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Results 1451-1500 of 1775 for « +manuscript:true +type:item »
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NHM-WP14.002.009    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (Denver, Colorado?) newspaper of a cartoon showing the head of a black boy wearing a hat with three chickens tucked into the band and the caption "Injured Innocence". The reverse shows part of a what is apparently a report on a religious conference, mentioning the Denver journal "Inter Ocean" and the Swedenborgian Church. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.010    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (Ohio?) newspaper with the headline "Couldn't Support Him" by (or reprinted from) "Texas Colonel", a joke in dialect about an old Negro man and a political candidate. The reverse contains part of a report on a political meeting on the governorship of Ohio addressed by John A Bingham. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.011    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (San Francisco?) newspaper headlined "Digest of Game Laws of California" giving dates on which various types of game can legally be shot. The reverse shows part of two advertisements for San Francisco hotels. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.012    Printed:    1887?   An undated (1887?) cutting (from "The Post", Washington?) a humorous poem with no by-line titled "Pay with Caire" on the subject of U.S. taxes, each line ending in word ending in "aire" e.g. "dealaire" (dealer) "liquaire" (liquor). The reverse shows part of a report on political support for Mr Cleveland. (The President, Grover Cleveland?) mentioning a Washington "Post" correspondent. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.015    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (American?) paper with an item headed "The 'Possum" reprinted from the "Chicago Herald", with an anecdote (or joke) in dialect about an old Negro man buying an opossum. The reverse shows part of a story (obituary?) about an American (diplomat?) in China and India. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.024    Printed:    1887?   Cutting, New York Sun, undated (1887?) headlined "A Shrewd Old Panther | How he Lay for a Minnesota Hunter and Attacked Him Four Times" Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.026    Printed:    1887?   Cutting , Feb 4, no year date, (1887?) headlined on one side "Montreal's Big Carnival" with a report on the other side of A. R. Wallace's stay in Washington DC and plans for lectures. Place: Canada
NHM-WP05    Note:    1888--[1901]   The Land Nationalisation Society, a Socialist land-reform society whose aim was "to restore the Land to the People and the People to the Land" (Society's report 1891-92, back cover), was formed in 1881 with A. R. Wallace as President and was still in existence in 1905. The few papers in this class comprise two reports published during his Presidency and a legal agreement re land mortgage. WP5/1 1889-1892 Published Reports. WP5/2 [1900] Legal documents
NHM-WP05.001    Printed:    1888--1892   Reports of the Land Nationalisation Society 1888-1892, 2 printed pamphlets with some annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand; contents include a list headed by A. R. Wallace, President, of office-bearers and council members, and the Society's constitution and rules.
NHM-WP09.004    Note:    1888--1890   Ms lecture notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on the origin and uses of colours in animals. File of two sets of notes with the two annotated envelopes in which they were enclosed.
NHM-WP09.004.001    Note:    1888   MS notes in an envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand in pencil "A2" and in ink "Lecture Notes | Colours of Animals | Darwen, Newcastle, Altrincham Bowdon 1888" and in pencil "(not include Nunnery)", containing 24 folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on the cause and uses of colouration in animals, with references to numbered lantern slides. There appear to be notes for two lectures. The first 11 folios deal mainly or solely with protective colouration and are numbered sequentially from 2-13, including a folio numbered "8 & 9". In several cases (earlier?) numbers have been crossed out and replaced. The next 13 folios consist of a page titled "Lecture III | Warning Colours & Mimicry" followed by pages numbered sequentially 2 to 13. Place: England Notes removed from envelope in order to relax the crease along the fold, both notes and envelope put into an acid-free paper folder. Envelope torn and foxed, pages foxed.
NHM-WP17.016.[01]    Printed:    1888--1888   Page approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XVII, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Aralia notata and Platanus basilobata, Ward.
NHM-WP17.016.[02]    Printed:    1888--1888   Two pages each approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, (one folded folio) each page printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XIX, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus basilobata, Ward and Platanus occidentalis L. (Sycamores) and Plate XXII, Aspidiophyllum trilobatum, Aspidiophyllum dentatum and Aralia digitata
NHM-WP17.016.[03]    Printed:    1888--1888   Two pages each approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, (one folded folio) each page printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XX, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus occidentalis, Platanus appendiculata, and Sassafras officinale; and Plate XX1, Sassafras officinale and Sassafras cretaceum.
NHM-WP17.016.[04]    Printed:    1888--1888   Page approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XVIII, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus basilobata. Place: USA Notes: In envelope labelled "Photos &c for Studies" (i.e. "Studies Scientific and Social") when listed. The images are not reproduced there and no related essays seem to be included in the text.
NHM-WP18.008    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1888]--[1914]   Small cream envelope approximately 14 cm x 8cm, empty, annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's? hand "Newhaven | Anecdotes Marsh" and on the front in Annie Wallace's? A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink "A. R. Wallace's letters from U.S.A. 1886-1887 | & some press cuttings" with "Wanted" written in pencil above in the same hand? and "Copied WGW | Aug/15" written in pencil below in WGW's? hand. Place: Newhaven Connecticut USA Notes: Speculative dates based on possibility that original contents were collected together byARW after he returned from the USA, and date WGW might have been collecting material for Marchant.
NHM-WP01.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace William Greenell, Sharpe Mr, Campbell John Douglas Sutherland  1889--1911   Letters to William Greenell Wallace (Approximately 180 letters, some with enclosures, and 2 postcards, from Alfred Russel Wallace to his son William Wallace. Enclosures include letters, sketch maps and plans, and a press-cutting. There is also 1 sheet of lined paper folded and written on two sides in an unknown hand with notes on the contents of some of the letters (see WP1/1/152). Letters from Alfred Russel Wallace are typically addressed "My dear Willie" or "My dear Will" and typically signed "your affectionate Papa". Letters are generally in date order though some added later are out of sequence including 52 letters previously loose or arranged by subject, almost certainly by or for James Marchant c. 1915; these records have been put in date order at the end of the sequence, see WP1/1/153-201. Notes: The letters were in a small, non-archival box when delivered to the Museum. Only the label, which may have some historical value, has been kept. See old ref WP1/1/139. The letters have been placed in acid-free folders as a bundle. Many letters were numbered by Mrs Richard Wallace some time in the 1990s, roughly in date order. These numbers have been noted here. To assist locating and listing, I have numbered ALL the pieces in pencil IN BRACKETS, on the top right hand front corner where possible. The old and new numbers do not necessarily coincide. There is one blank record (WP1/1/88) P J Lucas, December 2002 and July 2003).
NHM-WP01.002    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet  1889--1905   Letters to Violet Wallace: 130 letters or part-letters, some with enclosures, from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, 1889-1905 and undated, one (10 Oct 1897) with an addendum by her mother Annie Wallace, most from Corfe View, Parkstone, Dorset, and addressed "my dear Violet" from "Your affectionate father" or "Your affectionate Papa". Notes: The bundle was in rough date order before listing and has been rearranged into accurate date order as far as possible. Letters with incomplete dates (e.g. "Sunday" have been kept with letters next to them in the original bundle. Each letter numbered sequentially in pencil in square brackets by PJL, 2002, from the earliest May 16, 1889 [1]
NHM-WP01.002.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet  [1889]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Godalming, Sunday morning (1889?) re A. R. Wallace marking exam papers; Violet's expenses and studies; family matters. Place: Dorset England Notes: Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful.
NHM-WP06.005.003    Draft:    [1889]   Proofs? "Wallace's Darwinism", review, by J Arthur Thomson of "Darwinism: An exposition of the theory of Natural Selection…" (A. R. Wallace, London 1889) from "The Theological Review"; five folios, pp [15] -24, with annotations in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand and "See last page" in his or WGW's hand on first page ; undated, 1889? Notes: Formerly with letters to A. R. Wallace from S B J Skertchly in 1913 envelope from "the Auk"; assumed to be misfiled.
NHM-WP06.012    Correspondence:   Prior Richard Chandler Alexander, Benson Margaret, Meyer Adolf , Weir John Jenner  1889--1899   Readers’ correspondence and related papers: 12 letters 1889-1899 from readers of books by A. R. Wallace, most annotated in his hand, and related papers, comprising:. 1. Letter from Frederick Simon, London 15 May 1899. 2. Letter from R C A Prior, London 1 Jun 1889. 3. Letter from J? Muswell? Seale?, Bedford, 3 Oct 1889, 4 ff.. 4. Letter from Miss Margaret Benson, Croydon, 30 Jan 1890, 3 ff. 5. Letter from E B Titchener, Oxford, 27 Jan 1890 enclosing 9 pages of specific corrections, on A. R. Wallace's books 'Darwinism…' (1889) and 'Natural Selection and tropical nature: Essays..' (1891) particularly on subject of sexual selection; some annotations in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; rough plans of a house in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand on back of letter. 6. Letter from James Sibree, London, 3 Mar 1892. 7. Letter from A B Meyer, Dresden, 6 Nov 1892. 8. Letter from J Jenner Weir, Beckenham, Kent, 30 Dec 1892, 2 ff. 9. Letter from Charles M Woodford, Epsom, 3 Jan 1893, 2 ff. 10. Letter from J Jenner Weir, Beckenham, Kent, 22 Jan 1893. 11. Letter from J S Martin, Trichinopoly, Ceylon, 13 Sep 1896. 12. W Storrs Fox, Bakewell, 21 Jan 1899. 13. Press cutting, undated, by Alexander H Japp on A. R. Wallace's views on sexual selection headlined "Bird-songs, bird-mating and other mating" from magazine or magazine section titled "Out and Home", pp. 27-30, 2 ff. 14. Undated note (1890?) in A. R. Wallace's hand beginning "Darwinism p. 285 | Miss Benson of Addington park, Croydon, informs me..." 15. Undated note in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "patterns that cannot be due to sexual selection" with notes on patterns of shells, larvae and Actinozoa Notes: Only names already in the Idealist database name authority file at 23 Dec 2003 have been entered in the name fields.
NHM-WP09.004.002    Note:    1889--1890   7 folios of MS notes, some cut and pasted, consisting of a first page titled "The Origin and Uses of the Colours of Animals" followed by folios numbered 2 to 7. The notes are folded into an opened envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand in pencil "A2" and in ink and pencil "Lecture 1 | The Colours of Animals. | 1889 York, Darlington, Newcastle (2) Liverpool (2) 1890 - Dundee" Place: England Scotland Notes removed from envelope in order to relax the crease along the fold, both notes and envelope put into an acid-free paper folder. Envelope torn and foxed, pages foxed.
NHM-WP06.008.023    Photo:    1889?--1905   16 proof illustrations for "My Life" on large sheets approx 29 cm x 23 cm, all but one captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink; between coarse cardboard sheets, the top one labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in ink "'My Life" | Proofs of Illustrations - large size | not quite complete'. Notes: The un-captioned proof, not reproduced in "My Life", is an oval-framed head and shoulders portrait of Wallace aged about 50?, 3/4 face looking to the viewer's left, hatless and wearing spectacles. Annotated card very acidic; bottom blank card discarded.
NHM-WP12.012    Printed:    1889?--1889?   "Prohibition at Work" by "E.T.B", British Women's Temperance League Leaflet no 7, undated (c 1889) ; 1 folio (4 pages).
BL-Add.Mss46420[.c]    Draft:    1890--1908   Autograph draft for journal articles (Shermer 2002, p.348), 13 items
BL-Add.Mss46432-46433    Draft:    1890--1908   Autograph drafts. Vols. XIX, XX (ff. 345, 337). Contributions to periodicals, etc., 1890-1908, some of which were reprinted with minor corrections and insertions and with the addition of illustrations and sub-headings in Studies Scientific and Social, 2 vols., 1900 (hereafter Studies). Except where noted the articles bear printer's marks; occasional additions and corrections were made in proof. Where possible dates of composition have been deduced from internal evidence.
NHM-WP01.002.016    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Harris Mr?  [1890]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset Thursday morning (1890?) re bill for book binding; flowers sent from France by Harris; national stocks of coal and dispute between colliery owners and miners. Place: Dorset England Notes: Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful. Annotated in pencil on an unknown hand " Harris | Coal Strike"
NHM-WP01.002.017    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell,  [1890]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Corfe View, Parkstone, Dorset Sunday (1890?) re Violet's studies and effort to obtain a hedgehog for teaching purposes; damage to William's eyes in a laboratory accident; A. R. Wallace's thoughts on the publication "Why does man Exist"; Violet's illegible writing. Place: Dorset England Notes: A strip of paper from the letter to which this is a reply is pasted onto the last page and contains the text " give a [critism] [criticism?] lesson on". Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful. Annotated in an unknown hand "Book | Why does man Exist".
NHM-WP01.008.075    Correspondence:   London County Council  [1890]   Undated (1890?) draft letter in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "To the London County Council | Waterlow Park" re proposed improvements to the park, heavily corrected 3 folios (10 numbered pages) exercise book paper, signed. Place: London Notes: Waterlow Park was given by the owner in 1889 and opened to the public in 1890. Source:
NHM-WP18.004.004    Note:    [1890]   Brown envelope without stamp annotated in ink "Re Early Entomological Days | recent letter from Dr Wallace &c" and below this in pencil in the same hand "E.F. Bates | 16 Phoenix Lodge mansions | Brook Green | London W. " in an unknown hand, apparently the same hand as used in the rough draft letter WP18/4/1.
NHM-WP05.001.002    Printed:    1891--1892   "Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1891-92", printed pamphlet annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "My address Criticising H Spencer's 'Justice"'; 37 pages plus text inside front and back covers.
NHM-WP06.006.005    Photo:    [1891--1900]   Annotated proof sheets? of images illustrating 'Flowers and Forests of the Far West', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch. X, pp. 213-234, figs 49 and 50, comprising: 1. Proof sheet? with black and white photographic image approx. 9 cm x 13 cm showing three tall Sequoia? tree trunks, the central one apparently partly stripped of bark, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink "The 'Mother of the Forest; (dead) Calaveros Grove" and in pencil " To face p. 807 of proof" and "chap. X". Reproduced in vol 1, ch. X as fig. 49, facing p. 228 captioned "The Mother of the Forest", undated and unattributed. 2. Proof sheet? with black and white photographic image approx. 9 cm x 13 cm showing a large multiple trunk to the largest stem of which is fastened a sign reading "Col. Ingersoll's Cathedral"; annotated in ink n A. R. Wallace's hand "Redwood Tree (Sequoia sempervirens) Sta Cruz" and in pencil "to face p. 809 of proof". Reproduced in vol 1, ch. X as fig. 50, facing p. 232, undated and unattributed. Place: California USA Notes: "Flowers and Forests of the Far West" was first published in "Fortnightly Review" Dec 1891.
NHM-WP06.008.002    Note:    [1891--1900]   1 folio lined exercise paper in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Papers before 1862" listing papers published by him with a note of the number of his articles and books up to 1862. Notes: Assigned to this series because of the note, which suggests he may have used the list for reference in writing the chapter on his literary work; however this is speculation.
NHM-WP14.001    Printed:    1891--1910   7 press cuttings from various papers and journals 1891-1910 and undated, on the subject of protective colouration in animals, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, cooperative smallholdings, fox-hunting in the army, and infant prodigy.
NHM-WP15.002    Printed:    1891--1906   Reprints or offprints of papers mostly on botany by John Kirk, Clement Reid, C E Larter and Eleanor Ormerod, autographed for William Mitten by the authors; extracts from proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales; Transactions of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science.
NHM-WP15.002.014    Printed:    1891   Kirk, T, "On the botany of the Antarctic islands" reprinted from the Transactions of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science vol III, 189, pp. (213)-231. Place: Antarctica Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author.
NHM-WP01.002.022    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Thompson Darcy, Backhouse Mr, Fisher Mrs, Butler Samuel  [1892]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from High-Force Hotel, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Sunday morning (1892?) re A. R. Wallace's lecture in Dundee; visit to York; family members, enclosing letters (not present); (Samuel) Butler and Darwinism. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in an unknown hand in blue pencil "-92". Dated on basis of this annotation, but date doubtful.
NHM-WP01.002.023    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Lubbock John  [1892]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset, Tuesday evening (1892?) re A. R. Wallace's lecture tour; gardening; Violet's lessons on seeds, sending book by Lubbock. Place: Dorset England York Newcastle Darlington Durham Notes: Annotated in an unknown hand in blue pencil "-92". Dated on basis of this annotation, but date doubtful.
NHM-WP07.064.[01]    Draft:    1892   "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, ms notes and proofs comprising: 1. Ms notes re female sexual selection in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand, quoting from a letter of 1891 by E. Curzon; 1 small sheet of blue-green paper. Notes: Smith bibliog: S459. Note on Sexual Selection. Natural Science 1: 749-750 (Dec. 1892: no. 10).
NHM-WP17.003    Photo:    1892--1892?   Photographic print (by Thomas Sims?) pasted onto card, of a letter signed Fred? A Eaton? Secretary, from the Royal Academy of Arts to Oscar O Junck, from London, 14 Dec 1892, granting his request for the production of a duplicate of the gold medal obtained by him in 1881.The card is stamped on the back "Sims | 70, Lillie Road | West Brompton."
NHM-WP01.003    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1893--1904   Wallace Family Correspondence 1835-1893: Letters, 1835-1893, to and from A R Wallace and other members of his family and friends, with related papers. Letters 1835-1869 were filed together when listed in a ring binder with a contents list in an unknown hand (WGW's?) headed "Old letters to and from A. R. Wallace and other members of his family". Some undated letters and fragments which were at the back of the binder are not included in this contents list. The list is preceded by notes on A. R. Wallace's whereabouts at various dates. Correspondents include H W Bates, G Silk, Richard Spruce and members of Wallace's family. Letters are arranged by date except for a few later letters found among apparently unrelated papers, which have been added out of sequence at the end of the list. Place: Amazon Malaya Notes: The Contents list is of 58 letters, 1835-1869, on 3 folios each written on one side only in an unknown hand. Each letter in the Contents list is numbered and gives author, correspondent and month and year date. They are in chronological order with the exception of one outlier at the end of the list. Some undated letters and fragments which were at the back of the binder are not included in this contents list. Almost all letters have markings (underlining, brackets, or deletions) mostly in blue pencil, possibly by A. R. Wallace but possibly by his son or daughter, by James Marchant, or another. Because these are so common they have not been noted except where apparently related to annotations or where deletion obscures text.When acquired by the NHM these papers were in a maroon "Perry & Co" brand cardboard spring binder 28cm x 23.5 cm, with letters in individual (glassine?) envelopes.There were also loose notes made by NHM staff who have handled the material (personal information from Emma Bennett, assistant Librarian, General Library, Nov. 2002). Individual letters and pages have been removed from the album and placed in acid-free melinex folders or envelopes for protection. NB THE LARGEST FOUND IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL UNFOLDED LETTERS. Some of the letters are in extremely poor condition, torn, with sections missing, dirty and foxed. The folios on which the contents are listed are brittle and foxed. Loose notes have been destroyed but as an aid to the staff who wrote them replaced with the same text written on acid free paper. The contents are also noted in the records of the pieces to which they refer. I recommend destruction of the album and glassine envelopes, as of virtually no historical value. The album is lined with an extremely acidic, brittle cardboard and the glassine envelopes are dirty and in most cases too small to hold the unfolded letters. At present they are in the large grey phase box labelled in pencil "WP1/3, together with the disbound letters. P J Lucas, 17/12/02 .Notes associated with the letters were written by Emma Bennett, assistant librarian NHM (identified by her) except in one case where a note was written by Sandra Knapp, botanist, NHM, author of "Footsteps in the Forest", on Wallace. Her hand was also identified by Emma. PJL 19/12/02. RECORD MODIFIED 13/10/03: A separate acid free envelope of papers was inserted between the album covers and is labelled "Listed as ' 6 sheets of notes relating to Darwin comments on island life'. Possibly by Darwin?". This is in fact seven folios of comments on A. R. Wallace's "Island Life" in Charles Darwin's hand; it has been relocated to Papers re publications: books by A. R. Wallace: 'Island Life': WP6/4 in new series WP6.
NHM-WP06.006.001    Photo:    [1893]--1900   Photographic images illustrating 'Inaccessible Valleys', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch. 1, pp. 1-27, all black and white, comprising: 1. Unnumbered proof sheet? annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Govetts Leap", approx. 19 cm x 14.5 cm with central image approx. 12 cm x 9 cm, annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in red ink "Govetts Leap", showing mountain ranges in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia viewed from a clifftop on which two? women with backs to camera are seated on the right of the picture. Reproduced in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social" (London 1900) vol. 1, fig. 6, p. 15, captioned "View from Govett's Leap" Undated, attributed to Admiral Maclear. ( J P Maclear?) 2. Photographic print? approx. 14 cm x 18 cm on card approx. 17 cm x 22.5 cm titled "North Dome and Washington Column", reproduced as fig. 7, p. 23. 3. Seven proof sheets? the first six approx. 19 cm x 14.5 cm with central images approx. 12 cm x 9 cm; held together with brass clip, sheets numbered, titled and in some cases annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand, showing figs 1 -7 inclusive comprising : 1. The Water Slide, Doone Valley 2. El Capitan, (Yosemite valley, California USA) 3. Sentinel Rock ditto 4. Virgin Tears Waterfall ditto 5. Govett's Leap, Blue Mountains NSW, Australia 6. The view from Govett's leap ditto, annotated "from Vice Admiral Maclear's album" 7. The North Dome, Yosemite Valley (sheet approx. 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm with image approx. 14 cm x 10 cm) Place: Australia Devon England California USA
NHM-WP06.006.002    Photo:    [1893]--1900   Annotated photos and proof sheets of images illustrating 'The Ice Age and Its Work. Erratic Blocks and Ice Sheets.', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch. IV, pp. 59-93, figs. 9-22, all black and white except where noted, 19 in total comprising: 1. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 9 cm x 5.5 cm of a boulder-strewn plain, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Fig. 1.| Surface of part of Great terminal Moraine" ( Fig. 9 in vol. 1, unattributed.) 2. Ditto with photographic image approx. 9.5 cm x 7 cm of a lake with mountains in the background and a house or farm buildings in a boulder-strewn landscape in the foreground, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Fig 2" (Fig. 10, vol. 1, unattributed, captioned "Moraines at Easedale Tarn".) 3. Photographic print approx. 21 cm x 15.5 cm apparently used for the production of Fig. 10 above; black and white but with clouds behind mountains painted in watercolour in white with touches of yellow (or dirt); annotations on the back in pencil include "16585 | 098 E | S | 93 mm | Easedale Tarn. Grasmere." 4. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 9.5 cm x 5.5 of large boulders among vegetation including three upright leafless tree or grass stems. annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil "Fig. 3" (Fig. 11, vol.1, captioned "Roches Moutonées in Idaho, USA", attributed US Geological Survey.) 5. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 10 cm x 7 cm showing five men seated in a rocky landscape with a mallet in the foreground, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fig. 4". (Fig 12, vol. 1, captioned "Striated Rock Surface at Wasdale Crag", attributed Godfrey Bingley.) 6. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 9.5 cm x 7.5 cm showing a young boy in flat cap and short trousers seated in a rocky landscape, annotated in pencil in ARW's hand " Fig 5." (Fig. 13 in vol. 1, captioned "Rock Groovings at Barmouth", attributed Percy F Kendall.) 7. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 9.5 cm x 7.5 cm showing grooved and fissured rocks, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fig. 6". (Fig. 14 in vol 1. captioned "Rock Groovings Near Barmouth" attributed to "an unknown friend". 8. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 9.5 cm x 7.5 cm showing a landscape with a road and grassy plain in the foreground and hills in the far background with a windmill? cairn? at middle right, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fig. 6 [sic]. (Fig. 15 in vol. 1, captioned "Moraine at Specton", attributed Mr Kendall.) 9. Proof sheet? with photographic image approx 15 cm x 10.5 cm showing chalk cliffs at the edge of the sea, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Fig. 7 | Scandinavian Ice sheet. Terminal Moraine". (Fig 16, vol 1, captioned "Boulder clay on chalk, Flamborough Head", attributed Mr Bingley. 10. Proof sheet? with photographic image approx 10 cm x 7 cm showing sharply peaked cliffs with stony beach in the foreground, no annotations. (Fig. 17, vol. 1, captioned "Boulder Clay on Upper Oolite, Yorkshire", attributed Mr Bingley). 11. Photographic print 15.5 cm x 11 cm mounted on slightly larger card; annotations on the back in pencil in an unknown hand include "12503- | Swan Sonnenschein [o/n] 459 | [Tuesday]" and on the front in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Glacial Drift on Oolite, Yorkshire coast." The purple stamp of Godfrey Bingley, Thornichurst, Headingley, Leeds, is faintly visible showing through from the back at top left of the print. Apparently used to produce fig. 17, vol. 1. 12. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 5 cm x 5 cm showing a boulder with inclusions, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fig. 9" (Fig 18, vol. 1, captioned "A Scandinavian Boulder found in Yorkshire", attributed Mr Kendall. 13. Sepia photographic print approx. 5 cm x 5 cm showing a boulder with inclusions, apparently used to produce fig. 18, vol. 1. 14. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 10 cm x 7 cm showing a dark boulder perched on a smaller pale one in a landscape with mountains in the far background; annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand in pencil "Fig. 10. (Fig. 19 in vol 1, captioned "Silurian Erratic on Limestone, Ingleborough", attributed Mr Kendall.) 15. Sepia photo approximately 15.5 cm x 11 cm mounted on slightly larger card, showing a large dark boulder among smaller limestone rocks in a field with rolling hills in the distance. Captioned on the card in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Erratic - Millstone Grit on Limestone." Faint pencil annotations in the same hand are on the top edge of the card and the purple stamp of Godfrey Bingley, Thornichurst, Headingley, Leeds, is faintly visible at top and bottom of the print, showing through from the back. Apparently used to produce fig. 19, vol. 1. 16. Small proof sheet? or part of one with photographic image approx. 10 cm x 7 cm showing a large boulder perched on the edge of a slope with mountains in the distance, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Fig. 11 | Perched block in Pass of Llanberris". (Fig. 20 in vol 1 captioned "Perched block in the pass of Llanberris", attributed Mr Kendall. 17. Sepia photo approximately 15.5 cm x 11 cm mounted on slightly larger card, showing a large boulder perched on the edge of a slope with mountains in the distance. Captioned on the card in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Perched block, Pass of Llanberris" and in pencil "2 1/2" with pencil markings. Annotated on the back of the card in pencil in an unknown hand "12506- | Swan Sonnenschein [o/n?] 459 | [Tuesday?]". Apparently used to produce fig. 20 in vol. 1. 18. Small proof sheet? or part of one with woodcut or engraved image initialled "AF 1888" approx. 10 cm x 7 cm showing a large rock perched on smaller ones, annotations in pencil and ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand include " 'From "Falsans du Periode Glaciaux" p. 77' and "Fig. 12. | Perched Block, near Monthey, Bas Valais". (Fig. 21, vol. 1, captioned "Perched Block, near Monthey, Bas Valais"; attributed to Falsan.) 19. Small proof sheet? or part of one with woodcut or engraved image initialled "[L. S] 1888" showing a large rock perched on two smaller upright ones in a landscape with hills in the far distance and a goatherd or shepherd seated nearby, annotated in ink and pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Fig. 13. Perched block - 5 miles N.W. of Chambery. (Triassic Brascia)". (Fig. 22, vol. 1, captioned "Perched block near Chambery", attributed Falsan. Place: Cumbria Yorkshire England Wales France USA Notes: 'The Ice Age and Its Work. Erratic Blocks and Ice Sheets' was first published in "Fortnightly Review", Nov 1893. I have numbered each image in pencil near the top edge in square brackets from WP6/6/2 (1) to (19), and on the proofs but not photos have added the figure number as it was published, in square brackets at the bottom. PJL 9 Dec 2003.
NHM-WP12.013    Printed:    1893   Reprint, "Animal Life in East Greenland" by H W Fielden, from The Zoologist, Feb 1893; annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "From the writer"; 1 folio print.
NHM-WP17.008    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Ten undated photographic images of geological features or landscape, with annotated envelope. Notes: Dates of some inferred from period when A. R. Wallace was in Switzerland. No source or publication identified, but all are similar to images reproduced in articles on geology in A. R. Wallace's "Studies Scientific and Social" vol. 1 (1900) and may have been considered for publication there or reproduced in the original journal or newspaper publications (not seen).
NHM-WP17.008.002    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Sepia photographic print approximately 11 cm x 8 cm, annotated on the back in ink in an unknown hand " 'corrugated' basalt, oelberg | Siebengebrige". Showing a cliff face of basalt columns leaning to the viewer's left, with a man in a dark suit and hat standing in the left foreground. (Siebengebrige mountains, West Germany). Undated. Possibly c. 1893, when A. R. Wallace was writing on glaciation (See WP1/2/39, letter to Violet Wallace 8 October 1893). Photographer unknown. Place: Germany Notes: In envelope marked "Geological & Glacial | Photos - | Ananda C. Swamy. | Aarschlucht" when listed. The hand is on the back of other photos. It is NOT that of William Mitten (checked against a letter of his).
NHM-WP17.008.003    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Black and white photographic print approximately 10 cm x 7.5 cm, showing a large boulder against the sky, balanced on an almost smooth rock surface which slopes towards the viewer. There are mountains in the background on the left and rock surface sloping up to the right. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand " Perched rock - glaciated Gabbro | Skye." and (possibly in another hand) " 838/2 | no 6". Undated. Possibly c. 1893, when A. R. Wallace was writing on glaciation (See WP1/2/39, letter to Violet Wallace 8 October 1893). Photographer unknown. Place: Skye Scotland Notes: In envelope marked "Geological & Glacial | Photos - | Ananda C. Swamy. | Aarschlucht" when listed.
NHM-WP17.008.004    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Sepia photographic print approximately 11 cm x 8 cm showing a distant mountain range, with trees or shrubs in the foreground. Annotated on the back in ink in the same unknown hand as that on the photo of corrugated basalt at Siebengebrige and other photos in WP17/8 "Views from Puy Nugere, Auvergne." (Puy de la Nugere is an extinct volcano). Undated. Possibly c. 1893, when A. R. Wallace was writing on glaciation (See WP1/2/39, letter to Violet Wallace 8 October 1893). Photographer unknown. Place: Auvergne France Notes: In envelope marked "Geological & Glacial | Photos - | Ananda C. Swamy. | Aarschlucht" when listed.
NHM-WP17.008.005    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Sepia photographic print approximately 11 cm x 8 cm showing a distant mountain range against a cloudy sky, with closer rounded wooded hills in the foreground. Annotated on the back in ink in the same unknown hand as that on the photo of corrugated basalt at Siebengebrige and other photos in WP17/8 "Puy de Dome, (and Puy Pariou on right) from Gravenoire, Auvergne." Undated. Possibly c. 1893, when A. R. Wallace was writing on glaciation (See WP1/2/39, letter to Violet Wallace 8 October 1893). Photographer unknown. Place: Auvergne France Notes: In envelope marked "Geological & Glacial | Photos - | Ananda C. Swamy. | Aarschlucht" when listed.
NHM-WP17.008.006    Photo:    1893?--1893?   Sepia photographic print approximately 11 cm x 8 cm showing several levels of upright basalt columns, with a slack cable and post fence and a (mining?) truck on a railway track in the middle ground. Annotated on the back in ink in the same unknown hand as that on the photos of corrugated basalt at Siebengebrige and others in WP17/8 "Basalt, Dattenburg. | Siebengebrige." Undated. Possibly c. 1893, when A. R. Wallace was writing on glaciation (See WP1/2/39, letter to Violet Wallace 8 October 1893). Photographer unknown. Place: Germany Notes: In envelope marked "Geological & Glacial | Photos - | Ananda C. Swamy. | Aarschlucht" when listed.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore