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WSPEC201    Periodical contribution:     Andrewes, H. E. 1925. A revision of the Oriental species of the genus Tachys. Annali Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 51:327-502   PDF
WSPEC173    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M.U. 1926. Description of new forms from the oriental region. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 47: 52-58.   PDF
WSPEC242    Periodical contribution:     Jordan, Karl. 1926. Some new Anthribidae in the British Museum. Novitates Zoologicae 33: 146-154.   PDF
WSPEC349    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M. 1926. Description of birds from the Oriental Region. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 47: 52-58   PDF
WSPEC260    Periodical contribution:     Shannon, R. C. 1927. Notes on and descriptions of syrphid flies of the subfamily Cerioidinae. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 17: 38-53.   PDF
WSPEC163    Periodical contribution:     Kinnear, N.B. 1928. On Hypocharmosyna from New Guinea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 48: 84-85.   PDF
S708    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. [1930] [Letters to Ernest Marriott] Edgar Allan Poe: A series of seventeen letters concerning Poe's scientific erudition in Eureka and his authorship of "Leonainie". New York, n.d., pp. (1)-18.   Text   Image
WSPEC164    Periodical contribution:     Salomonsen, Finn. 1933. Descriptions of new birds from the Moluccas. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 54: 86-87.   PDF
WSPEC239    Periodical contribution:     Hanitsch, R. 1933. The Blattidae of Mount Kinabalu, British North Borneo. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 17 (2): 297-337.
S709    Periodical contribution:     Pickens, A.L. 1934. Letters concerning Wallace, Newton and Tristram. Auk (n.s) 51: 404-405.   Text   Image
S754    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1934. Conversations with James Milne. In: Milne, James. 1934. The memoirs of a bookman. London: John Murray, pp. 184-188.
WSPEC350    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M. 1935. Note sur les perroquets du genre Tanygnathus, et revision des formes de T. megalorhynchos. Oisea et la revue francaise d'ornithologie 1935: 214-218   PDF
S711    Periodical contribution:     Carpenter, Hale. 1939. A letter from A. R. Wallace to F.p. Pascoe, written from Ternate, 20 December 1860. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (Series A) 14: 77-78.   Text   Image
WSPEC308    Periodical contribution:     Balfour-Browne, J. 1939. On Copelatus Er. and Leiopterus Steph. (Col. Dytiscidae) with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 88 (2): 57-88.   PDF
NHM-WP02.001.009    Photo:    [1940]   Portrait of Violet Wallace in old age: Black and white photographic print, undated, 6 cm x 9 cm, showing an elderly woman (Violet Wallace) with a walking stick seated in a wheelchair on a garden path, with a wooden paling fence with trees behind it in the background. The print is annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Violet in her garden at 'Thornleigh', Hurst. Place: Hurst Berkshire England Notes: Subject positively identified by her nephew Richard Wallace, June 2003.
S712    Periodical contribution:     Wikman, K. Rob V. 1940. Letters From Edward B.Tylor and Alfred Russel Wallace to Edward Westermarck. Edited.with introductory remarks concerning the publication of the history of human marriage. Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora XIII.7: 1-22.   Text   Image
WSPEC217    Periodical contribution:     Brooks, G. T. 1948. New Species of Enithares (Hemiptera, Notonectidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 21 (2): 37-57.   PDF
NHM-WP16.004    Note:    1949--1950   Papers 1949-1950 re the sale of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace, including correspondence between William Greenell Wallace and the BMNH, the University Museum Oxford, and the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. Place: New Guinea
NHM-WP16.004.004    Note:    1949?   List in William Greenell Wallace's hand headed "Bird of Paradise Skins", undated (c. 1949?), ink on blue paper, listing 5 Pirds of Paradise by common and zoological name and "1 other small species prepared in natural manner"; presumably those A. R. Wallace skins intended for sale. Place: New Guinea
WSPEC165    Periodical contribution:     Sims, R.W. and Warren, R.M.L. 1955. The names of the races of Pompadour pigeon, Treron pompadora (Gmelin), in Java and Celebes. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 75: 96-97.   PDF
WSPEC346    Periodical contribution:     Zwaluwenburg, R.H. van. 1959. Some type designations, with notes on Pacific Elateridae (Coleoptera). Pacific Insects 1 (4): 347-414.   PDF
WSPEC309    Periodical contribution:     Bryant, G.E. 1962. New species of Cassena Weise (Galerucidae) Coleoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 13) 5 (54): 369-375.   PDF
WSPEC291.01    Book:     Warren, Rachel L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 1: Non-Passerines. London: British Museum (Natural History).   PDF
WSPEC315    Periodical contribution:     Darlington, P.J. Jr. 1968. The carabid beetles of New Guinea, part III. Harpalinae (continued): Perigonini to Pseudomorphini. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 137: 1-254.   PDF
NHM-WP18.027    Note:    [1970]--[1980]   Label in red biro " Letters on the occassion [sic] of A. R. Wallace's 90th Birthday", probably in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. Notes: Found when listed in a yellow paper folder labelled in the same? hand "Xerox these" containing a variety of apparently unrelated letters, lists and notes now relocated to appropriate series. For comparison see postcard WP4/4/9 in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand.
WSPEC291.02    Book:     Warren, Rachel L.M. & Harrison, C.J.O. 1971. Type-specimens of birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 2: Passerines. London: British Museum (Natural History).   PDF
WSPEC218    Periodical contribution:     Brooks, S. J. 1983. A new genus of oriental lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology, 47(1): 1-26   PDF
WSPEC302    Periodical contribution:     Evenhuis, N. L. 1988. Review of the genus Brachyanax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), with a revised key to species. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 28: 65-70.   PDF
WSPEC285    Periodical contribution:     Cassola, Fabio. 1991. Studi sui Cicindelidi, LXIII. I Cicindelidae (Coleoptera) dell'Isola di Sulawesi, Indonesia. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 88: 481-614.   PDF
WSPEC328    Periodical contribution:     McAlpine, D.D. 1994. Review of the species of Achias (Diptera: Platystomatidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 8: 117-281.   PDF
WSPEC200    Periodical contribution:     Hoek Ostende, L.W. van den, Dekker, R.W.R.J. & Keijl, G.O. 1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1. Non-Passerines. NNM Technical Bulletin 1: 1-248   PDF
WSPEC286    Periodical contribution:     Baker, D.B. 2001. Alfred Russel Wallace’s record of his consignments to Samuel Stevens, 1854-1861. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 75 (16): 251-341.   PDF
S734a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 2002. Peixes do Rio Negro; Fishes of the Rio Negro (organization, introductory text and translation by Mônica de Toledo-Piza Ragazzo). São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, Imprensa Oficial do Estado.
S712a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 2006. On a probable means of procuring plane and curved specula of great size, with a few remarks on fixed telescopes. In: Smith, Charles H., Reflections on Wallace. Nature 443 (7107): 34.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC287    Periodical contribution:     Polaszek, Andrew & Cranbrook, Earl of. 2006. Insect species described from Alfred Russel Wallace's Sarawak collections. Malayan Nature Journal 57 (4): 433-462.   PDF
WSPEC354    Periodical contribution:     Cranbrook, Earl of. 2008. “Alfred Wallace, Field Collector”. In Natural Selection and Beyond: The Intellectual Legacy of Alfred Russel Wallace, ed. C.H. Smith and G. Beccaloni. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. ix–xix.
S712c    Periodical contribution:     Rosenfeld, R.A. 2009. Alfred Russel Wallace and the RASC. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 103 (4, August): 165-168.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC288    Periodical contribution:     Mlikovsky, Jiri. 2010. Types of birds in the collections of the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland. Part 4: Varia, addenda and conclusions. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 179 (6): 47-92.   PDF
WSPEC237    Periodical contribution:     Gorjón, Sergio P. & Aparecide de Jesus, Maria. 2012. Some new species and new records of corticioid fungi (Basidiomycota) from the Brazilian Amazon. Phytotaxa 67: 38-54.   PDF
WSPEC300    Periodical contribution:     Freeman, S., Sharon, M., Maymon, M., Mendel, Z., Protasov, A., Aoki, T., Eskalen, A. & O'Donnell, K. 2013. Fusarium euwallaceae sp. nov.—a symbiotic fungus of Euwallacea sp., an invasive ambrosia beetle in Israel and California. Mycologia 105 (6): 1595–1606.   PDF
WSPEC265    Periodical contribution:     Valerio, Alejandro A., Austin, Andrew D., Masner, Lubomir & Johnson, Norman F. 2013. Systematics of Old World Odontacolus Kieffer s.l. (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s.l.): parasitoids of spider eggs [description of Odontacolus wallacei]. ZooKeys 314: 1-151.   PDF
WSPEC151    Periodical contribution:     Cicuzza, Daniele. 2014. A rediscovery of Alfred Russel Wallace's fern collection from Borneo at the Cambridge University Herbarium. Notes & Records, the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science. Online ahead of print, doi:10.1098/rsnr.2014.0035: 1-10
WSPEC241    Periodical contribution:     Heatubun, Charlie D., Zona, Scott & Baker, William J. 2014. Three new genera of arecoid palm (Arecaceae) from eastern Malesia. Kew Bulletin 69: 9525 (pp.1-18).   PDF
NHM-WP01.001.088    Note:    undated   BLANK RECORD
NHM-WP01.001.139    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   Paper label attached to part of a cardboard wine-glass box. "Letters from A. R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889-June 1911. And 2 post cards", is written on it in ink in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. The label is 14cm x 10cm, with decoration showing an otter and butterfly among bulrushes, World Wildlife Fund (UK) Trading Ltd logo and text, all printed in green on cream paper. The remainder of the box, which contained the letters listed in WP1/1 when the collection was delivered to the Museum, was an unsuitable, acidic container, judged to have no historical value, and has been destroyed. nil Notes: The number 139 was accidentally omitted when numbering the letters so has been assigned to this piece for convenience.
NHM-WP01.001.152    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   1 sheet folded and written on two sides in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand as follows: Letters from A.R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889 June 1911 & 2pcs. Letter no 42. Ref treatment of smallpox | reprint of Malay Archipelago | vaccination. Letter No 44 Donkey & Cart | Plants from Sir Thomas Hanbury. Letter No 29 Househunting! | Beaconsfield | Nr Owens House - The Grange | 70 acre estate with potential! November 1900 (A. R. Wallace aged 77?). Letter no 26 A. R. Wallace giving instructions to his son William !! aged 29!! Letter No 78 (text ends here) Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.003.001    Note:    undated   3 folios, date unknown, written on one side only, giving A. R. Wallace's whereabouts at various dates and listing 58 letters by author, correspondent and date. Notes: List in date order except for the last entry, no 58, which is 1858. There is a loose note c. 2001? (destroyed): "Missing no 18". No 18 is listed as "A. R. Wallace to G Silk, June 1848." The following loose notes above the list in an unknown hand have been destroyed: 1. "This has Bates Ternate 1858 letter" annotated in another hand "Xerox" and 2. "Letter to Bates Amboyna Jan 4 1858 | postscript Ternate Jan 25, 1858 | Also separate sheet with insects of the Eastern Archipelago collected by A R Wallace from May 1 1854 to Jan 1, 1858". See note to WP6/5/4 ( Proofs of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism, an exposition….") re Xerox process and speculative dates.
NHM-WP01.003.002    Draft:    undated   Folded folio apparently from an exercise book, with the following text on one side in ink, apparently in A. R. Wallace's hand: "My Malayan Letters to H.W. Bates", annotated in pencil in another hand: "(6) | Copy all | All copied". "Copy all" is crossed through and "all copied" ticked. On the other side of the sheet is written, apparently in a different hand "Early letters to & from A.R. Wallace &c &c".
NHM-WP01.003.065    Note:    undated   BLANK RECORD: Item transferred to more appropriate series
NHM-WP01.003.066    Note:    undated   BLANK RECORD: Item transferred to more appropriate series
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore