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NHM-WP19.27    Figure:    1855   Watercolour painting of the head of a female rhinoceros hornbill from Sarawak. "Rhinoceros Hornbill of Borneo. ♀ ⅔ of natural size"   Image
WSPEC097    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1856. [Extract from a letter received from Mr Wallace written from Lombock]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 34.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC098    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1856. [Exhibition of remarkable insects sent from Borneo by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 4.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC074    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 141-175 .   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC083    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 82-100, pls. 3-4 [Read 6 May 1856.].   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC084    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 4-39, pls. 1-2 [Read 15 January 1856.].   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC085    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo, by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1 (3): 105-136, pl.VI.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.003.062    Note:    [1856]   Undated MS in ink and pencil A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "The Chinaman at Singapore" with brief notes re the typical Chinese merchant, shopkeeper, planter and coolie, and Kling (Chettiar) tradesmen.   Text   Image
NHM-WP19.16    Figure:    1856--1860   Ink and pencil sketch "Sugar Palm. Celebes"   Image
WSPEC099    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1857. [Exhibition of a box of Lepidoptera taken at Sarawak by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 38.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC100    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1857. [Exhibition of species of Pieris sent by Mr Wallace from Baley and Lombock]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 69.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC101    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1857. [Exhibition of insects lately received from Mr. Wallace captured in Celebes]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 86-87.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC012    Periodical contribution:     Gould, James. 1857. Descriptions of three new and very beautiful birds from Guatemala and from the island of Lombock. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 25 (1857): 64-65, Aves pl.CXXIII.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC047    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1857. On new genera and species of longicorn Coleoptera, part II. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 4: 89-112, pls. 23-24.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC061    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1857-1858. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 2 (6-7): 42-130, pls. 1-2 .   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC062    Periodical contribution:     Thomson, James. 1857. Wallace, voyage dans l’Asie Orientale. Fragments entomologiques renfermant la description de coléoptères nouveaux ou rares. Archives Entomologiques, 1: 425-460.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC089    Periodical contribution:     Westwood, John Obadiah. 1857. On the oriental species of butterflies related to the genus Morpho. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 4: 158-189.   Text   Image   PDF
S029    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1857. Notes of a journey up the Sadong River, in North-West Borneo. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London 1 (6): 193-205.   Text   Image   PDF
S035    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1857. Letter [dated 10 March 1857, Arru]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1856-1857: 91-93.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP19.17a    Figure:    1857   Ink and pencil sketch of Dobbo, Aru   Image
WSPEC102    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1858. [Exhibition of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera taken by Mr Wallace on the Ke and Aru Islands]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 8.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC103    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1858. [Exhibition of butterflies, taken in Amboyna by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 21.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC104    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1858. [Exhibition of butterflies taken by Mr Wallace in Celebes]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 40.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC105    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1858. [Exhibition of Coleoptera taken by Mr Wallace in Celebes]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 42.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC106    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1858. [Exhibition of minute Coleoptera sent by Mr Wallace from Celebes]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 43.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC119    Book:     Smith, Frederick. 1858. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. London: British Museum.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC013    Periodical contribution:     Gould, James. 1858. Exhibition of a series of birds collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Aroo Islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1858 February 23: 95.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC015    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1858. A list of the birds, with descriptions of new species obtained by Mr. Alfred R. Wallace in the Aru and Ké Islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 26: 169-198, Aves pls.CXXXIII-CXXXVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC025    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. 1858. List of species of Mammalia sent from the Aru Islands by Mr. A. R. Wallace to the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1858: 106-113, figs.1-4, pls. 63, 64.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC026    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. 1858. Observations on the genus Cuscus, with description of a new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1858: 100-105, pls. 61, 62.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC082    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1858-1859. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in the Aru Islands by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3 (10-11): 77-110, 111-131.   Text   Image   PDF
S041    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1858. On the Arru Islands. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London 2 (3): 163-170 (discussion on pp. 170-171).   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP19.12a    Figure:    1858   Pencil sketch of "Ternate Tidore March Motir"   Image
WSPEC107    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1859. [Exhibition of Coleoptera taken by Mr Wallace in Amboina]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 54.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC108    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1859. [Exhibition of butterflies taken by Mr Wallace in New Guinea]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 64.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC109    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1859. [Exhibition of Ornithoptera alluded to by Mr Wallace in a letter]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 72.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC122    Periodical contribution:     White, Adam. 1859. Description of Catoxantha carinata from Gilolo. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 64.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC005    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1859. Exhibition of a new Hispa sent from Batchian by Mr A. R. Wallace, described as Oxycephala imperialis. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 88.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC006    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1859. Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous insects. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 146-161.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC014    Periodical contribution:     Gould, James. 1859. On a new species of Dendrochelidon, or tree swift. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27: 100.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC016    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1859. On a new species of the family Papilionidae from Batchian. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27: 424-425.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC017    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1859. [Notes on a new bird-of-paradise discovered by Mr. Wallace.]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27: 130.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC018    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1859. List of the birds lately sent by Mr. A. R. Wallace from Dorey or Dorery, New Guinea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27: 153-160.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC037    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1859. Descriptions of some butterflies from the collection of Mr. Wallace. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1859: 422-424, pl.LXVI, LXVII.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC038    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1859. Descriptions of some butterflies from the collection of Mr. Wallace. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1858: 464-466, pl.54, 55.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC039    Periodical contribution:     Moore, Frederic. 1859. A monograph on the genus Adolias, a genus of diurnal lepidoptera belonging to the family Nymphalidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 62-87, pls.3-9.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC045    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1859. Exhibition of some longicorn beetles sent from Batchian by Mr A. R. Wallace, with characters of Cerambyx aureipennis and Tmesisternus lotor. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 84.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC055    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1859. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3 (11-12): 132-178.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC059    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1859. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected at Celebes by Mr.A. R. Wallace. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3 (1): 4-27.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC079    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1859-1860. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Makessar in Celebes, by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 4 (14): 90-96 , 97-144, 145-172.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC080    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1859. Catalogue of the heterocerous lepidopterous insects collected at Malacca by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3: 196-198.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC081    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1859. Catalogue of the heterocerous lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr.A. R. Wallace. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3: 183-196.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC090    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. Gray George Robert. 1859. Catalogue of the mammalia and birds of New Guinea, in the collection of the British Museum. London: British Museum (Natural History): pp. 1-68.   Text   Image   PDF
S042    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. A disputed case of priority in nomenclature. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1858-59: 23-24.   Text   Image   PDF
S047    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Letter [dated 29 October 1858, Batchian]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1858-1859: 61.   Text   Image   PDF
S048    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Letter [dated 29 October 1858, Batchian]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 27: 129.   Text   Image   PDF
S049    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Remarks on enlarged coloured figures of insects. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1858-1859: 66-67 (discussion on p. 67).   Text   Image   PDF
S050    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Letter [dated 28 January 1859, Batchian]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1858-1859: 70.   Text   Image   PDF
S056    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1859. Note on the sexual differences in the genus Lomaptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1858-59: 107.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP19.13a    Figure:    1859   Pencil sketch "Banda from Harbour."   Image
WSPEC110    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1860. [Exhibition of four species of Lomaptera sent from Batchian by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 106.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC111    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1860. [Exhibition of a large box of Coleoptera sent from Batchian by Mr A. R. Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 108.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC112    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1860. [Exhibition of Lepidoptera sent from Batchian by Mr A. R. Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 113.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC113    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1860. [Exhibition of Coleoptera sent from Ceram by Mr A. R. Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 139.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC117    Book contribution:     Gould, John. 1860. [Dacelo tyro.] In: Birds of Asia, vol. I no. XII. London: John Gould.   Image   PDF
WSPEC001    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1860. Descriptions of new genera and species of Eumolpidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (1): 23-36.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC010    Periodical contribution:     Gerstäcker, Carl Eduard Adolph. 1860. Beschreibung einiger ausgezeichneten neuen Dipteren aus der Familie Muscariae. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 21: 163-202, pl.II.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC011    Periodical contribution:     Goodwin, William. 1860. On an apparently new species of paradise-bird. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1860 May 8: 243-244.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC019    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1860. List of birds collected by Mr. Wallace at the Molucca Islands, with descriptions of new species, etc. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 28: 341-366, Aves pl.CLXIX-CLXXII.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC021    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. 1860. Zoological Society of London, 11 january 1860: Description of a new species of Cuscus (C.ornatus) from the island of Batchian. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (series 3) 6: 65-68.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC027    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. 1860. Description of a new species of Cuscus (C.ornatus) from the island of Batchian, with a list of the mammalia collected in that island by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1860 January 11: 1-3, pl.74.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC041    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1860. Notices of new or little-known genera and species of Coleoptera. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (1): 36-64, pls. II-III.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC052    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1860. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at Celebes. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 5 (17b) [Supplement to Vol.4]: 57-93.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC053    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1860. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 5 (17b) [Supplement to Vol.4]: 93-143, pl.1.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC063    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1860. Characters of undescribed species of the genus Leucospis. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (1): 16-23.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC076    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1860. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in Amboyna by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 5 (17b): 144-168.   Text   Image   PDF
S051    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1860. Notes of a voyage to New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 30: 172-177.   Text   Image   PDF
S053    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1860. On the zoological geography of the Malay Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society: Zoology 4: 172-184.   Text   Image   PDF
S055    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1860. Notes on Semioptera wallacii, Gray. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 28 (24 January): 61.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC120    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, P.L. 1860. Note on Wallace's Standard-wing, Semioptera wallacii. Ibis, 2 (5, January): 26-28, pl. II.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC121    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, P.L. 1860. Note on the birds of prey of New Guinea. Ibis 2 (8, October): 302-303, pl. X.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC114    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1861. [Exhibition of Papilios and other Lepidoptera sent from Ceram by Mr A. R. Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 5: 143.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC115    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1861. [Exhibition of a box of Lepidoptera sent by Mr Wallace from Mysol]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3rd series) 1: 29.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC002    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1861. Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (3): 193-206.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC003    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1861. Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (4): 275-302.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC042    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1861. Notices of new or little-known genera and species of Coleoptera. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (2): 98-132.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC044    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1861. Notes on the Brenthidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (5): 388-394.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC048    Periodical contribution:     Saunders, William Wilson. 1861. On Elaphomyia, a genus of remarkable insects of the order Diptera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 413-417, pl.XII, XIII.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC060    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1861-1862. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate and Gilolo. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 6 (21-22): 36-48, 49-66 [1 November 1861 and 1 March1862].   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC065    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1861. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Manado in Celebes, and in Tond, by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 5: 258-270.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC066    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1861. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Dorey, New Guinea, by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 5 (19): 229-254.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC087    Periodical contribution:     Westwood, John Obadiah. 1861. Descriptions and figures of a new genus and species of Gallerucidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (4): 216-218.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC032    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1862-1866. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies. Selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson, vol. III. London: John van Voorst.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC034    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1862. Specimen of a catalogue of Lycænidæ in the British Museum. London: Trustees of the British Museum: pp. [iiii], [1]-15, pl.I-VIII.   Image   PDF
WSPEC035    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1862. Descriptions of butterflies from the collections of A. R. Wallace and W.C.Hewitson. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1862: 87-91, pl.IX, X.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC091    Periodical contribution:     Gray, George Robert. 1862. Remarks in reference to the Gracula pectoralis of Mr. Wallace. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (series 3) 10: 472-473.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC092    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, Philip Lutley. 1862. Report on the acquitsition of two living Paradisea papuana brought by A. R. Wallace. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1862 April 8: 123.   Text   Image   PDF
S065    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1862. On the trade of the Eastern Archipelago with New Guinea and its islands. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 32: 127-137.   Text   Image   PDF
S067    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1862. Narrative of search after Birds of Paradise. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1862 (27 May): 153-161.   Text   Image   PDF
S068    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1862. On some new and rare birds from New Guinea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1862 (10 June): 164-166, pls. 19-21.   Text   Image   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore