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Results 1801-1900 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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NHM-WP13.001    Note:    1871--1913   Small cardboard folder apparently made from the cover of a book or notebook from which the original pages have been removed. Two titles on the spine in ink in A. R. Wallace's and an unknown hand, obscured by torn paper: "Bates on Delta of Amazon. Wall. on R Wagr . . ." (remainder torn away) and, upside down relative to this and deleted, "Asa Gray. Review of D..." (remainder torn away). Titled on front cover in in in A. R. Wallace's hand, over illegible text in blue pencil: "Papers and Pamphlets by Carpenter and Parallax - also Hampden - Flat-Earth Man!" Contents: Printed papers and pamphlets including material on A. R. Wallace's acceptance of John Hampden's challenge to demonstrate the curvature of the earth and subsequent dispute.
NHM-WP06.001    Note:    1872--unknown   Paper(s) relating to Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1869, "The Malay Archipelago; The Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise; A Narrative of Travel With Studies of Man and Nature". 2 volumes. Macmillan & Co., London, 9 March 1869 and subsequent editions/reprints.
S205    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1872. The President's address. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1872: li-lxxv.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP07.041.[02]    Draft:    1872   Printed proof sheets corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand of a review by him of C R Bree, "An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin" (London 1872), pasted onto one side of each of six folios of red-lined blue paper, no publication title given ("Nature" 6, July 1872? -See Shermer p. 364)
NHM-WP03.003    Notebook:    [1873]--[1913]   Small lined and ruled notebook with "Addresses" faintly visible on front cover and the remains of a brass clasp on back and front boards; containing very approximately personal and corporate names and addresses in A. R. Wallace's hand, with a few printed address lists and labels pasted onto some pages and onto the inside front cover, and lists of people to whom various A. R. Wallace publications or letters were sent (detailed below). Addresses are in alphabetical order by name but divided into categories, (by year?) so that there is more than one section A-Z. Addresses pasted in include a list in newsprint of newspaper offices in London, on the flyleaf underneath a list in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Paintings". Twelve pages at the back of the book contain gardening notes written upside down relative to the front pages and beginning on the last page of the book. These are a calendar of flowering plants at the Dell, April-May 1873 and 1875, (143-141) list of Cape (South African) heaths each with botanical name, description and time of flowering, (pp. 139-131) and a diagram of plantings c. 1889-1890 (p. 130). A loose business card from Parsons & Hayter, Builders and Estate Agents of Swanage and Wareham, is enclosed between pp 63 and 64. The notebook is approximately 16cm x 9cm, approximately 120 pages, of which 12 between the address and gardening notes section are blank. Notes which are not, or not simply, address lists are: p. 19: Names: Dec 1879, written to about result of Epping Forest Competition. p. 20: Names: To send nationalisation circular (list undated) pp. 39-40: Names: Land Nationalisation bound and paper copies sent to.(At the top of p. 40 is a note of "Diagrams on black calico by Geo. A. Rea [sic]") p. 41: includes a list of Guildford newspapers. p. 42: includes a list of gardeners pp. 43-44: Probable income during 1886-7-8,and Fixed outgoings p.45: Names: Large photos (Portrait?) sent to. pp. 46-47: American addresses (other American addresses occur in the alphabetical sections) p. 48: Miscellaneous U. K names and addresses not in alphabetical order, including V.C. special committee of London Society for the abolition of vaccination. pp. 49-50: Names: Darwinism sent to p. 50; Names: L. N. (Land Nationalisation) Address (sent to?) p. 54: Names: "Expressiveness of Speech", copies sent to p. 55: Names: "Gorge of the Aar", sent to p. 76: includes names: Copies of L.N. address 1895 "Unemployed" sent to p. 79: includes names: Copies new edition of "Island Life" July 1902 sent to p. 106: includes names: Copies of "Is Mars Habitable" sent to p. 108: Names: "Is it peace or war" copies of Public Opinion Aug 14, 1908 sent to Name: Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1823-1913 Notes: I have numbered the pages in pencil in square brackets from [1] to [143] beginning with the inside front flyleaf . P J Lucas Feb 2003. 5. Extremely poor condition, broken back, boards loose, flyleaf and some pages at front loose. This is likely to be a very important source of information and conservation should be high priority. PJL 2003
NHM-WP17.005    Photo:    1873--1884   Folder containing 22 printed portraits of scientists, published by Macmillan and Co., London and issued by "Nature" to subscribers 1873-1884. Most engraved by C H Jeens, some by G J Stodart, most from photographs; showing head and shoulders, full face or 3/4 profile except in the case of Charles Darwin, who is shown in profile facing towards the viewer's right; Wallace's portrait is not included.
S156    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1873. Introduction. In: Smith, Frederick. 1873. A catalogue of the Aculeate Hymenoptera and Ichneumonidæ of India and the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoology 11: 285-302.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP07.043    Printed:    [1873--1911]   Mss and print on ethical issues c. 1873-1911 in paper cover labelled in WGW's? A. R. Wallace's? hand "Letters on Ethical Questions", comprising: WP7/43.01 to 06. Notes: Cover made from blue paper blank on one side and red-lined on the other with printed divisions into two geographical regions (Australian and Indian) further divided into island groups (page of a collection register?). Two items assumed to be misfiled were removed and relocated: letter to Daily News re flying machines in war (see papers on this specific topic in WP ) and reprint The Palaearctic and Nearctic . . . Mammalia and Birds" (see WP7/72 ). It is possible some or all of the papers above are not those originally in the titled cover, which may have been created by WGW, as not all are letters, but all more or less fit the category.
NHM-WP07.043.[01]    Printed:    1873   Press cutting, letter to the Editor, "Daily News" headed "The evils of the drink traffic and their remedy" annotated at the top in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "?date 1873?" and "A.R.W."
NHM-WP06.006.007    Photo:    [1874--1899]   2 photos and 12 annotated proof sheets? of black and white photographic and woodcut or metal engraved images from approx. 8.5 cm x 7.5 cm to 10 cm x 15.5 cm in size illustrating 'New Guinea and its Inhabitants', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch. XX, pp. 416-460, figs 59-71; most annotated back and front in lead pencil and/or ink in A. R. Wallace's and other? hands, some with the figure number as finally published in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; comprising (fig. numbers and attributions as given in the publication): 1. Proof: Cuscus orientalis, engraving or woodcut, fig. 59, attributed Zoological Society 2. Proof: Dactylopsila trivirigata (striped possum); sheet stamped on the back "Richard Clay & Sons, Limited. Bread Street Hill E.C. 27 Nov. 1899"; engraving or woodcut, fig. 60, attributed Semon 3. Proof: Distoechurus pinnatus ( feather-tailed possum) engraving or woodcut, fig. 61, attributed Semon 4. Proof: Tree Kangaroo and New Guinea Birds, engraving or woodcut, fig. 62, from A. R. Wallace's "Geographical Distribution of Animals" 5. Proof: King Charles' Bird of Paradise, Parotia Carolae, engraving or woodcut, fig. 63, attributed A B Meyer 6. Proof: Fern-bearing Bird of paradise, Pteridophora alberti, engraving or woodcut, fig. 64, attributed A B Meye 7. Proof: Rothschild's Bird of Paradise, Astrapia splendidissima, engraving or woodcut, fig. 65 attributed Sharpe 8. Proof: Prince Rupert's Bird of Paradise, Paradisornis rudolphi, engraving or woodcut, fig. 66 attributed Sharpe 9. Proof: Papuans, South-West New Guinea, photographic image showing 4 Papuan men on a rocky beach, three sitting and one standing, facing camera; annotations in lead and blue pencil include "68" and "67 not got proof"; fig. 68, attributed Admiral Maclear. 10. Proof: Papuan of New Hebrides, photographic image showing head and naked torso of a bearded Papuan man standing against a tree trunk looking to the viewer's left, fig. 69, unattributed. 11. Proof: Native of Api, New Hebrides, oval photographic image showing to the waist a short-haired beardless man in profile looking to the viewer's right, wearing a patterned shirt and seated in a wooden chair; "Toby" can be seen in white on the print. Fig. 70, undated (1874?) attributed Challenger expedition. 12.Photograph, sepia oval print on rectangular paper, showing to the waist a short-haired beardless man in profile looking to the viewer's right, wearing a patterned shirt and seated in a wooden chair; image approx 18 cm x 13.5 cm with "Gov. Copyt." and " 'Toby' Native of Api 295 J.H." in white letters on the bottom edge of the print; the "N" in "Native" is reversed. Undated (1874?); reproduced as Fig 70. 13. Proof: Natives of Timor, photographic image showing 3 young men wearing loose robes and head-dresses, two carrying long bamboo? pipes on which one is leaning his hands and chin; a building wall and barred window is behind them. Fig 71, "from a photograph" but undated and unattributed. 14. Photograph, faded sepia, approx. 9.5 cm x 12.5 cm mounted on slightly larger card, showing 3 young men wearing loose robes and head-dresses, two carrying long bamboo? pipes on which one is leaning his hands and chin; a building wall and barred window is behind them; annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Natives of Timor | 8813 | scale | 1/1", cropping line in pencil on the left, numbered in pencil on the back "16514". Notes: A version of "New Guinea and its Inhabitants" was first published in "Contemporary Review", Feb 1879. Most proofs are very dirty with inky fingerprints; photograph of Timor natives is faded and mount dirty and foxed.
NHM-WP07.042.[02]    Printed:    1874   Offprint or proof of Notices of Books from an unnamed journal (Spectator 47: 535-536 (25 April 1874: no. 2391: see Smith S 242) vol. IV, N.S., Apr 1874, pp 229- 232, containing an anonymous review of George St. Clair, "Darwinism and Design; or Creation by Evolution" (London 1873) annotated on first page in WGW's? hand in pencil "Review by A.R.W." 2 ff.
NHM-WP07.042.[03]    Draft:    1874   Proof? Of a review by A. R. Wallace of "A Phrenologist among the Todas…" by William Marshall (London 1873), in "Notices of Books", Apr 1874, Journal unknown, pp 241-246; 3 ff. (Smith S234 refers to a review entitled "A Primeval Race" in Athenaeum no. 2403: 624-625 (15 Nov. 1873) of which this may be a reprint). Notes: The review of Marshall's "… among the Todas" was in another wallet in this box, see old ref WP4/2. Transferred earlier to WP7.
Snumberforthcoming    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1874. On the rhinoceros of Borneo. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1874 November 3: 498-499.
S246a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1874. Vorwort. In: Wallace, A. R., Die Wissenschaftliche Ansicht der Uebernatürlichen. Leipzig: Oswald Mutze, pp. v-x [translated by G.C. Wittig].   Text
S248c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1875. Letter to C.A. Wilson on The Antiquity of Man. In: Anonymous. 1875. Adelaide Philosophical Society. South Australian Register no. 8871 (21 April 1875): 5.   Text   Image   PDF
S252a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1875. Peach-house borders. The Garden 8 (no. 205, 23 Oct. 1875): 353.   Text   Image   PDF
S252b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1875. River scene, Java. In Walter B. Woodbury ed. Treasure spots of the world. A selection of the chief beauties and wonders of nature and art. London: Ward, Lock and Tyler, n.p.   Text   Image
NHM-WP07.041.[03]    Printed:    1876   Press cuttings or proofs of a review by A. R. Wallace of St George Mivart, "Lessons from Nature, as manifested in Mind and Matter" (London 1876), first column annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Academy (May 1876)", pasted onto one side of each of 5 numbered folios of red-lined blue paper
NHM-WP06.003    Note:    [1876]   Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1876, "The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the Earth's surface" (London 1876)
NHM-WP08.001.001    Printed:    1876--1907   "On Anomoclada, A new genus of Hepaticae, and on its allied genera, Odontoschisma and Adelanthus. By Richard Spruce"; reprint with dark blue cover, from the Journal of Botany, 1876. 33 pages and 2 plates. The front cover is dated "(1876)" in A. R. Wallace's hand and annotated by him in ink (c.1907?) "p. 16 - Note! | Extract? in (Biog. Introduction) | p. 24. Interesting bit on distribution. Quote in latter part of introduction. I Very interesting." Passages have been cut out of pages 15-16 and 17-18, part of p. 24 is marked in blue pencil and there are marginal annotations in lead pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand on pages 23 and 32. Place: Amazon
NHM-WP08.001    Printed:    1876--1900   Four botanical pamphlets by Richard Spruce 1866-1887, three with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand (c. 1907?), one botanical work by Matthew B Slater 1906; printed obituary notice of Spruce by Isaac Bayley Balfour 1900, with passages marked (by A. R. Wallace?) and printed memoir of George Bentham by J D Hooker, 1898. Notes: Last date based on the fact that A. R. Wallace was working on his edition of Spruce's "Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes" in 1906 and 1907.(See letters from A. R. Wallace on the subject, mainly 1907). All the pamphlets have been put into one acid-free envelope but should probably go into individual acid-free containers. PJL 15/4/03
NHM-WP09.003    Note:    1877?--1878?   Papers re lecture[s] by A. R. Wallace on ancient continents.
S257    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1877. Biology. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 46 (part 2: Sections): 100-119.   Text   Image   PDF
S591a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1877-1879. Two letters [to Grant Allen, dated 7 October 1877 and 17 February 1879]. In: Clodd, Edward. 1900. Grant Allen: a memoir. London: Grant Richards, pp. 63-64, 72-74.   Text   Image
NHM-WP09.003.001    Note:    1877?   Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Distribution of Animals as indicating Geographical Changes", probably mss of or based on "The Comparative antiquity of Continents, as indicated by the Distribution of Living and Extinct Animals", read RGS meeting June 1877 ( See Shermer, p. 367); 15 numbered folios, each about half a sheet of blue lined foolscap paper; in an annotated envelope labelled in an unknown hand in pencil "A2", in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand (Crossed out in pencil) " Lecture on Ancient Continents &c" and in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Bristol Halifax spring 1878 | Cardiff Bradford autumn 1878 | "Distribution of Animals as indicating Continental Changes"; annotated faintly in pencil on back in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Forest Fund Committee have issued their 7th Report." Notes: Also in the envelope when listed was a modern printed label "Manuscript lecture on Distribution… 15 sheets with dates and places given", presumably a NHM library label used for display at some period before listing; label destroyed October 2003. Ms Needs to be unfolded.
S291a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1878. Eradicating bindweed. The Garden 14 (no. 351, 10 Aug. 1878): 143.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP07.052    Note:    1878?--1899.04.10   Ms and TS on the subject of gunpowder storage
NHM-WP07.041.[04]    Printed:    1879   Press cutting from "The Academy" 12 Apr 1879, pp. [326] -327 with a review by A. R. Wallace of an English translation (1879?) of Ernst Haeckel, "The Evolution of man: A popular exposition of the principle points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny"; 2 ff.
NHM-WP07.041.[05]    Printed:    1879   Press cutting from "The Academy" 19 Apr 1879, p. 351-352, annotated at the top of p 352 in WGW's? hand "Article on Haeckel | Wallace", containing part two of a review by A. R. Wallace of an English translation (1879?) of Ernst Haeckel, "The Evolution of man: A popular exposition of the principle points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny"; 1 f.
S296    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1879. Discussion [of paper on the Australasian-Pacific races of man by S.J.Whitmee]. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland 8: 367-368.   Text   Image   PDF
S297    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1879. Discussion [of paper on New Guinea tribes by W. G. Lawes]. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland 8: 377.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.004.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?  [1879]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Waldron Edge, Croydon, Tuesday evening, annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "May 1879", re mild weather; son William's cough; visit from George Silk, playing chess, visiting Stevens to play billiards; primula japonicus; reaction of kitten to new surroundings; asks for a letter from Violet. Place: Croydon England Notes: RECORD MODIFIED 22/7/03, 22/8/03, 15/9/03. OLD REF. WP1/19/2/1 and later WP1/21/1. This letter when received was in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand "General - domestic &c" with one to William; these were almost certainly selected by or for James Marchant for use in writing "A. R. Wallace - Letters and Reminiscences" ( London 1916) and have been relocated.
NHM-WP07.053    Note:    1879?   Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on colour sense in and colours of animals, comprising: 1. Note headed "Colour sense (Mr Henry T Fincke [sic])". 2. Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Chapter IX ", listing page references with comments, beginning " p. 149 Butts. [butterflies?] & Humming Birds - most brilliant" . Notes: Both in very small writing on one side of paper only, sheets octavo size. Possibly notes for "Colour in Nature [review by A. R. Wallace of The Colour Sense, Its Origin and Development; An Essay in Comparative Psychology by Grant Allen, 1879]". Nature 19: 501-505 (3 April 1879: no. 492). (Smith: S304). Henry T Finck was the author of a letter to the Editor in the same volume, p. 340 (Feb 13, 1879) dated Berlin, 8 Feb, headlined "Intellect in Brutes".
NHM-WP04.002    Note:    [1880--1881]   Undated plans of Nutwood cottage Godalming and sketch map of Hindhead road, Knoll Road and Sandy Lane area, Godalming, 5 sheets and envelope, comprising: 1. "Elevation - West front" in black ink on 1 sheet waxed linen; 2. "Elevation - South Front" ditto 3. "Bedroom Plan" (partly coloured) ditto 4. Plan of ground floor (untitled but with annotations ) in ink on brown greaseproof paper 5. Sketch map in pencil on similar but thinner paper of area for sale around Hindhead and Knoll roads and Sandy Lane; all writing in A. R. Wallace's hand; all folded. 6. Cream envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Plans of Nutwood cottage Godalming" Place: Godalming Surrey England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container.
NHM-WP07.041.[06]    Printed:    1880   Press cuttings from "The Academy" 23 Oct 1880, one section ( from p. 294?) headed "Science. | The Emotions and Senses of Insects" a review by A. R. Wallace of A H Swinton, "Insect variety: Its Propagation and Distribution…" (London? 1880?), folded , with halves (accidentally?) glued together at the bottom, continued on large cutting, p. 295 -296
S325b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1880. [Comment on archeological and glacial subjects]. Journal of Proceedings at Ordinary, Field, and Other Meetings of the Essex Field Club, in Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists’ Field Club 1: xxxiv-xxxvii.   Text   Image
S334a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1880. Wallace and Darwin. In: Sargent, Epes. 1880. The scientific basis of spiritualism. Boston: Colby & Rich, pp. 360-361.   Text   Image
NHM-WP06.004.001    Note:    [1880]   Seven undated, unsigned folios of notes in Charles Darwin's hand; annotated at the top of the first folio in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwin's notes on 'Island Life"' and "Notes have been recorded in text." Comments with page references on Wallace's text, e.g. "p. 46 - I am sure that I have read of a Mus from Viti Isd., but this may have been introduced . . . p. 68 - I most heartily concur about [separated?] genera of [illegible] family ..." etc., presumably re A. R. Wallace's "Island Life: Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, Including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates". Macmillan & Co., London, Oct. 1880. Notes: On blue foolscap, the first six folios written on one side only, numbered 1,2,3,"addendum to p. 3", 4, 5, 6. When listed here these notes were in an acid-free envelope annotated, probably by E B c 2001/02 "Listed as '6 sheets of notes relating to Darwins comments on Island Life'. Possibly by Darwin?". The quote is from the rough box list made by C. Mills when the papers were inspected. Handwriting identified as Darwin's by descendant Quentin Keynes 2005.
NHM-WP10.003    Note:    1880--1897   Cardboard cover with spine title "Adaptive colouration" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand, front title "Notes on examinations" in extremely faint red pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand, with "1891-97" in ink over blue pencil below this, containing annotated printed elementary and and advanced Physiography examination papers and notes 1880 to 1890 (excluding 1887). Most annotations appear to be in A. R. Wallace's hand. The contents, 47 folios, are as follows: Folios 1 to 33 (including folder):.Folder made from a postal cover of a journal from the Entomological Society of London, stamped and postmarked (18)80?, titled on the opposite side in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Physiography 1880" with "to 1890" added in pencil, followed by a list of examinations papers by year, in ink. An undated printed and annotated examination paper is pasted onto the inside surface. The folder contains 32 loose folios which include printed physical geography examination papers 1880 to 1889 inclusive with the exception of 1887, and notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on the questions and answers, and on examination (board) meetings. Folios 34 and 35:Physiography examination paper 1891, elementary and advanced, 1 folio print, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 36 and 37.Two folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on the 1892 physiography exam questions. Folios 38 and 39: Physiography examination paper 1893, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 40 and 41: Physiography examination paper 1894, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 42, 43 and 44: Physiography examination paper 1895, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folio 45: Physiography examination paper 1896. Folios 46 and 47: Physiography examination paper 1897, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Notes: For convenience of location the loose papers have been numbered in pencil in square brackets but not recorded as separate pieces. In this case, because the file is relatively large, to save time enclosures have not been treated as sub-sets of the enclosing document, but numbers are sequential. P J Lucas Feb 2003
NHM-WP06.006.004    Photo:    [1881--1900]   Notes and annotated proof sheets? of images illustrating 'Monkeys: Their Affinities and Distribution', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch.VII, pp. 146-184, figs 25-43, comprising: 1. Rough notes in ink and pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand on one sheet headed on the front "Woodcuts" with a list of primate species beginning with Lemur Catta, some crossed through, with page and/or figure number references to figures in Flower and Lyddeker, Bates and Zoological Society publications. 2 - 19: Small page or part-page proof-sheets? with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand showing woodcut and engraved? images varying in size from approx. 6 cm x 5cm to 9.5 cm x 15 cm, of various primates species including Gorilla, Lemur and Loris; and a diagram of the skull of an Aye-Aye; all reproduced in Ch. VII, figs 25-43; attributed to Flower and Lyddeker, Huxley, Bates, and the Zoological Society of London. Notes: "Monkeys: Their Affinities and Distribution" was first published in "Contemporary Review", Dec 1881. Images are from Flower, W H and Lyddeker, R, "An introduction to the study of Mammals living and extinct" (London 1891), Bates, H W, "The Naturalist on the River Amazon" (London 1863), Huxley, T H "Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essays" (London? 1863) and "List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London" (London, various editions from 1828 onwards).
S322a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. On the peculiar species of the British fauna and flora. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club 1881 (20 February 1878 to 19 January 1881): 58-60.   Text   Image
S340    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Abstract of four lectures on the natural history of islands. Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society 1881: 1-17.   Text   Image
S345a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Letter [to Mrs. T. L. Nichols, dated 16 July 1881]. In: Nichols, T.L. 1881. A memorial to the Home Secretary in behalf of Mrs. Susan Willis Fletcher, a spritualist, unjustly condemned to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour: with important testimony excluded upon the trial, and proofs of perjuries committed by the prosecutrix. London: Printed for private circulation, pp. 44-45.   Text
S302a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Remarks in discussions. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club 1881 (20 February 1878 to 19 January 1881): vii, xx, xxv, xxxiv, xxxvi, xliii, xliv, xlv, lv-lvii, lviii.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP07.052.[01]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1882   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Godalming, postmarked from The Admiralty, 22 July 1882, annotated in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's ? Hand "Storage of Gunpowder", containing pieces 1-4 and 6 when listed
NHM-WP07.052.[03]    Note:    1882   Note on a sheet of lined exercise-book paper in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Copy of Memorandum by the Director of Naval Ordnance 1882 (letter from the Admiralty, 22/6/1882);
NHM-WP17.004    Photo:    1882--1887   Six sepia photographs of landscape in the United States, mounted on board; four captioned "Taber Photo, San Francisco", one by C H James, 1882 and one without photographer or source. Some of these were reproduced in volume 2 of "My Life" by A. R. Wallace, in his description of his travels in America in 1886 and 1887. Notes: Reference codes have been added on the backs in pencil in square brackets. The photographs were enclosed in a brown cardboard folder with the label "Westcots" crossed through in blue pencil next to "Doveshill" faintly visible in blue pencil: destroyed 28 Jan 2004. P J Lucas
S364    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1882. How land nationalisation will benefit householders, labourers, and mechanics. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No. 3. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. 1-7.   Text
NHM-WP02.004    Note:    1882--[1889]   Honours, Awards and Membership Certificates: Certificates of membership of societies and papers related to honorary degrees and awards. See also letters re award of Order of Merit WP1/8/72 and 73, and references in letters from A. R. Wallace to William and Violet Wallace in WP1/1 and WP1/2.
S361a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. Pentstemons. The Garden 23 (no.606, 30 June 1883): 582.   Text   Image
NHM-WP09.001.003    Printed:    1883--1893   2 printed folios apparently pages [5], [6], 7 and 8 from the proceedings? of the Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society, 1893? one headed "List of lectures delivered in previous sessions" listing titles and lecturers, covering dates 1883-1892; annotated in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Newcastle | Dates of Lectures " and in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society"; lectures by A. R. Wallace marked in ink with a cross. Place: Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear England
S368b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. Appendix VII. Correspondence with Mr. A. R. Wallace. In: Sellar, Thomas. 1883. The Sutherland Evictions of 1814: former and recent statements respecting them examined. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., pp. lxxv-xcii.   Text   Image
S370b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Sutherlandia spectabilis. The Garden 25 (no. 653, 24 May 1884): 441.   Text   Image
S371    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. How to experiment in land nationalisation. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No.8. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. 1-3.   Text
S371b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Gas water v. wireworm. The Garden 25 (no. 658, 28 June 1884): 544   Text   Image
S371c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Datura meteloides. The Garden 26 (no. 675, 25 Oct. 1884): 352.   Text   Image
S371a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. President's address. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1883-4: 5-22.   Text   Image
BL-Add.Mss46415-46417    Draft:    1885--1888   Autograph draft for "Darwinism" (1889). Vols. II-IV (ff. 279, 269, 316). 'Darwinism', published April 1889. According to a note on 46415, f. 1, the work was written between the end of 1885 and November 1888. Autograph, apparently sent to the printer although some alterations and additions are found in the printed text. Preface, index, etc., wanting. Paginated first by Wallace in chapters, excluding a flyleaf to each chapter and then by the printer in two series, viz.: 46415, f. 1- 46417, f. 66, 1- 602, and 46417, ff. 65-316, 1-245.
NHM-WP14.002.023    Note:    1885--1887   Small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Newspaper cuttings | American", when listed containing 3 press cuttings and one proof? press report; separately recorded: see WP14/2/24-27 Place: Canada USA Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
S383a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1885. Gosnerads in greenhouses. The Garden 28: 477 (no. 729, 7 Nov. 1885): 477.   Text   Image
NHM-WP17.006    Photo:    1885--1890   "The Arena Gallery of Eminent Thinkers"; pale blue (grey on with dirt on the outside but true colour shows on the folds) embossed paper folder so titled in decorative print (possibly by hand) with black ribbon tie, enclosing 40 loose leafed printed portrait photographs of eminent people with their autographs, including A. R. Wallace; with contents page listing portraits by name and number within the categories Poets, Clergymen, Women, Young American Writers, Men of Letters and Scientists and Philosophers, published by the Arena Publishing Co, Boston, Mass. (USA), undated; all apparently present but not in numerical order; portrait of A. R. Wallace aged about 60 is on top followed by Charles Darwin in old age. Notes: Date based on dates of some of the "Young American Writers", born c, 1860s and apparently aged mid-twenties or thirties in portraits, and apparent age of A. R. Wallace in portrait.
S380    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1885. President's address. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1884-5: 5-15.   Text
S384a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1885. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D. In: Reid, Andrew ed., 1885. Why I am a liberal: being definitions and personal confessions of faith by the best minds of the Liberal Party. London: Cassell & Co., pp. 103-104.   Text
S385    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1885. State-tenants versus freeholders. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No.15. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. 1-7.   Text
NHM-WP13.001.009    Printed:    1885--1885   Printed announcement by John Hampden, of Balham, Surrey, of default by A R Wallace of a debt of honour. Three spaces left for the insertion of the name of the defaulter have been filled in (John Hampden's) hand with the name "A R Wallace", "A.R.W" and "A Wallace". Part of the text has been underlined and annotated in the margin in (A. R. Wallace's?) hand "? | Proofs". Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP01.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1886--1887   Letters from the USA and Canada: 37 letters and one postscript from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie, children William and Violet, father-in-law William Mitten and sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from the USA, 1886-1887, some with original envelopes, one with enclosed press cuttings; sketch map of Niagara Falls probably an enclosure to a letter to Violet; 5 small envelopes of press cuttings from American and Canadian Newspapers, and one rough note. Many letters and press cuttings contain passages underlined or marked in red or blue pencil. Place: USA Canada Notes: Pieces were out of date sequence but with no obvious logical arrangement and have been placed in date order. Letters have been briefly listed but NOT yet all read for content . The letters were wrapped in part of a 1916 envelope addressed to WGW and a torn sheet of paper partly printed with local council minutes, both annotated; these have been transferred to more appropriate series. See also WP14/2, press cuttings from North American papers.
NHM-WP06.006.009    Photo:    1886--1900   Sketches and proof sheets of images illustrating native American tools and implements in 'American Museums', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 2, Ch. 2; and other sketches and notes relating to America and American Museums comprising: 1-7: Original ink sketches of Indian arrowheads, pottery & other implements from the Smithsonian Museum, in ink on small squared paper sheets, marked up in blue pencil and annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; each pasted inside a folded piece of blue-green letter paper, some with notes in his hand on the inside, numbered on the outside in blue, possibly in WGW's hand, numbers 1-7; sheets in numbers 1 and 7 have sketches on both sides. When listed enclosed in small buff envelope labelled in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Notes on sketches of H[unt] [Hunt] implements" (item 19 below). Most reproduced as figs 5-8 and 10-24 in vol 2, Ch. 2, pp. 41-52.; sketches and equivalent figures in the chapter as below: Folder 1 - fig. 7 Folder 2 - figs 5, 6, 8 and 10 Folder 3 - figs 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Folder 4 - fig. 12 Folder 5 - figs 11 and 14 Folder 6 - figs 19, 21 and 23 Folder 7 - figs 20, 22 and 24 ( 24 on back of sheet). 8. Proof illustration approximately 11.5 cm x 9.5 cm showing thirteen prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including one serrated obsidian spearhead labelled "California III". Annotated at the bottom in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "cf letters on cells" crossed through. Stamped on the back in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Studies | 2670 | 2nd print | Novr 30/99"; reproduced as fig. 7, vol. 2, p. 42. 9. Sheet of notes on a Macmillan & co compliments slip with notes in ink and pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Twisted or Spiral cut Arrowheads" and proof illustration approximately 11.5 cm x 8 cm showing five prehistoric arrowheads (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington), reproduced as fig. 9, vol. 2 p. 44. Sheet cut in half and pinned to notes when listed; the back is stamped in red with the right-hand section of the stamp "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Implements | 2670 | ny 13 1900", part of the text "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900" on the full sheet (see item 10 below.) 10. Proof illustration approximately 14 cm x 10 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including in the centre stone scrapers and arrowheads, marked into sections in pencil. Sheet cut in half; the back is stamped in red with the left-hand section of the stamp "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallace" and "Ja", part of the text "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900" on the full sheet ( see item 9 above); reproduced as figs 5, 6, 8 and 10 vol. 2 pp. 41-43. 11. Proof illustration approximately 19 cm x 14 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including at bottom left the stylised figure of a llama, marked into sections in pencil with annotations in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand (ink over fainter printed image of writing) crossed through in ink. The back is stamped in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900"; reproduced as figs 19-24, vol. 2 pp. 49-52. 12.Proof illustration approximately 19 cm x 14 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including at top left stone spoons or cups viewed from above, marked into sections in pencil. The back is stamped in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900"; reproduced in vol. 2 as figs 11and 12 (p 45) 13, 14 and 15 (p. 46) and 16, 17 and 18 (p. 48). 13. Notes on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink over pencil beginning " Pipes human & animal form in Ohio & Illinois", apparently notes on specimens of native implements displayed in American Museums; enclosed when listed in folder 1 of items 1-7 above. 14. Faint pencil sketches on both sides of a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm: one side showing a stone knife? captioned in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Chipped flint. Mound. Macon Co. W. Virginia" and an axe head? decorated with the figure of a man apparently killing a snake, captioned "A[r]t. Coll. Cincinnati"; the other side showing a map or geological diagram with strata? labelled "hill of Loess", "loess" and "mid. drift gravel with pebbles", captioned "W. Sioux City".15. Notes on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil and ink beginning on one side in pencil "Leaving Clifton Forge | 7 am | (1) Lowmoor - low furnaces in rows", apparently notes of a train trip through Virginia and the views and geological features seen, with notes of time and place including 8.40 at Fort Spring at the bottom of the page and continuing increasingly illegibly overleaf where three sketches in ink,of a stone arrowhead, hoe, and gouge, headed "Occasional - N.Y. Museum" with notes, are upside down with relation to the train journey notes. Enclosed when listed in folder 1 of items 1-7 above. 16. Notes and sketches on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil and ink beginning on one side in ink over pencil "Ruined Pueblo of Penasco Blanca"; sketches in ink overleaf, of Sioux, Utah Indian and Eskimo stone tools including knives, pick and hammer, headed "American National Museum Washington"; not reproduced in "Studies Scientific and Social". 17. Sketch of a tomahawk in ink on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm, captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Stone tomahawk. | Modern Indian." 18. Folder made from two lined exercise-book pages, titled on the front in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Illustrations for | American Museums | Proofs &c." When listed this contained one small squared paper sheet of notes on pueblos and sketches of Sioux, Utah Indian and Eskimo stone tools headed "American National Museum Washington" (item 16 above) but no other documents or images. 19: Envelope labelled in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Notes on sketches of H[unt] implements". 20. Faint pencil outline sketch of a mountain range on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil "Alleghanes [sic, for Alleghenies i.e. Alleghany Highlands] nr Clifton Forge" with an arrow pointing out "N. Mountain"; diagrams in pencil of 5 circles, one overlapped by an irregular square, on the back; old ref WP2/16/47, possibly done on the same day as the notes mentioning Clifton Forge (item 15 above). Place: New York USA Virginia USA Washington DC USA Notes: "American Museums" was first published in "Fortnightly Review", Sep and Oct 1887. Several letters from A. R. Wallace to his family from America mention the Museums (see particularly WP1/5/12, 19 Dec 1886).
NHM-WP06.006.010    Photo:    [1886--1887]   Eight sepia photographic prints enclosed between two pieces of grey card, one labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Photos | N. American Museum specimens", two of which are reproduced in 'American Museums', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 2, Ch. 2, ; showing cased specimens of animals, birds and sponges displayed at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA c.1886/87, comprising: 1. Sepia photographic print approximately 12cm square, showing a museum interior containing two glass display cases of stuffed animal specimens including deer, a beaver, hares and a bear. The cases partly obscures the words "European Fauna" on the wall behind them. The print is annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? and possibly another hand " 16602 | Chap 2 | Vol 2 | 3.5/8 " wide | 32055" and upside down relative to this "4"; reproduced as fig. fig. 4, p. 33 "European Fauna" in 'American Museums', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 2, Ch. 2. 2. Sepia photographic print 16 cm x 15 cm with two torn pieces of sticking-paper on the upper back corners; showing a museum interior with part of a lower floor and surrounding narrow upper gallery containing stuffed specimens of animals including kangaroos, deer, an armadillo and alpacas in glass cases labelled "Class of Mammals", upper gallery containing a case of Australian mammals, floor of upper gallery partly obscuring the words "South American Fauna" on the wall of the lower gallery; reproduced as fig. 3, p. 29 "South American Fauna" in 'American Museums', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 2, Ch. 2. 3. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing a large series of small stuffed birds (hummingbirds) in a glass Museum case, placed with outstretched wings in 19 horizontal rows of about 12 specimens per row. Annotated on the back in pencil an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | South American Room | Trochilidae". 4. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing stuffed specimens of seals including a California sea lion in a glass museum case, with part of a case of sea-shells visible in the lower left corner. Annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | Pacific Room". 5. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing a glass museum case labelled "African" containing stuffed specimens of African mammals including a lion, a leopard, a hyena and small cats. Annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | African Room". 6. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing a museum interior and five glass and wood display cases containing specimens including shells and sponges, some in spirit bottles. The case closest to the viewer is labelled on the glass "Atlantic Fauna" and the words "Alcyonoid Polyps Sponges" are also visible. The print is annotated on the back in an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | Atlantic Room". 7. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing a glass museum case containing stuffed specimens of birds including a turkey and two other large birds on the floor of the case and four horizontal shelves containing birds (including chicks) in decreasing order of size from top to bottom. Part of an adjoining case of wading birds is visible on the right. The print is annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | North American Room". 8. Sepia photographic print 23.5 cm x 19 cm showing stuffed specimens of monkeys and small cats in natural poses in a glass museum case, with the back legs of a tiger and leopard? visible on the left. Annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Museum of Comparative zoology Harvard University | Indo-Asiatic Room". Place: Cambridge Massachusetts USA Notes: Dated on the basis that A. R. Wallace visited Harvard University Museum in the USA in November 1886; "American Museums" was first published in "Fortnightly Review", Sep and Oct 1887. Several letters from A. R. Wallace to his family from America mention the Museums (see particularly WP1/5/12, 19 Dec 1886 and Raby 2002, ch. 12 n. 21).
NHM-WP14    Printed:    1886--1910   Press Cuttings c1886-1910: Miscellaneous press cuttings apparently collected by A. R. Wallace, many with annotations in his hand. WP14/1 1891-1910 and undated Press cuttings on various topics. WP14/2 c1886-1887? Press cuttings from North American papers. Notes: See also other press cuttings throughout the collection, including enclosures to letters in correspondence series WP1, letters to editors in WP12 and book reviews of and by Wallace in publications and related papers, WP6 and WP7.
NHM-WP14.002.018    Printed:    1886?--1887   Four marked or annotated press cuttings from American newspapers including "The Washington Post", three 1887 and one undated (1886?) with reports of A. R. Wallace's visit to America; in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Interesting Newspaper extracts. | America 1886-7"; enclosures are separately recorded; see WP14/2/19-22. Place: USA Notes: Found loose in Box 2 and added here when listing. P J Lucas 9/6/03
S391    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1886. Note on compensation to landlords. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No.16. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. [1]-4.   Text
S392a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1886. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D.. In: Reid, Andrew ed. 1886. Ireland: a book of light on the Irish Problem. London: Longmans, Green & Co., pp. 42-50.   Text   Image
BL-Add.Mss46414    Draft:    1886   Autograph draft for "Bad Times" (1886). Vol. I (ff. 280). 'Bad Times', published 1886, a rewritten version of an essay submitted by Wallace for a prize of 100 gns. offered in 1885 by Messrs. Pears for the best essay on 'The Present Depression of Trade'; viz.:- (1) Pag
NHM-WP14.002    Printed:    1886--1913   Press cuttings, most from North American newspapers with a few from British papers reporting news from America; on a variety of subjects including reports of A. R. Wallace's visit and lecture tour. Notes: When listed these were among 36 cuttings in an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace, postmarked Leeds April (19)13, annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Press notices of new book sent me "; the envelope and press reviews of some of his books have been transferred to series WP6, papers [re books by A. R. Wallace]; 1 from a (British?) paper 1901 on an incident in Cairo has been transferred to WP14/1; press cuttings on various topics. NOTE: Some reviews of A. R. Wallace's books have been RELOCATED and placed with papers re the particular book reviewed. All brittle, many folded many times and need larger container, some small tears.
S386    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1886. President's address. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1885-6: 3-7.   Text
NHM-WP13.001.008    Printed:    1886?--1886?   Printed pamphlet, 8 pages, titled "John Hampden's letter to Professor Huxley, President of the Royal Society ... Suggested by his article in the Nineteenth Century, for December, 1895, in reply to Mr. Gladstone's comments on the book of Genesis." London, 1886? Annotated in pencil on the front in (John Hampden's?) hand "A.R.W. is (two illegible words) referred to." The hand is the same as that on the printed address by Hampden to A. R. Wallace of August 1885. Some sections of the text have been marked in red pencil. Place: London England
NHM-WP07.042.[04]    Printed:    1887   Press cutting from "The Nation" no. 1128, pp. [121]-122, undated (1887?) , headed "The American School of Evolutionists", a review by A. R. Wallace of E D Copes, "The Origin of the Fittest: Essays on Evolution" (New York, 1887), partly pasted onto two sheets of red-lined blue paper, the second annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand " A.R. Wallace | Written at Washington D.C.";
NHM-WP07.042.[05]    Printed:    1887   Press cuttings from "The Independent" 17 Mar 1887 p. 11 of A review by A. R. Wallace of E D Copes, "The Origin of the Fittest: Essays on Evolution" (New York, 1887), some passages marked in red and blue pencil, partly pasted onto two sheets of red-lined blue paper;
NHM-WP09.001.001    Note:    1887--1887   Ms list of 8 lecture titles with notes on how illustrated, in A. R. Wallace's hand written on the back of headed paper from the Hamilton hotel, Washington D.C. USA, 1 folio hand headed "Mr A R Wallace's Lectures on Natural History" ; undated but almost certainly 1887; see A. R. Wallace's letters to his family from the Hamilton hotel 1887 in letters from the USA and Canada. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.014    Printed:    1887   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (American?) newspaper headlined "A slight exaggeration", a joke allegedly quoting a begging letter received at the Paris Bureau de Bienfaisance. The reverse shows part of a (joke?) on the subject of Judges, Congress, and the prohibition of alcohol. Place: USA
S393    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Oceanic islands: their physical and biological relations. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society 19 (1): 1-17.   Text   Image
S399    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Letter [on American land taxes]. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1886-7: 7.   Text   Image
S403    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Land lessons from America. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No.18. London: The Land Nationalisation Society), pp. (3)-15.   Text
NHM-WP09.001    Note:    1887?--1894?   Ms and printed lists including titles and some locations, dates and payments made for public lectures given by A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP09.005    Note:    1887?   Papers re lectures by A. R. Wallace on Spiritualism
NHM-WP09.005.001    Note:    1887?   Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "If a man die shall he live again" , 35 numbered lined folios of writing pad, enclosed in blue and buff pad cover but loose; buff side of cover is annotated faintly in red pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Lectures on Spiritualism".
NHM-WP14.002.009    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (Denver, Colorado?) newspaper of a cartoon showing the head of a black boy wearing a hat with three chickens tucked into the band and the caption "Injured Innocence". The reverse shows part of a what is apparently a report on a religious conference, mentioning the Denver journal "Inter Ocean" and the Swedenborgian Church. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.010    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (Ohio?) newspaper with the headline "Couldn't Support Him" by (or reprinted from) "Texas Colonel", a joke in dialect about an old Negro man and a political candidate. The reverse contains part of a report on a political meeting on the governorship of Ohio addressed by John A Bingham. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.011    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (San Francisco?) newspaper headlined "Digest of Game Laws of California" giving dates on which various types of game can legally be shot. The reverse shows part of two advertisements for San Francisco hotels. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.015    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (American?) paper with an item headed "The 'Possum" reprinted from the "Chicago Herald", with an anecdote (or joke) in dialect about an old Negro man buying an opossum. The reverse shows part of a story (obituary?) about an American (diplomat?) in China and India. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.024    Printed:    1887?   Cutting, New York Sun, undated (1887?) headlined "A Shrewd Old Panther | How he Lay for a Minnesota Hunter and Attacked Him Four Times" Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.012    Printed:    1887?   An undated (1887?) cutting (from "The Post", Washington?) a humorous poem with no by-line titled "Pay with Caire" on the subject of U.S. taxes, each line ending in word ending in "aire" e.g. "dealaire" (dealer) "liquaire" (liquor). The reverse shows part of a report on political support for Mr Cleveland. (The President, Grover Cleveland?) mentioning a Washington "Post" correspondent. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.026    Printed:    1887?   Cutting , Feb 4, no year date, (1887?) headlined on one side "Montreal's Big Carnival" with a report on the other side of A. R. Wallace's stay in Washington DC and plans for lectures. Place: Canada
NHM-WP08.001.005    Printed:    1887--1907?   "Lejeunea Holtii, A new Hepatic from Killarney" by Richard Spruce, reprint with dark blue cover, from the Journal of Botany, vol.25 (Feb 1887) pp 33-82 plus tab. 272. Passages on pp. 36, 75 and 76 are marked in blue pencil, with marginal annotations in Spruce's? hand on pp. 75 and 76. The front cover is dated "(1887)" in A. R. Wallace's? hand, annotated "Spruce | Very interesting discussion on the distribution of Hepaticae &c" in A. R. Wallace's hand, and "Marked Copy pp. 75-76" in A. R. Wallace's? or WGW's? hand. Place: Ireland Notes: Last date based on the period when A. R. Wallace was working on his edition of Spruce's Journal, and therefore the likely date of the annotations in his hand.
NHM-WP14.002.003    Printed:    1887?   Cutting from "The Times" (London), Friday (date missing), on the production-line slaughter and butchering of hogs in a Chicago meat works. Two sections pasted together. The reverse contains parts of police reports on offences committed in Soho and Pimlico (London). Place: England USA
NHM-WP14.002.004    Printed:    1887?   Undated press cutting c.1887? with no title or headline, (from a New York paper?) containing three short amusing anecdotes on human behaviour, two by "Burdette" reprinted from the "Brooklyn Eagle" and one with no by-line from the "Boston Beacon". The reverse contains part of reports on bills introduced and passed including one relating to Brooklyn Bridge (New York City). Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.005    Printed:    1887?   Cutting from a (Denver, Colorado?) paper, column 1 page 8, undated, (1887?) headlined "Forming a new party" on the formation of the American Party to be represented Colorado by Henri R Foster, outlining its political platform. Several points, including proposed control of immigration, nationalisation, land ownership and monopolies, have been marked in pencil. The reverse contains advertisements. Place: USA
NHM-WP05    Note:    1888--[1901]   The Land Nationalisation Society, a Socialist land-reform society whose aim was "to restore the Land to the People and the People to the Land" (Society's report 1891-92, back cover), was formed in 1881 with A. R. Wallace as President and was still in existence in 1905. The few papers in this class comprise two reports published during his Presidency and a legal agreement re land mortgage. WP5/1 1889-1892 Published Reports. WP5/2 [1900] Legal documents
NHM-WP05.001    Printed:    1888--1892   Reports of the Land Nationalisation Society 1888-1892, 2 printed pamphlets with some annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand; contents include a list headed by A. R. Wallace, President, of office-bearers and council members, and the Society's constitution and rules.
NHM-WP09.004.001    Note:    1888   MS notes in an envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand in pencil "A2" and in ink "Lecture Notes | Colours of Animals | Darwen, Newcastle, Altrincham Bowdon 1888" and in pencil "(not include Nunnery)", containing 24 folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on the cause and uses of colouration in animals, with references to numbered lantern slides. There appear to be notes for two lectures. The first 11 folios deal mainly or solely with protective colouration and are numbered sequentially from 2-13, including a folio numbered "8 & 9". In several cases (earlier?) numbers have been crossed out and replaced. The next 13 folios consist of a page titled "Lecture III | Warning Colours & Mimicry" followed by pages numbered sequentially 2 to 13. Place: England Notes removed from envelope in order to relax the crease along the fold, both notes and envelope put into an acid-free paper folder. Envelope torn and foxed, pages foxed.
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