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Results 601-700 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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S661    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Nationalisation, not purchase, of railways. New Age (n.s.) 3 (no.21): 417-418.   Text   Image
S661a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. [Remark on John Ruskin]. p. 30 in Caine, H. The influence of Ruskin. Bookman 35 (205): 26-34.   Text   Image
S662.1    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. The facts beat me. Delineator 72: 542.
S664    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. A veteran scientist's testimony. Christian Commonwealth 29 (1417, 9 December): 166.   Text   Image
S665    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. 1909: For what should we strive? Christian Commonwealth 29 (1420, 30 December): 231.   Text   Image
S666    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Darwinism versus Wallaceism. Contemporary Review 94: 716-717.   Text   Image
S667    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Preface. In: Spruce, Richard. 1908. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes. London: MacMillan, Vol. 1, pp. v-ix.   Text
S668aa    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Richard Spruce. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) No. 10: 464.   Text
S669    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. The world of life: as visualised and interpreted by Darwinism. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 85 (507): 411-434.   Text   Image
S670    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Flying machines in war. Dr. A. R. Wallace calls to action. Daily News No. 19626 (6 February): 4.   Text
S671    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Dr. A. R. Wallace and woman suffrage. The Times No. 38880 (11 February): 10.   Text   Image
S674    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Letter [to the annual meeting of the National Anti-Vacination League]. Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 30 (360): 202.   Text   Image
S674a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Dr. Wallace's remedy for unemployment. New Age (n.s.) 4 (no.18): 369.   Text   Image
S676    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Note on the passages of Malthus's 'Principles of Population' which suggested the idea of natural selection to Darwin and myself. In: The Darwin-Wallace Celebration held on Thursday, 1st July 1908, by the Linnean Society of London. London: printed for the Linnean Society by Burlington House, Longmans, Green & Co.: 111-118.   Text
S678    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Letter [of support to Joseph Hyder]. Land and Labour 20 (6): 64.   Text
S679    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. The development fund. Letter from Dr. A. R. Wallace. Land and Labour 20 (10): 112-113.   Text
S680    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Letter from Honorary Vice-Presidents [to the Anti-Vaccination League of America]. Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 31 (372): 253.   Text   Image
S680a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1901. Letter [to Samuel Waddington, dated 23 February 1901]. In: Waddington, Samuel 1909. Chapters of my life: an autobiography. London: Chapman & Hall, p. 209.   Text
S683    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Telegram [of support to Joseph Hyder]. Land and Labour 21 (5): 51.
S684    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. A new era in public opinion: some remarkable changes in the last half-century. Public Opinion 98 (2555): 377.   Text   Image
S685    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Life after life. Star-shine and immortal tears. Clarion No. 998: 5.   Text   Image
S686    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Scotland's Conscience Clause: Anti-vaccinists' reply to medical alarmists. Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 32 (384): 293.   Text   Image
S688a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. The New Forest: an appeal from naturalists.. The Times No. 39601 (2 June 1911): 6.   Text   Image
S690    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Mr. A. R. Wallace and the Insurance Act. The Times No. 39781 (29 December): 6.   Text   Image
S690a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. The punishment for blasphemy. The Times No. 39793 (12 January): 10.   Text   Image
S691    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Dr. Russel Wallace on the Insurance Act. Daily Chronicle No. 15581 (25 January): 4.   Text   Image
S692    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Naturalist answers birthday greeting. A. R. Wallace sends letter. Silver and Gold [student newspaper at the University of Colorado, Boulder] 20 (2 February): 4.   Text   Image
S692a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Opposition due to ignorance. Nash's Magazine 5 (5): 541.   Text   Image
S692b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Response to enquiry: Charles Dickens, some personal recollections and opinions. Bookman 41 (245): 247-248.   Text   Image
S695    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Letter. In Bickerstaffe, Isaac. Some principles of growth and beauty. Field, The Country Gentleman's Newspaper 119 (no.3098, 11 May 1912): 946.   Text   Image
S696    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Letter to Joseph Hyder. Land and Labour 23 (6): 63-64.   Text
S697    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace's letter [letter to Bombay medical authorities]. Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 34 (401): 121.   Text   Image
S698    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. A policy of defence. Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) No. 20723 (9 August): 4.   Text   Image
S700a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Memorial to Mr. Asquith on flogging. The Times No. 40076 (7 December): 3.   Text   Image
S701    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Dr. A. R. Wallace's birthday. Light 33 (1671): 28
S702    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Letter [to the annual meeting of the National Anti-Vacination League]. Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 35 (409): 9.   Text   Image
S703b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Daily Citizen (London & Manchester) No. 313 (8 October): 2.   Text
S704    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. A scientist's sleepless hours. Public Opinion 104 (2717): 568.   Text   Image
S705    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Dr. A. R. Wallace's faith. Christian Commonwealth 34 (1674, 12 November): 120.   Text   Image
S706    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Dr. Wallace on the genesis of the soul. Spectator 111, 4456 (22 November): 863.   Text   Image
S707aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Letter [to W.T. Stead, congratulating him on his work; dated 15 January 1911]. In: Whyte, Frederic. 1925. The life of W.T.Stead. New York & Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., Vol. 2: 346-347.
S707ab    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Letter [to Sir John Lubbock, dated 23 June 1908]. In: Hutchinson, Horace G. 1914. Life of Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury. London: Macmillan and Co., Vol. 2, p. 258.   Text   Image
S707ac    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1876, 1891. Letters [to Francis Galton, dated 3 March 1876 and 3, 7, and 13 February 1891]. In: Pearson, Karl. 1924-30. The life, letters and labours of Francis Galton. Cambridge, University Press, Vol. 2 (1924): 187, and Vol. 3A (1930): 128-129, 130, 132-133.   Text   Image
S707ag    Periodical contribution:     Kneale, Elmer J. 1914. Darwin, science and the church: the last word of science and the church on the teachings of Darwin, a symposium. Forum (New York & London) 51: 821-845 [note from A. R. Wallace on p. 824].   Text   Image
S707b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Letter [to L.H. Pammel, dated 20 November 1911]. In: Pammel, Louis Herman. 1926. Prominent men I have met. Ames, IA: Powers, p. 6.   Text
S707c    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1902-1910. Letters [to James Mark Baldwin, dated 15 August 1902 and 17 May 1910]. In: Baldwin, James Mark. 1926. Between two wars 1861-1921: being memories, opinions and letters received, vol. 2. Boston: The Stratford Company, pp. 246-248.   Text
S708aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1897. Letter [to his daughter Violet, dated 22 October 1897]. In: Birkenhead, The First Earl of ed. 1931. The five hundred best English letters. London: Cassell and Co., p. 791.   Text
S710    Periodical contribution:     Stern, Bernhard J. 1935. Letters of Alfred Russel Wallace to Lester F. Ward. Scientific Monthly 40 (April): 375-379.   Text   Image
S712aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Letter [to Upton Sinclair, dated 3 May 1912]. In: Sinclair, Upton. 1960. My lifetime in letters. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, p. 105.   Text
S712ab    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1949. Letter [to W. J. Farmer, dated 3 December 1908]. British Bee Journal 77 (3515): 522.   Text
S712ac    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1886. Letter [to William James, dated 1 June 1886]. In: Roback, Abraham A. 1942. William James: his marginalia, personality and contribution. Cambridge MA, Sci-Art Publishers, pp. 98-101.   Text
S713    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1853. Palm trees of the Amazon and their uses. London: John Van Voorst.   Text   Image   PDF
S714    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1853. Narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an account of the native tribes, and observations on the climate, geology, and natural history of the Amazon valley. London: Reeve & Co.   Text   Image   PDF
S715.1    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. London: Macmillan and Co. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
S718.1    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1876. The geographical distribution of animals; with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the Earth's surface. London: Macmillan & Co. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
S719    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1878. Tropical nature, and other essays. London & New York: Macmillan & Co.   Text   Image   PDF
S721    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1880. Island life: or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. London: Macmillan & Co.   Text   Image   PDF
S724    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1889. Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications. London & New York: Macmillan & Co.   Text   Image   PDF
S726    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1898. The wonderful century; its successes and its failures. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. and New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. and Toronto: George N. Morang.   Text   Image   PDF
S727.1    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1900. Studies scientific and social. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. And New York: The Macmillan Co. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
S730    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1907. Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's Book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. And New York: The Macmillan Co.   Text   Image   PDF
S732    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. The world of life: a manifestation of creative power, directive mind and ultimate purpose. London: Chapman & Hall.   Text   Image   PDF
S733    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Social environment and moral progress. London, New York, Toronto & Melbourne: Cassell & Co., Ltd.   Text   Image   PDF
S735    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1886. The English naturalist. Sunday Herald (Boston) 31 October 1886: 13.   Text
S735a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Darwin's friend: chat with Mr. Albert Russell Wallace. Cincinnati Enquirer 45 (112): 4.   Text
S736    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Woman and natural selection. Daily Chronicle No. 9902 (4 December): 3.   Text   Image
S737    Periodical contribution:     Tooley, Sarah A. 1894. Heredity and pre-natal influences: an interview with Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Humanitarian (n.s.) 4 (2): 80-88.   Text
S741    Periodical contribution:     Dawson, Alfred. 1903. A visit to Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Christian Commonwealth 23 (1156, 10 December): 176-177.   Text   Image
S742    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1904. Master workers, XVII. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Pall Mall Magazine 34 (No. 137, September): 73-77.   Text   Image
S743    Periodical contribution:     Marchant, James. 1905. A man of the time: Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and his coming autobiography. Book Monthly 2 (8): 545-549.   Text   Image
S744    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1907. Conversations. In: Allingham, Helen p. & Radford, Dollie eds., William Allingham: a diary. London: Macmillan & Co., pp. 329-330, 332-335.   Text   Image
S745    Periodical contribution:     Rann, Ernest H. 1909. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace at home. Pall Mall Magazine 43 (March): 274-284.   Text   Image
S746.1    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. New thoughts on evolution, I. Daily Chronicle No. 15197 (3 November): 4.   Text
S746.2    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. New thoughts on evolution, II. Daily Chronicle No. 15198 (4 November): 4.
S747    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. A scientist on politics. Daily Chronicle No. 15206 (14 November): 5.   Text
S749    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, H. 1912. The great strike — and after: hopes of a national peace. Daily Chronicle No. 15622 (13 March): 4.   Text
S750    Periodical contribution:     Rockell, Frederick. 1912. The last of the great Victorians: special interview with Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Millgate Monthly 7, part 2 (no. 83): 657-663.   Text   Image
S751    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. The problem of life. Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) No. 20748 (7 September): 1.   Text
S752    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. The spectre of poverty. Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) No. 20850 (6 January): 1.   Text   Image
S243.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1874. A defence of modern spiritualism. Part II. Spirit-photographs. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 15 (90): 785-807 .   Text   Image
S441.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1891. English and American flowers, II. Flowers and forests of the Far West. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 50 (300): 796-810.   Text   Image
S002    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1847. Capture of Trichius fasciatus near Neath. Zoologist 5: 1676.   Text   Image   PDF
S007    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1852. [Letter dated 19 October 1852, Regent's Park]. Zoologist 10 (119): 3641-3643.   Text   Image   PDF
S013    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1854. On the habits of the butterflies of the Amazon Valley. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (n.s.) 2 (part VIII): 253-264.   Text   Image   PDF
S013a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1854. Letters from the Eastern Archipelago. Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, Science, and Art No. 1961: 739.   Text   Image   PDF
S017    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1855. The entomology of Malacca. Zoologist 13 (149): 4636-4639.   Text   Image   PDF
S018    Periodical contribution:     [Wallace, A. R.] 1855. Sarawak, Borneo, 1854. Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, Science, and Art No. 2003 (9 June): 366.   Text   Image   PDF
S691a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. [Response to question:] Who are the twenty greatest men? Review of Reviews 45(265): 25.   Text   Image
S716[2d]    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of essays. Second edition, with corrections and additions. London: Macmillan & Co.   Text   PDF
S220b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1873. The non-convexity of water. The Zetetic: A Monthly Journal of Cosmographical Science 1 (7 January): 56-57.   Text   Image   PDF
S228a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1873. The challenge: Its acceptance, trial, and postponement. The Zetetic and Anti-Theorist 2 (6 & 7): 41-43 (41-47).   Text
S358ab    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. Land nationalization-a correction. Pall Mall Gazette no. 5602 (13 Feb. 1883): 2.
S374a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1885. Church funds: how to use them. The Daily News (London) no. 12097 (19 Jan. 1885): 5.
S492a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1894. The new utopia in East Africa. Pall Mall Gazette no. 9010 (7 Feb. 1894): 8.
S535ab    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1897. On the motto "fiat justitia, ruat coelum". In: [Stead, W.T.] The notables of Britain: A portrait gallery of contemporaries. Review of Reviews (London) 15 (6, June): 592 (586-592).
S681a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Letter. In: Skertchly, S. B. J. Alfred Russell Wallace. The Queenslander (Brisbane) no. 2292 (12 Feb. 1910): 32.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.005.022    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1887.04]   Small cream envelope approximately 14 cm x 8cm annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's? hand "Cincinnati", containing two press cuttings from unnamed and undated newspapers (c. Apr 1887) The first headlined " Natural History Society | Lecture of Dr. Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace on 'Colours and Their uses in Animals' " reporting on A. R. Wallace's lecture to the Cincinnati Natural History Society, the second headlined " A Famous Naturalist. | Dr A. R. Wallace visiting Cincinnati." Place: Cincinnati Ohio USA
NHM-WP01.008.019    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1913.01.07   Letter from Dora S?W? Best?, from Goole, 7 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday and giving news of her family, weather and gardening. Place: Broadstone Dorset Goole East Yorkshire England
NHM-WP06.004.002    Printed:    1880.12.17   Press cutting, review of A. R. Wallace's "Island Life" beginning "The comparatively new department of science…geographical zoology, owes its chief development…to Mr A.R. Wallace" annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "The Scotsman Dec 17 1880"; two sections, one glued to the bottom of the other.
NHM-WP06.005.004    Draft:    1901.06.18--1901.07.02   Appendices, proofs, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" Macmillan & Co, third edition 1901, including "Note on Attempts to demonstrate the Existence of Selective Elimination in Wild Animals" and "Note on the Mode of Dispersal of Lizards", two copies, one (author's proof, corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand) dated 18 Jun 1901 and one 2 Jul 1901 ; undated note in an unknown hand on yellow paper "Don't Xerox - proofs of Darwinism". Notes: The Xerox photocopying process became commercially available in 1950 (Source: inventors/ website) so it is possible, if unlikely, that the hand on the note is WGW's (he died in 1951). The term was used as a general one for photocopying up to about the 1980's but seems to have almost died out in Britain so the note was probably not written by a member of the NHM staff.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore