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WSPEC028    Periodical contribution:     Hartert, Ernst. 1896. An account of the collection of birds made by Mr. William Doherty in the Eastern Archipelago. Novitates Zoologicae, 3: 537-599.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC235    Periodical contribution:     Gahan, C. J. 1897. Notes on the longicorn genus Glenea, Newm., with descriptions of new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 6) 19: 473-493.   PDF
WSPEC236    Periodical contribution:     Gorham, H. S. 1897. Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera of the family Endomychidae from the Eastern Hemisphere. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 456-464.   PDF
WSPEC179    Periodical contribution:     Hartert, Ernst. 1898. List of a collection of birds made in the Sula Islands by William Doherty. Novitates Zoologicae 5 (2): 125-136   PDF
WSPEC263    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Edgar A. 1898. A list of the land-shells of the island of Lombock, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 3 (1): 26-31.   PDF
WSPEC351.26    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler & Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1898. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 26: Plataleae, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae, and Impennes. London: Trustees of the British Museum.
WSPEC322    Periodical contribution:     Fleutiaux, E. 1899. Eucnemidae de la collection Fry. Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 43 : 220-249.   PDF
WSPEC316    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1902. Rhynchotal notes – XIV. Heteroptera: families Hydrometridae, Henicocephalidae, and Reduviidae (part). Annals and magazine of natural history, zoology, botany, and geology (7) 10: 173-194.   PDF
WSPEC317    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1902. Rhynchotal notes – XVI. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae (continued). Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology (7) 11: 203-258.   PDF
WSPEC224    Periodical contribution:     Cameron, P. 1903. Descriptions of new genera and species of Hymenoptera taken by Mr. Robert Shelford at Sarawak, Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 39: 89-181.   PDF
WSPEC225    Periodical contribution:     Cockerell, T.D.A. 1905. Descriptions and records of bees. – I [Description of Crocisa wallacei, Ternate]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) 16: 216-225.   PDF
WSPEC189    Book:     Thomas, O. 1906. I. Mammals. Vol. 2, pp. 3-66 In [Lankester, E.R., ed.]. The history of the collections contained in the natural history departments of the British Museum. 2. Separate historical accounts of the several collections included in the Department of Zoology. [i-iii], [1]-782. London.   PDF
WSPEC051    Periodical contribution:     Sharpe, Richard Bowdler. 1906. 3. Birds, pp. 79-515. In [Lankester, E.R., ed.]. The history of the collections contained in the natural history departments of the British Museum. 2. Separate historical accounts of the several collections included in the Department of Zoology. [i-iii], [1]-782. London.   Text   PDF
WSPEC262    Periodical contribution:     Shelford, R. 1907. On some news species of Blattidae in the Oxford and Paris Museums. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 7) 19: 25-49.   PDF
WSPEC202    Periodical contribution:     Bagnall, R. S. 1908. On some new and curious Thysanoptera (Tubulifera) from Papua. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) 1: 355-363, pls. 14-15.   PDF
WSPEC219    Periodical contribution:     Burr, Malcolm. 1908. IV. Notes on the Forficularia. X. A revision of the Nesogastrinae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) 1: 42-47.   PDF
WSPEC318    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1908. Rhynchota Malayana, part I. Records of the Indian Museum 2: 127-151.   PDF
WSPEC319    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1908. Rhynchota Malayana, part III. Records of the Indian Museum 5:313-338.   PDF
WSPEC161    Periodical contribution:     Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1910. On Pachycephala griseonota. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 25: 96-97   PDF
WSPEC160    Periodical contribution:     Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1911. Birds of New Guinea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 29: 25-29   PDF
WSPEC321    Periodical contribution:     Fletcher, T.B. 1911. Four new Pteriophoridae. Entomologist 44 (580): 281-283, 346-348   PDF
WSPEC275    Periodical contribution:     Horn, Walther. 1913. 50 neue Cicindelinae. Archiv für Naturgeschichte Abt. A 79 (11): 1-33.   PDF
WS4    Book:     Kinman, G. W. 1914. A Great Hertfordian. Hertford: Austin.   Image
WSPEC223    Periodical contribution:     Champion, George Charles. 1916. On new and little-known Lagriidae and Pedilidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1916: 181-242.   PDF
WSPEC320    Periodical contribution:     Distant, W.L. 1916. Rhynchotal notes – LIX. Homoptera. Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology (8) 17: 313-330.   PDF
WS1.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text
WS1.1    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 1.   Text
WSPEC264    Periodical contribution:     Turner, Rowland E. 1918. Notes on the Braconidae in the British Museum, III. On new Australian Agathinae [description of Braunsia wallacei from New Guinea]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 9) 1: 221-233.   PDF
WSPEC348    Periodical contribution:     Mathews, George M. 1918. Blue kingfisher Alcyone azurea. Pp. 84-94, pl.332 in: The birds of Australia, vol. 7. London: Witherby & Co.   PDF
WSPEC162    Periodical contribution:     Baker, E.C.Stuart. 1920. Remarks on some oriental species. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 40: 112-117.   PDF
WSPEC228    Periodical contribution:     Dodd, Alan P. 1920. Notes on the exotic Proctotrupoidea in the British and Oxford University Museums, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1919: 321-382.   PDF
WSPEC222    Periodical contribution:     Campion, H. 1924. Descriptions of two new species of Teinobasis (Odonata). Annals Magazine Natural History (Series 9) 14: 612-614.   PDF
WSPEC201    Periodical contribution:     Andrewes, H. E. 1925. A revision of the Oriental species of the genus Tachys. Annali Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 51:327-502   PDF
WSPEC173    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M.U. 1926. Description of new forms from the oriental region. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 47: 52-58.   PDF
WSPEC242    Periodical contribution:     Jordan, Karl. 1926. Some new Anthribidae in the British Museum. Novitates Zoologicae 33: 146-154.   PDF
WSPEC349    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M. 1926. Description of birds from the Oriental Region. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 47: 52-58   PDF
WSPEC260    Periodical contribution:     Shannon, R. C. 1927. Notes on and descriptions of syrphid flies of the subfamily Cerioidinae. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 17: 38-53.   PDF
WSPEC163    Periodical contribution:     Kinnear, N.B. 1928. On Hypocharmosyna from New Guinea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 48: 84-85.   PDF
WSPEC164    Periodical contribution:     Salomonsen, Finn. 1933. Descriptions of new birds from the Moluccas. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 54: 86-87.   PDF
WSPEC239    Periodical contribution:     Hanitsch, R. 1933. The Blattidae of Mount Kinabalu, British North Borneo. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 17 (2): 297-337.
WSPEC350    Periodical contribution:     Hachisuka, M. 1935. Note sur les perroquets du genre Tanygnathus, et revision des formes de T. megalorhynchos. Oisea et la revue francaise d'ornithologie 1935: 214-218   PDF
WSPEC308    Periodical contribution:     Balfour-Browne, J. 1939. On Copelatus Er. and Leiopterus Steph. (Col. Dytiscidae) with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 88 (2): 57-88.   PDF
WSPEC217    Periodical contribution:     Brooks, G. T. 1948. New Species of Enithares (Hemiptera, Notonectidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 21 (2): 37-57.   PDF
WSPEC165    Periodical contribution:     Sims, R.W. and Warren, R.M.L. 1955. The names of the races of Pompadour pigeon, Treron pompadora (Gmelin), in Java and Celebes. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 75: 96-97.   PDF
WSPEC346    Periodical contribution:     Zwaluwenburg, R.H. van. 1959. Some type designations, with notes on Pacific Elateridae (Coleoptera). Pacific Insects 1 (4): 347-414.   PDF
WSPEC309    Periodical contribution:     Bryant, G.E. 1962. New species of Cassena Weise (Galerucidae) Coleoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 13) 5 (54): 369-375.   PDF
WSPEC291.01    Book:     Warren, Rachel L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 1: Non-Passerines. London: British Museum (Natural History).   PDF
WSPEC315    Periodical contribution:     Darlington, P.J. Jr. 1968. The carabid beetles of New Guinea, part III. Harpalinae (continued): Perigonini to Pseudomorphini. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 137: 1-254.   PDF
WSPEC291.02    Book:     Warren, Rachel L.M. & Harrison, C.J.O. 1971. Type-specimens of birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 2: Passerines. London: British Museum (Natural History).   PDF
WSPEC218    Periodical contribution:     Brooks, S. J. 1983. A new genus of oriental lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology, 47(1): 1-26   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore