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BM-Am1935,1014.12    Miscellaneous:    1842   Axe made of stone. Obtained by A.R. Wallace in the Amazon. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
NHM-WP03.019.10    Note:    1843   Eulogy on our Native Land
WS7    Book:     [Chambers, Robert.] 1844. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. London: John Churchill.   Text
S001a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1845. An essay, on the best method of conducting the Kington Mechanics' Institution. In: Parry, Richard ed. The History of Kington. Kington: Charles Humphreys, pp. 66-70.   Text   Image   PDF
WS11    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1845. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N. 2d edition. London: John Murray.   Text
NatLibWales-LlGC.NLW-003217356    Figure:    1845   Rees, David and Wallace, A. R. 1845. Map of the parish of Neath in the County of Glamorgan. Shows canal with towpath, waterbodies, woods, building names, chemical works, workhouse, rope walk. Scale 1:6,336. 1 in. = 8 chains. 1 ms. map : col ; 50 x 70 cm. + apportionment schedule (1, 7, 3 leaves).   Image
NHM-WP03.019.11    Note:    1845   Prologue
S001aa    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1845. Journal of Mesmerism. The Critic 2 (19, 10 May): 45.   Text
NHM-WP17.200    Figure:    1845   Watercolour painting of the town of Neath, Wales   Image
NatLibWales-LlGC.NLW-003216117    Figure:    1846   Wallace, A. R. 1846. Map of the hamlet of Llantwit Lower in the parish of Llantwit juxta Neath in the County of Glamorgan. railway, canal with locks and towpath, waterbodies, woods, building names, quarry. Scale 1:6,336. 1 in. = 8 chains.   Image
S001b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1846. Corresponding societies and lecture rooms bill (in favour). In Public Petitions. -Appendix to the Twenty-Ninth Report. Delivered 30th May. Containing petitions presented 22 May 1846' section of Appendix to the reports of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Public Petitions. Session 1846. (House of Commons, London, 1846): 319.   Text
NHM-WP03    Note:    1846--1913   Diaries, notebooks and sketchbooks kept by A. R. Wallace and members of his family comprising: address book; diary of a journey in the Lake District; sketchbook; undated notebook in an unknown hand and notebook with entries c. 1846-1913 in A. R. Wallace's hand and that of other members of his family including his brother-in-law Thomas Sims on various topics including lectures and photography. WP3/1 1846-1885? Notebook with notes in several hands WP3/2 1856? Sketch book containing pencil sketches WP3/3 1873?-1913 Address and Note book WP3/4 1893 Notebook with notes re tour of Lake District WP3/5 ND Undated Notebook in an unknown hand beginning "Why is the Sea salt?"
NHM-WP03.001    Notebook:    1846--[1885]   Notebook 20 cm x 16 cm, bound in dark brown leather, 86 intact folios including end-papers, some blank, a few pages torn out. Containing notes in several hands c. 1846-1885?: ms notes in ink and pencil by Thomas Sims and possibly another hand on experiments with photographic paper and chemicals, engraving and Daguerrotype. Diagrams and notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on physics, including hydrostatics hydraulics and pneumatics, heat, and optics, c. 1846, some dated, possibly notes for lectures given by A. R. Wallace at what was to become in 1848 the Mechanic's Institute, at Neath Notes in blue ink in Thomas Sims'? hand listing birds, including Humming Birds, received from Stephens in January 1850 A poem titled "The Light of Days to Come" by Herbert Wallace, not in his hand but probably that of Thomas Sims Logarithms, mathematical calculations, geometrical diagrams and notes written from the back of the book towards the front in A. R. Wallace's hand A list of birds with colours of body and iris and some prices, in (Herbert Wallace's hand?). An undated press cutting reporting a soiree at the Royal Geographical Society at which an original map of the Rio Negro by Mr Wallace was exhibited, pasted in. Index to sections : The folio numbers were added to the book in square brackets in pencil on the front of each folio, by me. In the index below I have used "back" rather than "dorse" for the back of a folio. "f. (no:)" implies the front. The writer's own titles or first lines are noted in quotation marks, with dates where given. P J Lucas, April 2003. f. 4: Start of notes probably for Neath Mechanics Institute, in A. R. Wallace's hand, undated, beginning "1. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics and Pneumatics…" f. 13, back: "Pneumatics" f. 14. Back: "Weight of atmosphere" f. 15, back: "Elasticity of air" f. 17, back: "Heat" dated Friday Mar 27 1846 f. 24, back: "Heat" continued, Friday May 1st (1846?) f. 26, back: "Heat" continued, Friday May 8, 1846 f. 27, back: "Heat" continued, Friday May 15 (1846?) f. 30, back: "Heat" continued, Friday may 29, 1846 f. 32: "Heat" continued, Friday June 5th 1846 f. 35: "Optics" f.45 (top of page): Note headed "142 Tocontine - 131 Mexiana - 63 Mexiana" re birds received from Stephens, January 1850. In blue ink, probably Thomas Sims' hand. f. 45 (bottom of page) - f. 48: "W Blanquert Everard's Improvements in Photography", notes on glacial acetic acid and various photographic glazing solutions, in Thomas Sims's hand. f. 48, back, notes on photographic developing techniques? in Thomas Sims' hand, dated "Wednesday Octr 16". f.49-f 52: Notes in Thomas Sims' hand on photographic techniques, including formula for silver iodide paper, recipe for "Electrical and chemical apparatus cement" (f. 50, dated Tuesday May 13th 1851), "Bright electro-silver plating", experiment with gun-cotton (dated London Dec 20th 1852) and "The method of obtaining pictures for the dissolving (sic) views". f. 54: List (of photographs in the style of famous artists?) in Thomas Sims' hand: "Sent to Mr Abrahams Dec 3, (1885?) | 3 Rembrandts | 1 Gerard Dow | 1 Last Supper | 2 Madonna's (sic)". f. 54, back: Notes in Thomas Sims' hand: "Acetic Acid in the Nitrate of Silver Bath Â…. T.S. March 7th 1853" continued "April 18th I began a few experiments with starchÂ…" f. 56: "A list of photographs for dissolving views made for Mr Vignoles" In pencil, possibly Thomas Sims' hand but not typical, a list of 7 subjects including "Masonry" and "Fount[ain] of Peles". f. 56, back: Notes in pencil headed "Facts connected with Fluric (sic) engraving", apparently in a hand other than Thomas Sims'. Not in Fanny Sims' hand (compared with a letter written by her). f. 56, back - f. 61, back: continuation of notes on fluoric acid in ink and pencil, in the same hand as the beginning, with marginal notes possibly in Thomas Sims' hand. f. 62: "Electrical experiments with photographs - Collodion reduced by heat" in ink in two different hands, one (at the bottom) possibly Thomas Sims'. f. 62, back: "Baths if Nitrate of Silver" in pencil in two different hands, as above. f. 63. "The Light of Days to Come" poem [signed] "Herbert Wallace" but not in his hand; apparently in the hand of Thomas Sims'. f. 64-f. 75 are blank. About four folios have been torn out between f. 63 and f. 64. These were not included in the numbering. f. 75, back: Press cutting, upside down relative to top of page, reporting a Soiree at the Royal Geographical Society, undated. (See description field for more detail). f. 85: Notes possibly in A. R. Wallace's older hand or another's (Violet Wallace?) " A good paper on the Honey Bee may be seen in the new series of the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London Vol. II part the fifth. | Rankes History of the Popes translated from the German by Sarah Austin London 184(0?)" f. 86 (white side of end paper) Mathematical calculations, possibly in A. R. Wallace's hand. f.84-f. 78: (upside down and back to front relative to the rest of the book) contain logarithms, mathematical calculations, geometrical diagrams, and three pages of short notes, mostly crossed through, each headed "Geology Coal Measures", in ink and pencil, probably in A. R. Wallace's hand. f. 77 (both sides): a list of birds in an unknown hand (resembling Fanny and Thomas Sims' but not absolutely typical of either) beginning "6 pale blue Taneges [sic: Tanagers?] Iris Olive eats fruits", some with prices, e.g. "4 Galles de [Segea?] eyes brilliant orange 15/- . . . 2 small parrots Iris orange 5/-." Place: Amazon Neath Glamorganshire Wales
NHM-WP17.097    Figure:    1846   Sketch of cottage in Wales
S1bb    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1846. Tithe commutation: Parish of Neath. Cambrian 13 March 1846: 2.   Text
S1bc    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1846. Tithe commutation: Hamlet of Lantwit Lower. Cambrian 5 June 1846: 2.   Text
WS12    Book:     Combe, George. 1847. The constitution of man and its relation to external objects. Edinburgh: Maclachlan, Stewart, & Co., Longman & Co.; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., W. S. Orr & Co., London, James M'Glashan, Dublin.   Text
NatLibWales-LlGC.NLW-002846167    Figure:    1847   Wallace, A. R. and Wallace, John. 1847. Map of Briton-Ferry Demesne. Reduced in 1847 from a map made in 1814, by A[lfred Russel] & J[ohn] Wallace Surveyors, Neath. [ca. 1:6,336]. 1 inch = 8 chains. 1 map : col. ; 90 x 59 cm.   Image
NHM-Z_MSS89_O_WAL[.3]    Note:    1847--1852   Notebook: Notes on Amazon fishes
NHM-Ms_656    Note:    1847--1852   Large watercolour drawing of a painted malocca at Caruru (published in "Travels on the Amazon")
S002a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1848. Emigration. The People's Journal 5 (2), Supplement: The Annals of Progress: 3.   Text   Image
LINSOC-MS182    Notebook:    1854--1862   "Palms of the Amazon."
WSPEC126    Book contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1848. List of Coleoptera placed in the Museum at Neath. In: Dillwyn, L. W., 1848. Materials for a fauna and flora of Swansea and the neighbourhood. Swansea: printed at the Cambrian-Office by David Rees, p. 25.   Text   PDF
NHM-WP03.017[.01]    Figure:    1848--1852   Sketch made on the Amazon. On the back of the sketch is written in Wallace's hand, "Sketch no. 4. First rocky point in the Tocantins."
NHM-WP03.017[.02]    Figure:    1848--1852   Sketch made on the Amazon. On the back of the sketch is written in Wallace's hand, "Sketch no. 5. Mr C's. Hous[e] in the Island of Mexicana"
NHM-WP03.017[.03]    Figure:    1848--1852   Sketch made on the Amazon. On the back of the sketch is written in Wallace's hand, "Sketch no. 6. S. Jozé on the Capim River".
NHM-WP03.017[.04]    Figure:    1848--1852   Sketch made on the Amazon. On the back of the sketch is written in Wallace's hand, "Sketch no. 13".
S005    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1850. On the Umbrella Bird (Cephalopterus ornatus), "Ueramimbé," L.G. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 18 (23 July): 206-207.   Text   Image   PDF
WS6.1    Book:     Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent. 1850. Conspectus generum avium. volume: [T. 1]. Lugduni Batavorum.   PDF
NHM-WP02    Note:    1850--1920   Biographical Material and Portraits 1850s-1920s: Biographical material and portraits of A. R. Wallace and members of his family. WP2/1 1850?-1913 Portraits and Images WP2/2 1887?-1913 Interviews and biographical print pre November 1913 WP2/3 1913-1923 Obituaries and Memoirs of A. R. Wallace WP2/4 1882-1889 Honours, Awards and Membership Certificates WP2/5 1909-1916 Biographical Miscellanea WP2/6 1915-1916 Papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . ." WP2/6/1 Papers re proposed biography of A. R. Wallace WP2/6/2 Chronology and outline of A. R. Wallace's life WP2/6/3 Reminiscences, letters, drafts and related papers WP2/6/4 Marchant Publisher's Papers WP2/6/5 Marchant Miscellanea For other correspondence re Marchant's book and memoirs of ARW see also WP16/1: Wallace, William Greenell, and Wallace, Violet Isabel, papers / Correspondence re ARW's death, publication rights and other matters.
NHM-WP02.001.002    Photo:    [1850]   Group portrait photo, undated, c. 1850 showing A. R. Wallace aged 27-30 seated near his mother with his sister Fanny standing behind them leaning one arm on Wallace's chair; black and white; apparently photographed from an album.
NHM-WP17    Note:    1850--1899   Miscellaneous Photographs and other images c1850-1899 and undated
NHM-WP17.001    Photo:    1850--1860   Portrait of an unknown man (Thomas Sims? Thomas Vere Wallace?) seated on a chair apparently next to a curtained four-poster bed; small ( 9.5 cm x 6 cm) very faded sepia photographic portrait on thin paper, apparently a photograph of a framed photograph. Notes: Formerly a loose enclosure between ff. 37 and 38 of diary/notebook in several hands -See WP3/1. Torn at one edge, very faded
NHM-Z_MSS88_O_W[.2]    Figure:    1850--1852   Original sketch by Alfred Russel Wallace of Ageneiosus militaris made on the Rio Negro, South America. Sketch located in "A. R. Wallace Collection 1850-52. Drawings of fishes of Rio Negro, Volume IV", p. 33
NHM-WP19.07b    Figure:    1850--1855   Fire insurance
WSPEC368    Book:     Wallace, A. R. Annotations in Chenu, Jean Charles [1850-1]. Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle ou traité complet de cette science. Papillons, vol. 1. Paris. [Oxford University Museum]   PDF
S008    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1852. On the monkeys of the Amazon. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 20 (14 December): 107-110.   Text   Image   PDF
WS5.1    Book:     Crawfurd, John. 1852. A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language, with a preliminary dissertation. London: Smith, Elder and Co. Volume 1 Dissertation and grammar.   PDF
WS5.2    Book:     Crawfurd, John. 1852. A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language, with a preliminary dissertation. London: Smith, Elder and Co. Volume 2 Malay and English, and English Malay dictionaries.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP06.006    Photo:    [1852]--[1905]   Photographic prints, proof illustrations and ms. notes relating to Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1900, "Studies Scientific and Social" (London 1900). Approximately 100 individual documents/images including duplicates; most undated, almost all with annotations including captions, directions for printers and figure numbers, in A. R. Wallace's and/or other hands. Notes: The publication is a series of essays on a variety of topics. Each "piece" in item WP6/6 consists of a number of papers relating to a specific essay: individual documents are described within a single piece-level description. Reference codes have been added to the documents in pencil in square brackets on the backs of photos but where possible on the front of ms and print. Speculative dates are based on dates of publication of "Studies Scientific and Social" (1900) and A. R. Wallace's original essays, except where there is evidence of the date of original creation of an image. Roughly half the images and notes were found in an envelope labelled, probably in WGW's hand, "Photos &c for Studies". The string and envelope, which was filthy, torn and disintegrating at the touch, was discarded. Copies of some of these images and subjects closely related were scattered throughout three of the four original boxes including 80 proof illustrations loose in box 3 and a few in other folders/envelopes in boxes 2 and 3. All have been brought together for final listing including images which were not reproduced in the book but were so similar to those used that they were probably considered and rejected, though some may have been published elsewhere.
S011    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1853. On the Rio Negro. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 23: 212-217, 1 map.   Text   Image   PDF
S012    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1853. On some fishes allied to Gymnotus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 21 (12 July): 75-76.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC150    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, P.L. 1853. On a new species of Dendrocolaptes. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 21 (June 14): 68-69, pl. Aves LII   PDF
NHM-WP06.008.018.[01]    Photo:    [1853--1865]   Portrait photo of A. R. Wallace aged 30, seated at a table in profile facing right, with glasses and rudimentary side whiskers; photo very spotty and faded; reproduced in "My Life" vol. 1 p. 324 with date 1853. 2.
NHM-WP06.008.018.[02]    Photo:    [1853--1865]   Small envelope enclosing the above when listed, annotated in ink WGW's? hand "Chap XXIII Photo A.R.W. (?1865 - age 42)" and in faint pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "1853"
NHM-WP15.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1853--1906   Correspondence 1853-1906 comprising a letter from W H Harvey to J D Hooker re Mitten and letters to William Mitten from A. R. Wallace and Clement Reid; from Mitten to his daughter (Annie Mitten/ Wallace?) and from C E Larter to Mitten's daughter (Flora?), mostly on botanical subjects.
RGS-JMS.6.53    Note:    1853   On the Rio Negro
WSPEC094    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1854. [Exhibition of a box of insects collected in the neighbourhood of Singapore by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 3: 23.   Text   Image   PDF
WS16    Periodical contribution:     Forbes, Edward. 1854. On the manifestation of polarity in the distribution of organized beings in time. Notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 1: 428-433.   Text   PDF
NHM-Ms_140f    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1854--1856   Photocopies of letters to Stevens (from Cambridge University Library)
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore