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. Vol. 95 (1923) (The centenary of A. R. Wallace's birth). Notes: In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded.
NHM-WP18.020    Note:    1924   Small sheet of paper with notes in an unknown hand (possibly WGW's) headed "Extracts from 'The Wisdom of the Gods' by Dennis Bradley" containing quotes from the above work (published 1924) alleging contact with A. R. Wallace's spirit after death.
WSPEC222    Periodical contribution:     Campion, H. 1924. Descriptions of two new species of Teinobasis (Odonata). Annals Magazine Natural History (Series 9) 14: 612-614.   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore