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Results 1-80 of 80 for « +(documenttype:Draft) +type:item »
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NHM-WP06.009.001.[2]    Draft:    1907.10.19--1907.11.01   Letter to A. R. Wallace from J H Poynting, from Ampton Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham 19 Oct 1907 re the last chapters, radiation and Martian canals 3. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from "The Auk", Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, date illegible, annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? hand " Is Mars Habitable? | Author's corrected Proofs | (Prof Poynting's letter)". Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP07.100[2]    Draft:    1908.01.13--1908.01.25   "Dr. Russel Wallace and Woman"; letters to the editor, "The Outlook" pp. 89 -90, 18 Jan 1908, and pp. 119-122, 25 Jan 1908; comprising letter from A. R. Wallace 13 Jan 1908 in response to a previous letter signed "Eve"; letters signed "Adam" 16 Jan 1908; "E.R.", Bath, 14 Jan 1908; Saxon Mills, 21 Jan 1908; "E.C.B." 21 Jan 1908; and "E.R.", Bath 21 Jan 1908
NHM-WP01.002.108    Draft:    [1898.02.22]   List of numbers and chapter headings of "The Wonderful Century", noting those for which poetry or prose headings are needed.; possibly enclosure to letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 22 Feb 1898 (WP1/2/105) Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand opposite two chapter headings: XVIII, The Vampyre of War: "(Longfellow)" and XIX, The Demon of Greed ...: "(Dell p. 108)".
NHM-WP06.005.001    Draft:    1888.12.24   Printed proof copy with marginal corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" (London, Macmillan 1889) Wrapped in a paper sheet labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwinism | Set of corrected Proofs". There are date stamps of the printers (R & R Clark, Edinburgh) c. Jan-Apr 1889, on several pages. Many pages are annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Author's Proof". Loose octavo pages consisting of two title pages, pages [i]-xvii and [1]-494, and a map of the world stamped "Proof. Stanford. Cockspur St. with the date 24.12. 88 added by hand. Wrapping paper very dirty and torn.
NHM-WP06.005.004    Draft:    1901.06.18--1901.07.02   Appendices, proofs, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" Macmillan & Co, third edition 1901, including "Note on Attempts to demonstrate the Existence of Selective Elimination in Wild Animals" and "Note on the Mode of Dispersal of Lizards", two copies, one (author's proof, corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand) dated 18 Jun 1901 and one 2 Jul 1901 ; undated note in an unknown hand on yellow paper "Don't Xerox - proofs of Darwinism". Notes: The Xerox photocopying process became commercially available in 1950 (Source: inventors/ website) so it is possible, if unlikely, that the hand on the note is WGW's (he died in 1951). The term was used as a general one for photocopying up to about the 1980's but seems to have almost died out in Britain so the note was probably not written by a member of the NHM staff.
NHM-WP06.008.024.[01]    Draft:    1905.07.28--1905.10.02   Incomplete printed page proofs of A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" vol. 1, front matter and pages [1] -400. 26 date-stamped sections of approximately four sheets (16 pp) each, with corrections in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. The first page of each section except the first is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Author" "Author's final proof" or "Author's corrected proof." The first section is annotated on the title page "Press" in A. R. Wallace"s? hand. Dates are from 28 Jul 1905 to 2 Oct 1905, not in strict page order. All but three sections are stamped on the first page "First Proof [date]"; three sections including title page to page. xii are stamped "Revise [date]". A few lines have been cut from the top section of pages 155-156 and pages 153, 154, 157 and 158 missing. Pages 401-416, 423-24 and 427-435 were inserted between pages 400 and 401of the proofs for vol. 2 when listed (See old ref WP2/19/2) and have been relocated here. Pages 417-22 and 425-26 are missing. Notes: Sheets other than those noted above may be cut or missing. Except where pages were obviously loose, only front and back pages of each section were checked when listing. For convenience of location each proof section has been numbered in pencil in square brackets with the piece reference code and a section number, but these are NOT intended to be classed as separate pieces and have NOT been separately recorded.
NHM-WP06.008.025.[01]    Draft:    1905.09.06--1905.10.02   Incomplete printed page proofs annotated and corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, of his autobiography "My Life" vol. 2, comprising front matter and pages [1] - 96; 209-216; 227-332; 339-350; and 361-418 (last page). Intervening pages (a total of 164) and index are missing. Some sheets consist of single folios (one printed page per side) others folded folios of four pages in sixteen page sections. Sections are stamped with dates from 6 Sep 1905 to 2 Oct 1905, all but three stamped "First Proof"; front matter and addendum "[first] Revise 2 Oct 1905; pages 65-96 "[second] Revise 26 Sep 1905." Some proof pages belonging to vol. 1 have been relocated (See WP6/8/23). Notes: Individual sections and pages NOT marked with reference or section numbers because of the large number of missing pages.
NHM-WP06.008.026.[01]    Draft:    1908.06.04?--1908.10.05   Printed page proofs of A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life", revised 1 volume edition, (London 1908) in dated sections with corrections and annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand, 4? Jun - 5 Oct 1908. Title page - p. xii; pp. [1] - 408. Complete text including integral illustrations but no proofs of "facing page" illustrations. All sections stamped "First Proof [date]" except except the first (title -p. xii) which is stamped "1st] Revise 5 Oct 1908". Notes: Held between coarse acidic boards back and front and tied with string when listed. Only the front board, with A. R. Wallace's annotation, retained. Proofs have not been checked for duplicates or omissions and sections have not been numbered.
NHM-WP06.008.026.[02]    Draft:    1908.06.04?--1908.10.05   Board labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "My Life | Set of Proofs." Notes: Held between coarse acidic boards back and front and tied with string when listed. Only the front board, with A. R. Wallace's annotation, retained. Proofs have not been checked for duplicates or omissions and sections have not been numbered.
NHM-WP06.009.001.[1]    Draft:    1907.10.19--1907.11.01   Proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" stamped 23 Oct 190[7], front matter, preface and pp [1]-109, with corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand including inserted loose notes
NHM-WP06.009.001.[01]    Draft:    1907.10.23   Proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" stamped 23 Oct 190[7], front matter, preface and pp [1]-109, with corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand including inserted loose notes Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.009.002    Draft:    1907.11.01--1907   Two uncut proofs of A. R. Wallace. "Is Mars Habitable", Macmillan and Co. London 1907, including title pages, table of contents, two diagrams and 105 numbered pages of text in each. Each copy consists of eight uncut sections arranged as duplicates - i.e two copies of title pages and contents followed by two of chapter 1, two of chapter 2, and so on. Each section is stamped "1 Nov 1907 | From Robert Maclemose & Co Ld | University Press | Anniesland | Glasgow". The proofs are enclosed in a stamped brown envelope postmarked from Glasgow with illegible date, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, Wimborne, and annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's hand "Mars - 2 copies | clean proofs". Both copies of page 48 are annotated in an unknown hand with identical corrections, otherwise the pages are clean. Place: London England Scotland
NHM-WP07.048    Draft:    1877.09.00--1877.10.00   "The Colours of Animals and Plants" by A. R. Wallace, undated corrected page proof, pp. 383-472, in paper cover made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the Linnean Society, postmark illegible, annotated in ink on front in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Colours of Animals & Plants | Macmillan's Magazine | (Septr Oct 1877) | Alfred R Wallace" And in pencil "A1". Notes: See Smith S272. : Macmillan's Magazine 36: 384-408 and 464-471.
NHM-WP07.060.[01]    Draft:    1892.07.14   "Spiritualism" by A. R. Wallace, 2 sets of proofs from "Chamber's Encyclopaedia, comprising: 1. "Spiritualism"; corrected proofs, pp. 645-648 of encyclopaedia entries including "Spiritualism" by A. R. Wallace on pp. 645-649 (from "Chamber's Encyclopaedia, New Ed., vol. 9, Jul 1892) ; 2.ff.
NHM-WP07.060.[02]    Draft:    1892.07.14   "Spiritualism" by A. R. Wallace, 2 sets of proofs from "Chamber's Encyclopaedia, comprising: 2. "Spiritualism"; proofs, pp. 645-652 of encyclopaedia entries including "Spiritualism" by A. R. Wallace on pp. 645-649; from "Chamber's Encyclopaedia (New Ed., vol. 9, Jul 1892) sewn into a paper cover made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from John Murray, publisher, postmarked 14 Jul 1892; titled on the front in A. R. Wallace's hand and annotated by him "Please return to A.R.Wallace, Parkstone, Dorset".
NHM-WP07.061    Draft:    1892.08.00--1892   "Why I voted for Mr Gladstone" by A. R. Wallace, proof sheets pp. [182] -185 pasted onto white paper in white paper cover annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand; from "Nineteenth Century" Aug 1892. Notes: Smith: S454. Why I Voted for Mr. Gladstone. IV. [one of eight invited replies to an inquiry]. Nineteenth Century 32: 182-185 (177-193) (Aug. 1892: no. 186).
NHM-WP07.062.[01]    Draft:    1892.08.00   "The Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins" by A. R. Wallace, 3 sets of proofs comprising: 1. "The Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins" by A. R. Wallace, (part 1) unnumbered corrected proof sheets pasted onto 9 exercise book pages with paper cover titled and with mathematical calculations in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand; from Natural Science, Aug 1892.
NHM-WP07.062.[02]    Draft:    1892.08.00   "The Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins" by A. R. Wallace, 3 sets of proofs comprising: 2."The Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins." I. by A. R. Wallace, proofsheets? pp. [416]-417 (2 copies), 419-420 (2 copies), 421-426 (2 copies) - p. 418 and possibly a figure, missing, one copy of title page annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Nat. Science | Aug. 1892"; from Natural Science, Aug 1892.
NHM-WP07.062.[03]    Draft:    1892.12.00   "The Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins" by A. R. Wallace, 3 sets of proofs comprising: 3. " Further Observations on the Permanence of the Great Oceanic Basins." I. by A. R. Wallace, proofsheets? pp. [737]-742 annotated in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on title page "Natural Science Dec. 1892"; from Natural Science, Dec 1892.
NHM-WP07.063    Draft:    1892.11.00--1892   "Our Molten Globe", corrected proof, pp. [1]-13, sewn into brown paper cover titled and annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand; from Fortnightly Review, Nov. 1892.
NHM-WP07.064.[02]    Draft:    1892.12.00   "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, ms notes and proofs comprising: 2. "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof pp. [749]-750, annotated at the top in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Nat. Science Dec 1892" and in A. R. Wallace's hand "?Use in New Ed. Of 'Darwinism"'; from Natural Science, Dec 1892, 1 f. Notes: Smith bibliog: S459. Note on Sexual Selection. Natural Science 1: 749-750 (Dec. 1892: no. 10).
NHM-WP07.064.[03]    Draft:    1892.12.00   "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, ms notes and proofs comprising: 3. "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof pp. [749]-750, from "Natural Science", Dec 1892, 1 f. Notes: Smith bibliog: S459. Note on Sexual Selection. Natural Science 1: 749-750 (Dec. 1892: no. 10).
NHM-WP07.064.[04]    Draft:    1892.12.00   "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, ms notes and proofs comprising: 4. "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or page proof pp. [749]-750 with annotations or corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil; from "Natural Science" Dec 1892, 1 f. Notes: Smith bibliog: S459. Note on Sexual Selection. Natural Science 1: 749-750 (Dec. 1892: no. 10).
NHM-WP07.065    Draft:    1893.03.00--1893.04.00   "The Social Quagmire and the Way out of it" by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof, parts 1 and 2, pp. 395-3410 and 525-542, in brown paper cover lined with two pages from other articles in the same journal, titled and dated on the front in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand; from Arena, March and Apr 1893 Notes: Smith: S466. The Social Quagmire and the Way Out of It. I. The Farmers. Arena 7: 395-410 (March 1893: no. 40) / The Social Quagmire and the Way Out of It. II. Wage-workers. Arena 7: 525-542 (April 1893: no. 41). Rusty staples inside cover
NHM-WP07.066    Draft:    1893.04.00--1893.05.00   "Are Individually Acquired Characters Inherited?" by A. R. Wallace, author's corrected proof, part 1 pp. [1]-9, part II pp. [1]-14; sewn into brown paper cover titled and annotated on front in A. R. Wallace's? hand; from "Fortnightly Review", April and May 1893.
NHM-WP07.069    Draft:    1893.12.00--1893   "The Ice Age and its Work" by A. R. Wallace, part 2, corrected proof pp. [1] -25 in brown paper cover, the front signed and annotated in ink by A. R. Wallace and titled in his? hand; from Fortnightly Review, Dec 1893
NHM-WP07.074    Draft:    1894.01.00--1894   "How to Preserve the House of Lords" , by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof, pp [1]-9 sewn into dark brown paper cover titled on front in ink in A. R. Wallace's ? or another hand; from "Contemporary review, Jan 1894.
NHM-WP07.088.002    Draft:    1903.03.00?--1903   "Man's Place in the Universe: As indicated in the new astronomy" by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof pp [1]-17, annotated in ink on title page in A. R. Wallace's hand "Author's corrected proof". Notes: 'Man's Place in the Universe: As Indicated by the New Astronomy' in Fortnightly Review 73 (n.s.; 79, o.s.): 395-411 (1 March 1903: no. 435, n.s.); also printed as Man's Place in the Universe. The Independent (New York) 55: 473-483 (26 Feb. 1903: no. 2830). (Smith S602). Very brittle.
NHM-WP07.088.003    Draft:    1903.03.00--1903   "Man's Place in the Universe" by A. R. Wallace, from "Fortnightly Review" 1 Mar 1903, corrected proofs pp. [395]-411, in paper cover titled in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink, made from an envelope addressed to him at Broadstone, from the Royal Society, postmark mostly cut off. Notes: Smith: S2903 . . . 'Man's Place in the Universe: As Indicated by the New Astronomy' in Fortnightly Review 73 (n.s.; 79, o.s.): 395-411 (1 March 1903: no. 435, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.088.004    Draft:    1903.03.17--1903.04.03   "Man's Place in the Universe | A Reply to Dr. Wallace" by H H Turner, undated proof? of a letter to the Editor, 17 Mar 1903, pp. [598]- 605 annotated "Fortnightly Review April 1903", heavily annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP07.088.007    Draft:    1903.09.00--1903   "Man's Place in the Universe | A Reply to Criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, proof pp. [379]-390 titled on first page in ink in A. R. Wallace's? or another hand with "F.R Sep 1903" added in the same hand; annotations in pencil in an unknown hand "A1 | dupt to Sep file" crossed through and "A" added in the same hand below deletions. Notes: Smith: S606. "Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms" in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.088.008    Draft:    1903.09.00--1903   "Man's place in the universe: a reply to criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, proof pp. 379-390, sewn into brown paper cover with title and date on front in A. R. Wallace's? or another hand, made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the Royal Society postmarked 13 Mar 1896. Notes: Smith: S606. "Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms" in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.088.009    Draft:    1903.11.00--1903   Proof of a letter headed "E.A. Poe and A.R. Wallace" from Ernest Marriott, Manchester, to the editor of "The Fortnightly Review" , on Poe and Wallace's theories on astronomy, printed proof? page [890], annotated at the top in A. R. Wallace's hand "Nov 1903" and in pencil "A" and "A1 | Sep File" crossed through. Notes: Smith: S708. Edgar Allan Poe; A Series of Seventeen Letters Concerning Poe's Scientific Erudition in Eureka and His Authorship of "Leonainie" [letters to Ernest Marriott from 1903 and 1904 assembled by an unknown compiler and privately printed as a pamphlet]
NHM-WP07.089    Draft:    1904.09.00--1904   "First Draft of Article on Re-incarnation for the London Magazine"Ms so labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand on front, annotated in pencil "D", titled on p [1] "Have we lived on earth before and shall we live on earth again?", 12 numbered folios plus cover, all exercise book paper. Undated, c. Sep 1904: see WP1/1/186, letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William 15 Sep 1904 Notes: Smith: S618a. Have We Lived on Earth Before? Shall We Live on Earth Again? [article/N posting results of a survey; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The London: A Magazine of Human Interest 13: 401-403 (401-408) (Nov. 1904: no. 76).
NHM-WP07.091    Draft:    1904.03.30--1904.05.00   "The Birds of Paradise in the Arabian Nights" parts 1 and 2 , proof sheets in paper folder labelled "A2", two copies pp. 379 -392 and 561-572, first copy in loose sheets, second has both parts separately sewn: all but part 2 of second copy annotated and dated in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Independent Review Apr 1904", part 2 "The Independent Review May 1904"; second copy of part 2 stamped 30 Mar [1904]
NHM-WP07.095.[01]    Draft:    1906.11.00--1907.04.00   "Personal Suffrage; A Rational System of Representation and Election", Ms proof in A. R. Wallace's hand on 22 numbered folios exercise paper, initialled "J R" on title page which is marked "B2" in pencil in an unknown hand; date stamped 30? Nov 1906 on title page and annotated in pencil in an unknown hand on back of last folio "Proof to Dr. Alfred R Wallace Broadstone Dorset".
NHM-WP07.095.[02]    Draft:    1906.11.00--1907.04.00   2."Personal Suffrage", corrected proofs pp [1]-7, from "Fortnightly Review", stamped on the back of p 7 "11 Dec 1906", annotated by A. R. Wallace on the front "April 1907". Notes: Proof on very acidic paper
NHM-WP07.096    Draft:    1907.01.00--1907   "The Railways for the Nation", by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof sheets pasted onto 9 numbered red-lined blue sheets in white paper folder annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand with title and "in the 'Arena' Boston, U.S.A. | by A.R.Wallace". Notes: Smith: S634. The Railways for the Nation. Arena 37: 1-6 (Jan. 1907: no. 206).
NHM-WP07.098.[01]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   "History of the World - | How Life Became Possible on Earth" by A. R. Wallace, galley proofs, 5 sheets annotated on first page in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink "Author's First Proof" and in pencil "A1" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.098.[02]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   2."How Life Became Possible on Earth", proofs, pp. 91-97, marked in A. R. Wallace's hand "Final Revise" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.098.[03]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   Envelope originally containing final revise, annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's hand "History of the World | Proof of my chapter on ' How Life became Possible' (April 1907) [sic]" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.100[1]    Draft:    1908.01.13--1908.01.25   Undated (13 Jan 1908) Ms letter to the Editor of "The Outlook" on marriage, by A. R. Wallace, referring to "Eve's" earlier letter .
NHM-WP07.101.[01]    Draft:    [1907.12.00]--1908.01.01   "Evolution and Character by A. R. Wallace, page proofs? pp. [1] -24, from "The Fortnightly Review" 1 Jan 1908, annotated in pencil in an unknown hand on the title page "A2" but otherwise unmarked.
NHM-WP07.101.[02]    Draft:    [1907.12.00]--1908.01.01   "Evolution and Character" by A. R. Wallace, page proofs from "Fortnightly Review 1 Jan 1908, pp [1]-24, with 2 Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand after the large page, all in a paper and card cover titled in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand and annotated in pencil with page, word and line counts in his hand.
NHM-WP07.102.001    Draft:    1908.04.00?--1908   "The Remedy for Unemployment - I", printed proof, pp [1]-22, undated, c Apr? 1908, signed "A. R. Wallace" in ink on the top right of the title page.
NHM-WP07.103    Draft:    1908.08.00--1908   "The Present Position of Darwinism", proof sheets pasted onto lined paper sewn into a paper cover titled on the front in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Present Position of Darwinism | Alfred R Wallace | (Contemporary Rev. Aug 1908)" with title crossed through in pencil, cover made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the Royal Society, postmark illegible. Notes: Smith: S660. The Present Position of Darwinism. Contemporary Review 94: 129-141 (Aug. 1908). --reprint: The Living Age 258 (7th s., vol. 40): 707-716 (19 Sept. 1908: no. 3350).
NHM-WP07.105    Draft:    1908.12.00--1908   "Darwinism versus Wallaceism" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof of letter to the Editor annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in in "Author"l from Contemporary Review 94: 716-717 (Dec. 1908) Notes: Smith: S666
NHM-WP07.107.[01]    Draft:    1909.02.00?--1909.03.01   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" by A. R. Wallace, proof with minor corrections, pp[1] - 22, from "Fortnightly Review"; undated (c. Feb 1909?) 22 folios, text only. Notes: Smith: S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.). See also WP6/10, papers re publication of book with the same title.
NHM-WP07.107.[03]    Draft:    1909.02.00?--1909.03.01   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" page proofs pp. [411]-434; signed by A. R. Wallace on title page and annotated in pencil "A2" on the same page but otherwise unmarked; from the "Fortnightly Review" 1 March 1909: Smith Notes: Smith: S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.). See also WP6/10, papers re publication of book with the same title.
NHM-WP07.112.[02]    Draft:    1912.09.30--1912.10.03   "The nature and origin of life" corrected galley proof from Hazell, Watson & Viney, date stamped 30 Sep 1912, 3 sheets, annotated in blue on back of last "Origin of Life | Authors first Proof! And in pencil "A2" Notes: Letter and proof were in the same document wallet with other papers by and relating to short works by A. R. Wallace, when listed. The article mentions Dr Schafer so almost certainly the article published in "Everyman", a penny literary weekly begun in 1912 by J M Dent & Son, publishers of the book series of the same title. The first issue, for 12 [sic] October 1912, included a contribution from A. R. Wallace. Source: electronic finding aid for J. M. Dent & Sons records, at Smith: S700. The Origin of Life. A Reply to Dr. Schaefer. Everyman 1(1): 5-6 (18 [sic] Oct. 1912).
NHM-WP08.002.001    Draft:    1894.02.01--1894   Corrected proofs of a memoir of Richard Spruce by A. R. Wallace, undated, labelled in WGW's? hand "Nature"; published in Nature 49: 317-319: 1 Feb. 1894: no. 1266
NHM-WP16.001.008    Draft:    1913.12.16--1913   "Recollections of Dr R A Wallace" by T D A Cockerell, 6 strips of printed proof newsprint in a small envelope stamped Boulder Colorado 16 Dec 1913, signed [return to] T D A Cockerell, addressed to WGW at Old Orchard, annotated in pencil in WGW?s hand "About A.R.W." Place: Colorado USA Notes: Enclosed in letter from Cockerell 16 Dec 1913 found loose in original box 3 when listed: see WP16/1/7. See reprint in WP2/3, Biographical Material and Portraits/Obits and Memoirs.
NHM-WP07.041.[01]    Draft:    1871   Printed proof sheets from "The Academy" annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "March 1871, of a review by him of Charles Darwin, "The Descent of man and Selection in relation to Sex (London 1871) with minor corrections, pasted onto 7 folios of red-lined blue paper, back and front, most with page numbers (up to 14) added in ink
NHM-WP07.042.[01]    Draft:    1871   Proof sheet? From an unnamed undated journal of a review by A. R. Wallace of H Charlton Bastian, "The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms…" (London 1871), pasted onto one sheet of blue red-lined paper.
NHM-WP07.109.[01]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated proof (1910?) corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only. Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.109.[03]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated duplicate? proof (1910?) pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only annotated at the top of the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand "(From Harmsworth's Natural History)" and in pencil in an unknown hand "A1". Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.041.[02]    Draft:    1872   Printed proof sheets corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand of a review by him of C R Bree, "An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin" (London 1872), pasted onto one side of each of six folios of red-lined blue paper, no publication title given ("Nature" 6, July 1872? -See Shermer p. 364)
NHM-WP07.042.[03]    Draft:    1874   Proof? Of a review by A. R. Wallace of "A Phrenologist among the Todas…" by William Marshall (London 1873), in "Notices of Books", Apr 1874, Journal unknown, pp 241-246; 3 ff. (Smith S234 refers to a review entitled "A Primeval Race" in Athenaeum no. 2403: 624-625 (15 Nov. 1873) of which this may be a reprint). Notes: The review of Marshall's "… among the Todas" was in another wallet in this box, see old ref WP4/2. Transferred earlier to WP7.
NHM-WP06.003.001    Draft:    [1876]   20 proof illustrations for "The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the Earth's surface" (London 1876) drawn and/or engraved by J B Zwecker, mounted on cardboard with paper captions stuck on, a few with annotations (e.g "to face p. 1") in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand; images B &W, captions in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand include and in form of "Characteristic Animals of Northern Ghana" (at top of plate) with common names of individual animals at the bottom; empty envelope marked on back in blue pencil "Zwecker's original sketches for Geog…". Notes: All enclosed in large torn envelope titled in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Geog Distribution Plates" on front and "Geo Dist of Ani" (rest removed) on back; these titles kept and rest of envelope discarded.; empty envelope marked on back in blue pencil "Zwecker's original sketches for Geog…" found lower down in box and added with plates to grey cardboard folder 22/6/03.
NHM-WP07.055.[07]    Draft:    1879   Proof or offprint, pp [1]-3, of "A few words in reply to Mr. Lowe" by A. R. Wallace, annotated and corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, with press cutting in three sections pasted onto back, headed in A. R. Wallace's hand "Daily News July 9th Finance Article".
BL-Add.Mss46415-46417    Draft:    1885--1888   Autograph draft for "Darwinism" (1889). Vols. II-IV (ff. 279, 269, 316). 'Darwinism', published April 1889. According to a note on 46415, f. 1, the work was written between the end of 1885 and November 1888. Autograph, apparently sent to the printer although some alterations and additions are found in the printed text. Preface, index, etc., wanting. Paginated first by Wallace in chapters, excluding a flyleaf to each chapter and then by the printer in two series, viz.: 46415, f. 1- 46417, f. 66, 1- 602, and 46417, ff. 65-316, 1-245.
BL-Add.Mss46414    Draft:    1886   Autograph draft for "Bad Times" (1886). Vol. I (ff. 280). 'Bad Times', published 1886, a rewritten version of an essay submitted by Wallace for a prize of 100 gns. offered in 1885 by Messrs. Pears for the best essay on 'The Present Depression of Trade'; viz.:- (1) Pag
NHM-WP06.005.003    Draft:    [1889]   Proofs? "Wallace's Darwinism", review, by J Arthur Thomson of "Darwinism: An exposition of the theory of Natural Selection…" (A. R. Wallace, London 1889) from "The Theological Review"; five folios, pp [15] -24, with annotations in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand and "See last page" in his or WGW's hand on first page ; undated, 1889? Notes: Formerly with letters to A. R. Wallace from S B J Skertchly in 1913 envelope from "the Auk"; assumed to be misfiled.
BL-Add.Mss46420[.c]    Draft:    1890--1908   Autograph draft for journal articles (Shermer 2002, p.348), 13 items
BL-Add.Mss46432-46433    Draft:    1890--1908   Autograph drafts. Vols. XIX, XX (ff. 345, 337). Contributions to periodicals, etc., 1890-1908, some of which were reprinted with minor corrections and insertions and with the addition of illustrations and sub-headings in Studies Scientific and Social, 2 vols., 1900 (hereafter Studies). Except where noted the articles bear printer's marks; occasional additions and corrections were made in proof. Where possible dates of composition have been deduced from internal evidence.
NHM-WP07.064.[01]    Draft:    1892   "Note on Sexual Selection" by A. R. Wallace, ms notes and proofs comprising: 1. Ms notes re female sexual selection in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand, quoting from a letter of 1891 by E. Curzon; 1 small sheet of blue-green paper. Notes: Smith bibliog: S459. Note on Sexual Selection. Natural Science 1: 749-750 (Dec. 1892: no. 10).
BL-Add.Mss46418-46419    Draft:    1898   Autograph draft for "The Wonderful Century" (1898). Vols. V, VI (ff.249, 231). 'The Wonderful Century', first version published 1898. Insertions in the printed text suggest that this MS. was completed before 18 Feb. 1898. Preface, etc., index, and chapter 18, 'Vaccination a Delusion, its Penal Enforcement a Crime', are wanting; a note in Wallace's hand on 46419, f. 126, directs the printer to set up Chapter 18 from a pamphlet, presumably that produced by Wallace in 1897. Autograph draft showing revision and rearrangement by the author and printer's marks.
NHM-WP12.014    Draft:    1898   Corrected proofs of a review by T D A Cockerell, 1898, of "Darwin, and after Darwin. III. Post-Darwinian Questions, Isolation and Physiological Selection" by the late G J Romanes (Chicago 1897); 2 folios, the first annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink "Review by Cockerell". Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
BL-Add.Mss46420-46421    Draft:    1903   Autograph draft for "Man's Place in the Universe" (1903). Vols. VII, VIII (ff. 263, 285). 'Man's Place in the Universe', published 1903. Footnotes added to the printed text indicate that the present MS. was complete before March 1903; the text was further revised before publication. Preface, index, etc., and star maps found at end of printed book are wanting. Autograph with corrections and revisions, except for 46420, ff. 62-66, 176-178, which are typewritten extracts from the revised edition (1903) of 'The Wonderful Century', and 46421, ff. 246, 247, which are printed diagrams.
BL-Add.Mss46422-46427    Draft:    1905   Autograph draft for "My Life" (1905). Vols. IX - XIV (ff. 360, 333 , 332, 343, 348, 219). 'My Life, a Record of Events and Opinions', Wallace's autobiography published in 2 vols., 1905. The text is in substantial agreement with the printed version save for corrections of style, the insertion of matter relating to the illustrations, and some minor alterations. Preface, index, etc., and illustrations are wanting. Autograph, except for 46423, f. 327, and typescript (46423, ff. 111-148, 46424, ff. 186-196, 46426, ff. 118-123) and printed (46423, f. 324, 46425, ff. 69-70, 46426, ff. 125-127, 170-173, 177-179 ) passages. Paginated by the author in separate chapters (excluding the flyleaf to each chapter) and by the printer in two series 46422, f. 45 - 46425, f. 1, as 35-1074, and 46425, f. 2 - 46427, f. 173, as 15-872; the division is not that of the two volumes of the printed text. Other printer's marks occur.
BL-Add.Mss46428    Draft:    1907.10   Autograph draft for "Is Mars habitable" (1907). Vol. XV (ff . 259). 'Is Mars Habitable?', published 1907. Viz.:- (a) Autograph draft, apparently completed 1-19 October 1907, and wanting frontispiece, last paragraph of the preface, and the letter from J. H. Poynting printed on
NHM-WP08.003.003    Draft:    1908   Ten proof sheets of maps of the Amazon corrected and annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand, some with date stamps from Mar-Oct 1908, all in an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone from the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, postmarked 7 Jan 1909, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink on the back "Maps | Used in Spruce's 'Notes' | Showing Stanfords almost incredible repeated blunders!" Notes: Formerly among unrelated papers. Maps need unfolding and larger container
NHM-WP08.003.006    Draft:    1908--1908   Corrected page proofs all headed "Historical account of the Herbarium", 2 folios, pp 19-20 and 61-62, both quoting letters by Richard Spruce. From Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes by Richard Spruce (ed.and condensed by A. R. Wallace Dec. 1908)
BL-Add.Mss46429-46431    Draft:    1910   Autograph draft for The World of Life" (1910). Vols. XVI-XVIII (ff. 367, 317, 299). 'The World of Life' , published 1910. Autograph draft showing signs of revision by the author and printer's marks, apparently completed between summer 1909 and November 1910. The text was further revised between the completion of this draft and publication. Title-page, index, etc., preface, lists of contents and illustrations, are wanting, as are figures 1, 2 and 8, which are all taken from unpublished photographs of Malaya and the E. Indies.
NHM-WP02.006.005.01    Draft:    [1913--1916]   Undated ms in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "The chief Humanitarians of the Nineteenth Century, in the opinion of A. R. Wallace" listing 10 names beginning with Robert Owen of New Lanark. Notes: Placed here because in proximity to other papers re the publication of Marchant 1916 when listed and not obviously belonging elsewhere, but the location is dubious. PJL 2003
NHM-WP02.006.003.05    Draft:    [1914--1916]   "Home Life of Dr. A. R. Wallace"; undated TS with cover page annotated in WGW's? hand in pencil "Copy of home Life Chap". 5 numbered pp. , 6 ff. Notes: An edited version of this is published in Marchant under the chapter heading "Home Life".
NHM-WP02.006.003.07    Draft:    [1914--1916]   Reminiscence of A. R. Wallace by J W Sharpe; MS printed in an unknown hand (Sharpe's?) beginning "About 35 years ago Dr Wallace built a house at Godalming upon a plot of ground wh. Adjoined that upon wh. Our house stood…"; 4 numbered folios undated and unsigned; annotated on the first in pencil in WGW's? hand "Copied." Notes: An edited version is published in J Marchant, Letters and Reminiscences, (London 1916) vol. 2, pp. 107-108.
NHM-WP02.006.003.08    Draft:    [1915--1916]   Undated carbon copies (c.1916?), some with annotations, of personal recollections of A. R. Wallace by various authors and of letters and extracts from letters by him; most if not all published in some form in Marchant 1916: approximately 60 letters or extracts numbered internally, interleaved with pages headed "Home Life [no.]" containing short reminiscences of A. R. Wallace apparently by William and Violet Wallace: approximately 200 A4 folios including: "Reminiscences of A.R. Wallace O.M. by Reginald B Rathbone"; TS carbon copies each five numbered folios A4. Reminiscences of A. R. Wallace by O Pickard-Cambridge, H E Littledale and J W Sharpe. Letters and extracts of letters from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, his son William, his wife Annie, Dr Richard Norris, Miss Norris, Dr Littledale and Fred Birch, 1891-c 1908; two cc of each on A4 paper. Notes: When listed these were in a large modern (1995) envelope (destroyed) labelled in Richard Wallace's (and Mrs R Wallace's? ) hands "Typed letters A. R. Wallace to Violet and Will | Reminiscences of R B Rathbone | [Ditto] WG & VI for Marchants Book". Most duplicated letters exist in the original in this collection but some, including extracts from a letter by A. R. Wallace to Fred Birch and letters to Richard Norris and Dr. Littledale, have not been found in the original here.
NHM-WP01.003.002    Draft:    undated   Folded folio apparently from an exercise book, with the following text on one side in ink, apparently in A. R. Wallace's hand: "My Malayan Letters to H.W. Bates", annotated in pencil in another hand: "(6) | Copy all | All copied". "Copy all" is crossed through and "all copied" ticked. On the other side of the sheet is written, apparently in a different hand "Early letters to & from A.R. Wallace &c &c".
NHM-WP12.037    Draft:    undated   "The Sheriff and his Partner" by Frank Harris, undated corrected proof of a fictional? piece set in a bar in the American West in July 1869; pp [1]-18, 5 ff. Place: USA
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore