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WSPEC240    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1878. Descriptions of twenty new species of Hesperidae from his own collection. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 1: 340-348.   PDF
WSPEC314    Periodical contribution:     Chevrolat, A. 1878. Diagnoses de Diapérides. Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 2 (194) : 221-222.   PDF
WSPEC272    Periodical contribution:     Deyrolle, Henri. 1879. Diagnoses de nouvelles especes de Brenthides. Petites nouvelles entomologiques 2 (213): 297-298.   PDF
WSPEC351.4    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1879. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 4: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part I - Campophagidae and Muscicapidae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC180    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, P.L. 1880. Note on the Rallus sulcirostris of Wallace and its allies. Ibis (ser.4) 4: 309-312, pl. VI   PDF
WSPEC329    Periodical contribution:     Moore, Frederic. 1881. Descriptions of new genera and species of Asiatic noctural Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881 (March 1): 326-380, pls. 37-38.   PDF
WSPEC351.5    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1881. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 5: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part II - Turdidae, or warblers and thrushes. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.6    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1881. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 6: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part III - Timeliidae, or babbling thrushes Part I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC181    Periodical contribution:     Hargitt, Edward. 1882. Notes on woodpeckers, no. II. The genus Iyngipicus. Ibis (ser.4) 6: 19-51   PDF
WSPEC172    Periodical contribution:     Sharpe, R.B. 1883. Notes on some species of birds of the family Dicaeidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1884: 578-580, pl.50.   PDF
WSPEC351.7    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1883. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 7: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part IV - Timeliidae, or babbling thrushes Part II. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.8    Book:     Gadow, H. 1883. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 8: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part V and Certhiomorphae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC364    Periodical contribution:     Gorham, Henry S. 1883. Descriptions of new species of beetles belonging to the family Erotylidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (March 6): 75-87, pl.18.   PDF
WSPEC365    Periodical contribution:     Moore, F. 1883. A monograph of Limnaina and Euploeina, two groups of diurnal Lepidoptera belonging to the subfamily Euploeinae; with descriptions of new genera and species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1883 (April 17): 201-324, pls. 29-32.   PDF
WSPEC366    Periodical contribution:     Jacoby, Martin. 1883. Descriptions of some new species of beetles of the family Galerucidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1883 (June 19): 399-406, pl.45   PDF
WSPEC303    Book:     Gurney, J. H. 1884. A list of the diurnal birds of prey, with references and annotations; also a record of specimens preserved in the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. London: John Van Voorst.   PDF
WSPEC351.9    Book:     Gadow, H. 1884. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 9: Passeriformes Cinnyrimorphae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC191    Periodical contribution:     Lewis, George. 1885. New species of Histeridae, with synonymical notes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5) 15: 456-473   PDF
WSPEC351.10    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1885. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 10: Passeriformes Fringilliformes Part I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC211    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1886. Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of Galerucinae, also diagnostic notes on some of the older described species of Aulacophora. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology) 20: 1-27.   PDF
WSPEC212    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1886. Descriptions of new genera and species of Galerucidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1886: 27-39.   PDF
WSPEC340    Periodical contribution:     Selys Longchamps, Edm. 1886. Revision du Synopsis des Agrionines, premiere partue. Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 38 : 1-233.   PDF
WSPEC351.11    Book:     Sclater, Philip L. 1886. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 11: Passeriformes Fringilliformes Part II - Coerebidae, Tanagridae and Icteridae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC298    Periodical contribution:     Emery, C. 1887. Catalogo delle formichi existenti nelle collezioni del Museo Civico di Genova. Parte terza. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 25: 209-258.   PDF
WSPEC214    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1887. Notes on Galerucinae, and descriptions of two new species of Hispidae [including Oxycephala wallacei from Solomon Islands]. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 23/24: 268-270.   PDF
WSPEC213    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1888. Descriptions of some genera and species of Galerucinae. Journal of the Linnean Society of London 20: 156-188.   PDF
WSPEC351.12    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1888. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 12: Passeriformes Fringilliformes Part III - Fringillidae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.14    Book:     Sclater, Philip L. 1888. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 14: Passeriformes Oligomyodae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC243    Periodical contribution:     Kirby, F. W. 1889. Descriptions of new genera and species of Odonata in the collection of the British Museum, chiefly from Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1889 (May 21): 297-303.   PDF
WSPEC261    Periodical contribution:     Sharp, David. 1889. The Rhynchophorous Coleoptera of Japan. Part I. Attelabidae and Rhynchitidae [description of Euops wallacei of New Guinea]. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1889 (1): 41–74.   PDF
WSPEC351.13    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1890. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 13: Passeriformes Sturniformes. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.15    Book:     Sclater, Philip L. 1890. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 15: Passeriformes Tracheophonae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.18    Book:     Hargitt, E. 1890. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 18: Picariae Part I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.19    Book:     Sclater, Philip L. & Shelley, G.E. 1891. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 19: Picariae Part II. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.20    Book:     Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 20: Psittaci, or parrots. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC344    Periodical contribution:     Swinhoe, C. 1892. Catalogue of eastern and Australian lepidoptera heterocera in the collection of the Oxford University Museum, part I. Sphinges and Bombyori. Oxford: Clarendon Press.   PDF
WSPEC351.16    Book:     Salvin, O. & Hartert, E. 1892. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 16: Upupae, Trochili, and Coraciae Part I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.17    Book:     Hartert, E. 1892. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 17: Coraciae Part II. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC194    Periodical contribution:     Thomas, Oldfield. 1893. On some new Bornean Mammalia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 11: 341–347   PDF
WSPEC351.21    Book:     Salvadori, T. 1893. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 21: Columbae, or pigeons. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.22    Book:     Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1893. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 22: Game birds. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.23    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1894. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 23: Fulicariae and Alectorides. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC359    Periodical contribution:     Boulenger, G. A. 1894. Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 2. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.27    Book:     Salvadori, T. 1895. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 27: Chenomorphae, Crypturi, and Ratitae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC137    Periodical contribution:     Butler, Arthur G. 1896. An account of the butterflies of the genus Charaxes in the collection of the British Museum. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 25 (163): 348–404   PDF
WSPEC216    Periodical contribution:     Blandford, W. F. H. 1896. Descriptions of new Scolytidae from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 1896: 191–228.   PDF
WSPEC259    Periodical contribution:     Pickard Cambridge, O. 1896. On some new and little-known spiders (Araneidea). Proceedings of the Zoological Society 1896 (Dec 15): 1006-1012.   PDF
WSPEC284    Periodical contribution:     Rothschild, Walter & Hartert, Ernst. 1896. Contributions to the ornithology of the Papuan islands. III. List of the birds of Bali. Novitates Zoologicae 3: 542-554.   PDF
WSPEC351.24    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1896. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 24: Limicolae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.25    Book:     Saunders, H. & Salvin, O. 1896. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 25: Gaviae and Tubinares. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore