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NHM-WP01.003.031    Correspondence:   Wallace John, Wallace Mary Anne, Wilson C A, Allen Charles, Pownall Mr, McCann Mrs  1854.08.28   Letter from John Wallace, from Columbia, 28 Aug 1854 re rebuilding and surveying after fire in the town; presumed loss of the steamer "City of Glascau" (Glasgow); Wilson's plans to emigrate to Australia; widow McCann; mining speculation; quartz mine; Dr Pownall sharing house; growing tomatoes; interesting Californian spider and fly; A. R. Wallace's assistant; hot weather. Place: Australia Columbia California USA Notes: Letter no in contents list: 29
NHM-WP01.003.032    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Wilson C A, Wilson? Algernon, Allen Charles, Brooke Sir James, Silk George C  1854.09.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother (Mary Anne Wallace) from Singapore, 30 Sep 1854 on arrival from Malacca, re attack of fever in Malacca, quinine treatment; insects and birds collected in Malacca; ascent of Mount Ophir; arrival of post including and letters from Adelaide, Australia; arrival of newspapers, instruments, repaired watch and food from England ; basket of food spoiled by insects, better to use soldered tin box; visit to Sir James Brooke; plans to visit Sarawak; friends and family; continued carelessness of assistant Charles. Place: Australia, Malacca Malaya, Sarawak, Singapore Malaya, Mount Ophir Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 30
NHM-WP01.003.033    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Hooker Sir William Jackson, Spruce Richard, Brooke Sir James, Johnson John Brooke, Latham Robert Gordon  [1854.10.15]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to George Silk, with part-letter to the (Hertford?) Literary Society? on the back, from Singapore, 15 Oct 1854?, re sailing for Sarawak next day; arranging and cataloguing collection of 6,000 specimens - birds, insects and shells; impossibility of collecting plants for William Hooker; pleasure at quotation by Latham; any news of Sebastopol; wanting copies of "Punch"; expedition to Mount Ophir. Place: Mount Ophir Malaya Sarawak Singapore Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 31. No year date. Annotated in pencil "1854". Some of the letter (three folios?) is apparently missing. The text addressed to George Silk, which is on one side of a folio. with valediction and signature, states "These four sheets are for the Lit. Soc. ... If too long this letter may be cut in two, at the 2nd page of sheet 2 where I have made a cross." The text on the back, which is initialled "A. R. Wallace" and is about Mount Ophir, seems to be the last page of a longer narrative.
NHM-WP01.003.034    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, ? Edward, Allen Charles, Wallace John, Wallace Mary, Wallace Mary Anne, Pfeiffer Ida, Page Bacon & Co  1855.06.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny, (Mrs Thomas Sims), from Ladong River, Sarawak, 25 Jun 1855 re Thomas Sims's photography business; Stevens's proposal to send A. R. Wallace an assistant, desirable qualities in an assistant, Charles's deficiencies; Madame Pfeiffer's insect collection; news of Australian Expedition (A C Gregory Northern Australian?); arrival of new missionary from England; wanting a shoe last; wanting news of John and Mary in California; collapse of Page, Bacon and Co; Dyak's delight in musical box. Place: California USA Sarawak Notes: Letter no in contents list: 32. 2 folios NAMES TO BE COMPLETED, PJL 3/1/03
NHM-WP01.003.035    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Mary Anne, Wallace John, Vignoles Charles Blacker, Claudet Antoine, Mayall John Jabez Edwin, Matthews Sarah, Draper Miss, Fortnum & Mason Ltd  1855.09.28   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny, (Mrs Thomas Sims), from Si Munjon (Simunjan) near Sarawak, 28 Sep 1855, continued 17 Oct 1855, re the Sims' move to Conduit Street and photography business, with detailed advice and questions, suggests asking Mr Vignolles (sic: Vignoles?) to introduce their work at Royal Society Soirees; mother's future; post from England and arrival of a box with shoes (good) and bacon (spoiled). Place: Simunjan Sarawak Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 33
NHM-WP01.003.036    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Wallace John, Brooke Sir James, Silk George C, Woodford Miss,  1855.12.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother, from Sarawak, 25 Dec 1855, re Christmas day with the Rajah (Sir James Brooke); admirable character of Brooke; expedition into interior with Dyaks; character and customs of Dyak people; the Malays; fears plants sent to England dead, plans to collect in Celebes; Miss Woodford recommended as wife for A. R. Wallace by G S (George Silk); possible trip to California. Place: California USA Celebes Netherlands Indies Notes: Letter no in contents list: 34
NHM-WP01.003.037    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, Allen Charles, McDougall Francis Thomas, Brooke Sir James, Fenton Roger, Bonaparte Napoleon  1856.02.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Mrs Thomas Sims) in Conduit Street, London, from Singapore, 20 Feb 1856, re departure from Sarawak, leaving Charles behind; admirable character of Sir James Brooke; slow healing of injured foot; good collection of insects in Borneo; Sims' photography business; Fenton's Crimea photographs; justification of Crimean war. Place: Sarawak Singapore Malaya Russia Notes: Letter no in contents list: 35. The date given in the contents list is Feb 1856. The written date is clearly 1855, but "56!" has been added in pencil next to it, possibly in A. R. Wallace's hand, and from context 1856 must be the correct year.
NHM-WP01.003.038    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, ? Edward  1856.04.21   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Mrs Thomas Sims) from from Singapore, 21 Apr 1856 re delayed expedition to Macassar; Christian missionaries, particularly French Catholics in China and elsewhere, missionary social work, religious doctrine. Place: Macassar Celebes Netherlands Indies China New Zealand Singapore Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 36
NHM-WP01.003.039    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Saunders ?, Pfeiffer Ida, Spruce Richard, Stevens Samuel  1856.04.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Singapore, 30 Apr 1856, continued 10 May 1856; re long wait for and final arrival of a ship to Macassar; arrival of Bates's letters from Ega (now TeffÉ) Brazil, and copy of "Zoologist"; geographical distribution of insect species in the islands of the Malay archipelago; relative scarcity of Lepidoptera; comparative numbers and types of insect species in Malaya archipelago and Brazil; details of insects collected, including new butterfly Ornithoptera Brookeana (Wallace), Rhyncophorae, Carabidae, Anthribidae, Bupestridae, Cleridae, Longicornes and many others, total number of insect species collected estimated at 6,000, specimens over 30, 000; desire to collect all world Longicornes for study; importance of recording location of capture of specimens; separation of collections from different localities; desire for future comparison of data and exchange of specimens with Bates; Orang Utans; comparison of types of forest plants, people and customs in Amazon and Malay archipelago; scarcity of edible fruit in the East; delicious Durian; Madame Pfeiffer's insect collection; regards to Spruce. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 37.
NHM-WP01.003.040    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Mary Anne, Sims Thomas, Stevens Samuel, Silk George C, Roberts Eliza  1856.12.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Mrs Thomas Sims) from Macassar, 10 Dec 1856 re arrival of letters from home; birth of first niece or nephew; expense of Sims's rent and financial burden to his mother; departure for Aru in two days time; diet on Aru, list of food stores to be taken, scarcity of fowl, will eat Birds of Paradise and Kangaroo; friends and family; Eliza Roberts's moustache. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 38
NHM-WP01.003.041    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Mohnicke ?, Doleschall ?, Burmeister Hermann, Erichson ?, Darwin Charles Robert, Stevens Samuel, Bowring John Charles  1858.01.04   Letter from A. R. Wallace to W H (sic) Bates, from Amboyna, 4 Jan 1858, continued Ternate, 25 Jan 1858, regarding receipt of mail from home including letters from Bates and Darwin; cleaning and packing of collections from Aru; detailed account of numbers, types and locations of insects collected, including first serious collection of very small genera (Styphilidae etc) at Macassar; comparison of data sent by Bates with 's own; reaction to A. R. Wallace's paper "On the Succession of Species", approving letter from Darwin; benefit of Darwin's proposed publication on species and varieties; boundary between two distinct faunas in Malay Archipelago; proposed expeditions to Gilolo island and New Guinea; advantages of Amboyna as a base; battles of Balaclava and Inkerman; Britain - India meeting (British rule in India?); insects in the Andes. Place: Amboyna Malaya Andes South America Aru Islands Netherlands Indies Australia California USA Gilolo Notes: Letter no in contents list: 39.
NHM-WP01.003.042    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Frederick, Bates Henry Walter, Saunders ?, Labillardiere Jacques Julien Houton de, Burmeister Hermann, Pierre Dejean, Gray George Robert, Wollaston Thomas Vernon, Lacordaire T?, Mulsant Martial Étienne, Gosse Philip Henry  1858.03.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Frederick Bates in Leicester, from Ternate, 2 Mar 1858, regarding Geodephaga species, commenting on notes made by F Bates in a letter received a month previously; variation of entomological species; species of Catascopus sent to Saunders; habits of Cicindelidae; theory of colours of insect species; planned expedition to northern Celebes; plans to write a Coleoptera Malayana; disgraceful state of current publishing in entomology, comments on particular works. Place: Amazon Andes South America Mount Ophir Malaya Peru Ternate Moluccas Notes: Letter no in contents list: 40. Loose note by Emma B, c. 2001/2 (destroyed) with this letter but possibly intended to refer to previous letter (to H W Bates from Amboyna, 4 Jan 1858, continued Ternate, 25 Jan 1858): "Contested date stamp letter". This refers to the controversy over the date of arrival of A. R. Wallace's letter and essay sent to Charles Darwin from Ternate (See Raby, p. 133, n.25. and p. 287).
NHM-WP01.003.043    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, Silk George C, Claudet Antoine, Riglander ?, Fry Roger, Spurjeon?, Dumas Alexander  1858.09.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Frances) and Thomas Sims, from Ternate, 6 Sep 1858, regarding the Sims's business, George Silk's marriage plans; sending Dumas' "La Reine Margot"; Claudet's stereoscope; photographs by Riglander and Fry; "The Family Herald"; speeches by Spurjeon. Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Notes: Letter no in contents list: 41. Annotated in pencil "Not copied | WGW"
NHM-WP01.003.044    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Owen Sir Richard, Gray George Robert, Stevens Samuel, Hooker Sir Joseph Dalton, Darwin Charles Robert, Lyell Sir Charles  1858.10.06   Transcription in an unknown hand, possibly that of A. R. Wallace's mother Mary Anne Wallace, of extracts from a letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother, 6 Oct 1858. Headed "Extract from Mr Alfred Wallace's letter dated Oct 6 1858." regarding Fanny (Mrs Sims) interview with Gray and Owen at the BM (Natural History); A. R. Wallace's relationship with Gray; photography; proposed expedition to Batchian Island near Gilolo; encouraging letters from Hooker and Darwin, his essay read at the Linnean Society; sale by Stevens of collections from Aru; plans to return to England. Place: Aru England California Batchian Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 42. The Paper and writing appear to be contemporary with Wallace's letters written about 1850s.
NHM-WP01.003.045    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Latham Robert Gordon, ? Davis, Pritchard James C, Lawrence William, Dumas Alexander  1858.11.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to G C Silk, from Batchian, Moluccas, 30 Nov 1858 regarding love of solitude; complimentary remarks by Lyell and Hooker on his paper published in the August Linnean; dislike of politics; news from India; journals and books including "Tristram Shandy"and novels of Dumas; ethnology; marriage; sending an article on "Smoke" for the Athenaeum. Place: Amazon Batchian Moluccas England New Guinea Switzerland Notes: Letter no in contents list: 43
NHM-WP01.003.046    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Thomas, Claudet Antoine,  1859.04.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Thomas Sims, from Ternate, 25 Apr 1859 re enthusiasm for entomology and desire to complete work on geographical and geological distribution of species in the Indo-Australian archipelago before returning to England; stereoscopic photo effects, Sims's business. Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies England Notes: Letter no in contents list: 44.
NHM-WP01.003.047    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Bates Frederick, Lacordaire T?, Spix J B von, Natterer Johann, Castelnau Francis-Louis de, Ascolati? ?  1859.11.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Ceram, 25 Nov 1859 re Bates's safe arrival (in England); hopes Bates will write a Fauna of the Amazon valley; A. R. Wallace's own plans for a similar work on the Malay Archipelago; hopes for exchange of duplicate specimens; paper on principles of Geographical distribution in the archipelago sent to the Linnean Society. Place: Ceram Moluccas Netherlands Indies Notes: Letter no in contents list: 45
NHM-WP01.003.048    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Darwin Charles Robert, Newton Isaac, Dufours Paul  1860.09.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace? (unsigned) to George (Silk) from Bessin?, 1 Sep 1860 re Leon (sic) duFour's "History of Prostitution" and Darwin's "Origin of Species". Notes: Letter no in contents list: 46
NHM-WP01.003.049    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Darwin Charles Robert,  1860.12.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Ternate, 24 Dec 1860, re A. R. Wallace's admiration of Darwin's "Origin of species"; birds and mammals better indicators of zoological geography than insects; exchange of specimens with Bates; plans to return to England in about 18 months; imminent voyage to Timor. Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Timor Australia New Guinea Notes: Letter no in contents list: 47
NHM-WP01.003.050    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas  1861.07.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother (Mary Ann Wallace) from Sourabaya, 20 Jul 1861 re plans to collect specimens in Java en route to Singapore and return from there to England; stores and baggage carried on previous expeditions; plans for work and accommodation on return to England. Place: Sourabaya Java Netherlands Indies Notes: Letter no in contents list: 48. Annotated in pencil, possibly in A. R. Wallace's older hand, "? Use some of this in preface."
NHM-WP01.003.051    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Stevens Samuel  1861.10.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Frances Wallace, Mr Sims) from the mountains of Java, 10 Oct 1861, re ascent of a volcano, vegetation at the peak similar to English weeds, tropical on the lower slopes; comparative beauty of English and tropical plants; Dutch collectors for Leyden Museum; letter (not present) to be taken to Stevens with instructions re A. R. Wallace's specimens. Place: Java Notes: Letter no in contents list: 49
NHM-WP01.003.052    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Bates Frederick, Gray D, HewitsonWilliam Chapman  1861.10.10--1861   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Lobo Raman, near Bencoolen, Sumatra, 10 Dec 1861, re Bates's paper on Papilios; Darwinian philosophy, geographical distribution of species, rivers as limits to distribution, A. R. Wallace's Zoological Society paper on distribution of monkey species in Brazil; isolation of species from geographical origins, geological evidence; hopes Bates will write on Cicindelidae; collecting in Sumatra; plans to return to England. Place: Amazon Barra Brazil Notes: Letter no in contents list: 50
NHM-WP01.003.053    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Fechter Charles Albert, Money? ?, Blondin  1861.12.22   Letter from A. R. Wallace to George Silk, from Lobo Raman, Sumatra, 22 Dec 1861, continued Singapore, 20 Jan 1862, re plans to return to England; GS's preoccupation with politics; A. R. Wallace;s paper on New Guinea Native Trade, Blondin, Mr Fechter; "Great Expectations"; wet season in Sumatra; jungle animals; monkey behaviour; Malay language and customs; Mony's? book on Java; Dutch and British colonial government; GS's siblings; Marriage, desirable qualities in a wife. Place: Lobo Raman Sumatra Java Netherlands Indies India Notes: Letter no in contents list: 51. Five folios
NHM-WP01.003.054    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace John, Wallace Mary née Webster, Darwin Charles Robert, Stevens Samuel, Wallace William, Wallace John, Wallace Herbert  1863.01.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to John Wallace, from 5 Westbourne Grove Terrace, London W, 2 Jan 1863 re Darwin's "Origin of Species"; A. R. Wallace's discovery of the principle of natural selection; work on collections from Malay Archipelago, collector still employed there; possibility of engaging a collector in Sandwich Islands; 1862 London International Exhibition; marriage; nephews; American civil war; sending photos of himself. Place: Columbia California USA San Francisco Calif Notes: Letter no in contents list: 52
NHM-WP01.003.055    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Markham Sir Clements Robert, Pierce Richard, Fraser Louis, LaCondamine Charles Marie, Hooker Sir William Jackson, Bentham George, Poeppig E F, Matthews ?, Blacker Alexander  1863.11.21   Letter from Richard Spruce to A. R. Wallace, from Amotape, Peru, 21 Nov 1863 re journey from Guayaquil, heart-attack, paralysis, general ill-health and poverty, inability to collect insects for A. R. Wallace; botany, illness preventing his work on collection of mosses; bitterness at treatment by Sir William Hooker; newspaper reports on Darwin's "Origin of Species", geographical distribution of species; A. R. Wallace's Malayan collections; collectors in the Andes; tameness of native birds; marriage; possibility of returning to England. Place: Amotape Peru Andes South America Banos Ecuador Guayaquil Mount Chimborazo Quito Tarapoto Peru Payata Notes: Letter no in contents list: 53. 2 Large folios
NHM-WP01.003.056    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Bentham George, Latham Robert Gordon  1866.01.03   Letter from Richard Spruce to A. R. Wallace, from Hurstpierpoint, 3 Jan 1866, re A. R. Wallace's new stereoscope; Latham's failure to publish Spruce's vocabularies, Latham's bankruptcy; return of the MS to Spruce; New Year greetings to A. R. Wallace and his "charmante Épouse". Place: England Hurstpierpoint West Sussex Notes: Letter no in contents list: 54
NHM-WP01.003.057    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, Mitten William  1867.02.27   Letter from Richard Spruce to Mrs Sims (Frances Wallace) from Hurstpierpoint, 27 Feb 1867 re the return of some of his diplomas found by her; A. R. Wallace's stereoscope; spiritualism; health. Place: Hurstpierpoint West Sussex England Notes: Letter no in contents list: 55
NHM-WP01.003.058    Correspondence:   Spruce Richard, Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William, Hanbury Daniel  1867.04.26   Letter from Richard Spruce to A. R. Wallace, from Hurstpierpoint, 26 Apr 1867 re spiritualism; A. R. Wallace's memoir on Malay migration; inherited deafness in cats; Paris Exposition. Place: England Hurstpierpoint West Sussex Paris France Notes: Letter no in contents list: 56
NHM-WP01.003.059    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace John, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Wallace Herbert Spencer, Wallace Mary Anne, Watts?, Burden ?, Millard ?, Wallace Herbert Edward, Wallace Eliza, Wallace William G., Lyell Sir Charles, Grey Thomas De  1869.05.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to John Wallace, from 9, St. Mark's Crescent, Regents Park London NW, 25 May 1869 re probate (of his mother's will?) and payment of Wallace family legacies with details of amounts; sister Fanny's finances; Thomas Sims's business; loss of money through investments; details of annual domestic expenditure; comparative cost of living in London and the country; sales of "Malay Archipelago"; application for museum position; request for seeds of wild Californian plants; children, A. R. Wallace's daughter, now 4 months old, named Violet Isabel. Place: California USA London England Notes: Letter no in contents list: 57. Annotated in ink an unknown hand at top of last page: "All I can find. M W" (Mary Wallace née Webster?)
NHM-WP01.003.059a    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Thomas, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Frances née Wallace  1869.05.25   note to 1/3/59: without address, but in context from Singapore, about Feb 1856, possibly an enclosure to letter to Fanny Sims 20 Feb 1856; re Sims's business, engraving technique; eagerness for departure to the East; sore (foot?); description of Singapore street scene and mixture of nationalitie including Kling (Chettiar ) tradesmen. Place: California USA Singapore Malaya Notes: Not listed in contents. On a small piece of blue paper. See WP1/3/37. The Klings (also known as Chettiars or Chulias) were Indian traders from Tamil Nadu. (History of Chettiars Website; Bailey's 19th century photographs of Singapore Website). Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Notes: Not listed in contents.
NHM-WP01.003.063    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C  1861.01.02   {No description]. Place: Ternate.
NHM-WP01.003.069    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Enriques Matteo? Alfonso Flor?, Lima Joao Antonio de  1853.06.07   Letter in Portugese? from Mtto. Alfo. Flor.? Enriques with a note added by Joao Anto. de Lima, to Richard Spruce, from San Joaquim, 7 Jun 1853, mentioning Alfredo (A. R. Wallace). Place: San Joaquim Brazil Notes: Not entered in contents list but retained in this series, which seems an appropriate location. Loose note (destroyed) by E Bennett c. 2001/02 "Joao de Lima to Richard Spruce 1853".
NHM-WP01.003.073    Correspondence:   Sims Thomas  1851.01.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Thomas [Sims?] from Guia, Upper Rio Negro, Jan 20 1851, hole torn in last page from seal, 1 folio folded.
NHM-WP01.003.074    Correspondence:   Associated names: Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace William Greenell  1893.07.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny Wallace/Sims from Parkstone, 6 Jul 1893 re her sore throat and A. R. Wallace's son William's move to Newcastle. Place: Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear Parkstone Dorset England
NHM-WP01.003.075    Correspondence:   Wallace Herbert Edward, Sims Frances née Wallace  [1849.06.07]   Letter from (Herbert) Edward Wallace to his sister Fanny, from Neath (Wales), Monday 7th (June 1849?) re sailing for Brazil to join A. R. Wallace. Place: Pará Brazil Neath Wales Notes: See WP1/3/88, for details of annotated 1904 envelope in which this letter was stored when received at the NHM. See Raby p. 47, n 29. re date.
NHM-WP01.003.076    Correspondence:   Wallace Herbert Edward, Sims Frances née Wallace  [1849].09.00   Letter from (Herbert) Edward Wallace to Fanny, from Tantarein (Brazil), Sep (1849?) re plans to travel down the Amazon to Montalogre; description of the town; sighting of a blue pig. Place: Brazil Notes: See WP1/3/88, for details of annotated 1904 envelope in which this letter was stored when received at the NHM.
NHM-WP01.003.077    Correspondence:   Wallace Herbert Edward, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Mary Anne, Wallace Alfred Russel  [1851].08.30   Letter from Herbert Edward Wallace to his sister Fanny and his mother (Mary Anne Wallace) from Barra de Rio Negro, 30 Aug (1851?) re his brother A. R. Wallace's departure up the Rio Negro; his own plan to spend two months collecting specimens for sale in order to repay A. R. Wallace's loan of £10; plans to leave for England, expecting to be home at Christmas. Notes: See WP1/3/88, for details of annotated 1904 envelope in which this letter was stored when received at the NHM.
NHM-WP01.003.078    Correspondence:   Butler Thomas, Wallace Alfred Russel  1867.06.24   Letter from Thomas Butler, Assistant Secretary, to A. R. Wallace from the British Museum (London) W C, 24 Jun 1867 re £5 to be paid to Wallace.
NHM-WP01.003.079    Correspondence:   Butler Thomas, Wallace Alfred Russel  1867.06.25   Letter from Thomas Butler, Assistant Secretary, to A. R. Wallace from the British Museum (London) W C, 25 Jun 1867, transmitting a postal order for £4.19.6, the sum (£5) owed Wallace minus cost of the order. Annotated by A. R. Wallace re the delay in payment and his expectation of a cheque for the full amount.
NHM-WP01.003.080    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Herbert Spencer  1871.12.31   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from Holly House Barking E, 31 Dec 1871, announcing the birth of his second child, a son, the previous night. Notes: This was in a 1904 half-envelope with other letters: see WP18/17 for description of envelope.
NHM-WP01.003.082    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Mitten William, Mitten Rose  1883.08.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny from 2, Western Villas, Abergavenny, 26 Aug 1883, describing a visit to their childhood home in Usk; gravestones of Mary Anne and Emma (siblings?) in the churchyard; visit to Ragland Castle; Rose and William Mitten at Abergavenny. Place: Abergavenny Wales Usk Notes: Previously enclosed in a 1904 half-envelope with two other letters, 1871 and 1888, to Fanny. See WP18/17 for a description of the envelope.
NHM-WP01.003.083    Correspondence:   Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace John  1887.06.27   Letter from Fanny Sims to her brother A. R. Wallace from 70 Lillie Road West Brompton, 27 June 1887, with annotated envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Windsor Hotel, Denver, Colorado, postmarked on front Stockton Jul 18 1887 and on back Dever Col -date illegible. The letter, written as an enclosure to a letter to their brother John, is re papers received from California with news of A. R. Wallace's lectures there; John's conversion (to spiritualism); possible identity of people named (during a seance?); the Sims's (photography) business, lack of wealthy customers, photographing cowboys from the American Exhibition. Place: California USA London England Notes: Envelope annotated in pencil on front in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fanny | some mention of family relations &c".
NHM-WP01.003.084    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, North Marianne,  1888.08.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from Godalming, 24 Aug 1888, re house-hunting in Wales and Gloucestershire; visit to Miss North. Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: This was enclosed in a 1904 half-envelope with another letter from Fanny, 1883. For details of envelope see WP18/17
NHM-WP01.003.085    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace John,  1891.12.22   Envelope annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "A.R.W | recent letters to Fanny" and in pencil in his son William Wallace's hand? "Not very interesting | WGW" containing a letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny from Parkstone, Dorset, 22 Dec 1891 and part letter to Fanny (last page) date unknown. The letter dated 22 Dec 1891 is re a legacy of £10 left to Fanny by Miss Hudson; brother John's recovery from an accident; invitation to Fanny to visit Parkstone; sending her a Christmas turkey; £5 owed Fanny in a legal case; request for copies of photos of A. R. Wallace. The part letter, beginning in mid-sentence "comes a long way from the main," is re hard frost damage to tender shrubs; word puzzle competition with $5,000 prize in an American paper. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.003.086    Correspondence:   Wallace John, Wallace Alfred Russel  1892.06.30   Envelope addressed to Alfred R. Wallace LLD, Parkstone, Dorsetshire, England, with stamp cut out, part postmark: Stock[ton] [Stockton], 1892. Cal., (day date illegible) on front, New York Jul 5 1892 and Parkstone Jy 14 92 on back. Annotated in pencil (by A. R. Wallace?) "Notes on Working Men in 1835-45". CONTENTS: Ms in John Wallace's hand, headed "The Work problem 50 years ago by a Worker" with notes on the wages and conditions for builders' labourers in London from 1835-1845. The letter is from A. R. Wallace's brother John Wallace, Stockton (California) Jun 30 1892, to A. R. Wallace, commenting on his ms and the problem of alcoholism in the working classes in the past. Place: Parkstone Dorset England USA Notes: Ms is 1 lined folio, foolscap size when folded.
NHM-WP01.003.087    Correspondence:   Wallace John, Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace  1893.11.18   Letter from John Wallace to his brother A. R. Wallace from Stockton (California), 18 Nov 1893, re acknowledgement on October 1 of A. R. Wallace's letter dated September 15 reporting the death of their sister Fanny; work on connecting houses to a sewerage system emptying into the San Joaquin River, expense of board of health building requirments; general economic depression due to the Democratic administration; A. R. Wallace's reaction in his letter of August 23 to John's views on the theories of the Earth's crust. Place: Stockton California USA
NHM-WP01.003.088    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Herbert Edward, Sims Frances née Wallace  1904.03.01   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace Broadstone Dorset, postmarked London Mar 1 1904 and annotated in pencil "H.E.W. from Amazon | last letters"containing 3 letters from Herbert Edward Wallace to his sister Fanny, from Neath c. Jun 1849?, Tantarein c Sep 1849? and Barra de Rio Negro c. Aug 1851?. See separate records WP1/3/75, WP1/3/76 and WP1/3/77 for descriptions of the letters.
NHM-WP01.004.002    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley, Wedderburn Sir David  1879.05   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Waldron Edge, Friday morning, annotated in WGW's? hand in lead pencil May 1879; re Annie and son William's health; Sir David Wedderburn coming to visit to talk with A. R. Wallace about Java; new black kitten for Annie; outing with Violet to Selsdon, Hamsey Green and Riddlesdown, primroses in flower; Miss Buckley's anticipated visit. Place: Waldron Sussex England Java Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/14 and later WP1/21/2.
NHM-WP01.004.003    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Palgrave Sir Reginald Francis Douce, Shaen Miss  1892.11.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Parkstone, Dorset, 1 Nov 1892 re Annie's safe arrival at Malvern; lunch with Sir Reginald and Lady Palgrave, the Watkins, Dr Allman and Miss Travers at Mr Dugmore's, A. R. Wallace left early as all talking "Primrose League"; arrangement of refurbished study; tea at Mrs Barnes's with the Nichols, Mrs Cooper, the Pocock family and Mrs Maitland; Violet doing gymnastics; the Huddlestones renting a house at Bournemouth; sending a copy of "Natural Science"containing photos of Coral reefs for Miss Shaen; will send "Fortnightly"on; London Library; Annie's health regimen; cooking. Place: Parkstone Dorset England Notes: "The Primrose League was a patriotic mass organisation nominally independent from, but allied to the British Conservative Party. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, it politically mobilised large numbers of British women." (Matthew Hendley 1996,The Canadian Historical Association) Source: Web page.
NHM-WP01.004.004    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William, Mitten Bessie, Allman Dr, Silk George C, Casey Comerford  1895.06.29   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Parkstone, Dorset, 29 Jun 1895 re arrival of her letter from Grindenwald, is preparing for journey (with her father William Mitten), asks her for guide book with maps and to ensure Mitten's boots well nailed, will visit Meiringen and other places on Annie's recommendation; Dr Allman's gardener to care for orchids in A. R. Wallace's absence; visit from Comerford Casey and his daughter, visit by George Silk; visit by a student of Spiritualism and his wife who went into a trance and behaved as various characters including A. R. Wallace's mother, photographs taken, possibly (a spirit) may be seen. Stamped envelope addressed to Mrs Wallace c/o W. Mitten, Hurstpierpoint Sussex, postmarked on the form Parkstone 29 Jun 1895. Place: Parkstone Dorset England Sussex Switzerland Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/6/1 and WP1/21/4 This letter was previously filed in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand "Examd Not wanted" almost certainly selected for J. Marchant when writing A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London 1916).
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