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Results 1-100 of 267 for « +(documenttype:Note) +type:item » |
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2. |
"Man's Place in the Universe", proofs, another copy, Appendix only, pp. [325]-336, undated. Notes: Full title: Man's Place in the Universe; A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds. Articles with the short title and variants on it were also published 1903-1904; see Smith. Undated proofs of appendix were in an envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Sundry Articles" containing papers mostly NOT by A. R. Wallace, when listed; proofs of preface with appendix attached were loose in the same original box.
3. |
"The Centenary of Darwin" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof, another copy; annotated at the bottom in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From 'The Clarion' Febr 12th 1909". 3. "The Centenary of Darwin" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof, another copy; annotated at the bottom in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From 'The Clarion' Febr 12th 1909", and "Centenary of Darwin" in his hand on the back.
4. |
Ms notes in Skertchly's hand headed on first page "Replies | To Dr. A. Russel Wallace's Criticism | of my 'Origin of Australia., | (Much condensed)" beginning "1. Objections to the suggested recent origin of the MarsupaliaÂ…"; 21 numbered folios dated on last Corinda, Queensland, 6 Feb 1910; (filed in an 18[89] envelope from "The Auk" when listed.) Place: Australia
5. |
Sheet headed " 'Favoured Races' Some of my difficulties", 1 f. dated on back "18. 2.10", re entomophilous flowers, parasites, and specialised organs; probably a PS to the previous letter. (in envelope from Hamer & Co when listed). Place: Australia
6. |
Biographical notes on A. R. Wallace, including notes of a meeting in America with his son William. Printed pamphlet (offprint?) by Elbert Hubbard, "Little Journeys to homes of great scientists. Wallace" (Vol. XV11, No 5, November 1905, New York, 1905). Pages numbered 85-107, with some un-numbered pages of end matter including advertisements and title page at front. Portrait (photolithograph?) of Wallace in old age, on a loose undated unnumbered folio, enclosed. Place: England USA
7. |
Signed note by William Greenell Wallace without addressee, 7 Nov 1913, on letterhead paper embossed "Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset", re A. R. Wallace's illness since the previous Sunday and death at 9.25 a.m.
8. |
A. R. Wallace's certificate of Honorary Membership of the Central Association of Spiritualists, 13 Jun 1882, signed E Dawson Rogers, President, and Thomas (Elliot?) Secretary.
9. |
1 folio ms in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? VIW's? hand headed "Triugissime Vice Cancellarie Vosque Egregii Procuratores" with Latin [oration] admitting A. R. Wallace to Hon Degree Oxford, dated "Oxford Nov? 19th? | 1889" in same hand; copied from the original? Place: Oxford Oxfordshire England
10. |
Small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Astrological view of my character &c. - May 1909- a critical period", containing: a small printed astrological chart captioned "Dr. A.R. Wallace Jany 8th 1823 2:30 am" [i.e. his birthday]; printed page, apparently a proof sheet, headed "Astro 6" with annotations in A. R. Wallace's? hand, page torn at the bottom of the entry; part of a printed proof sheet headed "The Nativity of Dr. A. R. Wallace | By the Editor", with annotations including "Block 3½ x 3½" Notes: See Smith bibliog: Modern Astrology 3 (n.s.; o.s., 17), no. 5: 206-207 (May 1906).
11. |
Papers re a proposal by James Marchant and /or William Greenell Wallace to write a biography of A. R. Wallace
12. |
Ms in envelope annotated "Ms Sketch of Dr A .R. Wallace's Life (Rough draft 4000 words ) W.G.W. 18.6.13"; 32 pages of Ms on A. R. Wallace's life on lined exercise book paper in WGW's hand numbered 1 -27; some of the first few pages are variations and have duplicate numbers. Notes: Paper brittle and in very poor condition. Probably written for James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London and elsewhere, 1916)
13. |
Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on plants, geology and expenditure on tour of Lake District, July 1893, including plant lists; in ink and pencil with half of the pages written upside down relative to the other half, first page of one half headed "Plants of Ribblesdale from Horton upwards", first page of the other half headed by the Newcastle address of W G Wallace and serial nos. of £ notes ; five double pages apparently torn from a small notebook, approx 15 cm x 8 cm, loose and without cover when listed.. Place: Cumbria Yorkshire England Ribblesdale Giggleswick Dovedale Settle Notes: In an envelope of unrelated miscellanea including accounts of expenditure Old Orchard
14. |
Sketch elevation in ink on pale blue paper for wood-lined walls of study, 25 Aug 1902, signed and dated by A. R. Wallace and apparently drawn by him. Place: Broadstone Dorset England
15. |
Plan in ink on white squared paper, 24 Oct 1901, headed "(Copyright) | Rough ground-plan of House proposed to be built by A.R. Wallace Esq. F.R.S." with instructions as to materials etc at the top of the page, all in A. R. Wallace's hand and signed and dated by him, annotated on the back in pencil "W H C Curtis" (in Curtis's? hand) with an address and rough plan of hall ceiling. Place: Broadstone Dorset England
16. |
Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1870, "Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. A Series of Essays." Macmillan & Co., London & New York; April 1870 (2nd edition 1871) Notes: See Smith bibliog. S716 for details of second edition (1871) and reprints and extracts
17. |
Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1903, "Man's Place in the Universe; A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds". Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Oct. 1903 and subsequent editions and reprints. Notes: See Smith S728 for full publication details up to 1914.
18. |
"Man's Place in the Universe", proofs, pp v-vi, "Preface to Cheaper Edition", and Appendix, pp. 326-336, "An additional argument dependent on the theory of evolution", sections sewn together; marked on front page in A. R. Wallace's hand "for translation"; stamped on front page with printer's date stamp 1 Jun 1904
19. |
Sheet of notes in an unknown hand, possibly that of the Rev Wallace McIlroy, on some of the family of Andrew Wallace of Forthside. Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
20. |
Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Memorandum of Agreement between A. R. Wallace and Moffatt Yard & Co. publishers of New York City, 20 Dec 1910, 1 f. TS, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; enclosure to 1.
21. |
Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Receipt dated 5 Apr 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life"
22. |
Papers relating to Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1913, "Social Environment and Moral Progress", Cassell & Co., Ltd., London, New York, Toronto & Melbourne, March 1913 comprising 12 press cuttings of reviews with enclosing envelope. Notes: Formerly in Press cuttings, American and British, c.1886-1913: WP1/8 This envelope contained all the press cuttings from American and British papers 1886-1913, some of which have been transferred to other series.
23. |
Folder titled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Wallace v Carpenter | Spiritualism & Scepticism" and above this in an unknown hand "Quarterly Journal of Sciences July 1877"; containing, sewn in, corrected printed proof pages of two articles by A. R. Wallace and a printed copy of an article by W B Carpenter with marginal annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand, as follows:
1. Notices of Books, pp. 391-416 from ["Quarterly Journal of Science"?] Jul 1877, a review by A. R. Wallace of "Mesmerism, Spiritualism &c…" by William B Carpenter (London 1887).
2. "Psychological Curiosities of Spiritualism" by W B Carpenter, from "Fraser's Magazine", Nov 1877, pp. [541] -564
3. "Psychological Curiosities of Scepticism | A reply to Dr. Carpenter" by A. R. Wallace, apparently from "Fraser's Magazine", Dec 1877, pp 694-706.
24. |
Ms in an unknown hand ; including a printed design for a powder-keg pasted onto the first page, headed "The Storage of Gunpowder with absolute security against explosion,. By A. R. Wallace", 3 folios foolscap with "(Signed) | A. R. Wallace | Croydon July 1, 1878 | Godalming June 1882" all crossed through on the last page; a note in A. R. Wallace's hand beginning "the preceeding description applies …" is attached and dated Parkstone, Dorset March 1899;
25. |
Papers re "Inaccessible Valleys" by A. R. Wallace comprising: 1."Inaccessible Valleys: | A Study in Physical Geography" Mss in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink, 42 numbered folios of lined exercise book paper, annotated on the title page "19th Century" and in a large hand in purple pencil "Hendra"; the same large hand, A. R. Wallace's? WGW'S?, has annotated in the same pencil p. 4 "Horwood", p. 20 "Young", p 24 "Hendra", p 26 "Ponder", p. 29 "Luker" p. 32 "Hendra", p.34 "Morrell", p. 36 "Horwood", p. 38 "Deeley" and p. 40 "Green" in many cases across middle of page. (Place names? Hendra is in Cornwall) Notes: Smith:S464. Inaccessible Valleys; A Study in Physical Geography. Nineteenth Century 33: 391-404 (March 1893: no. 193).
26. |
Papers re "Inaccessible Valleys" by A. R. Wallace comprising: 2. Note in A. R. Wallace's hand: 'Article written in February 1893 - no copy. | A.R.W. |"Nineteenth Century"' Notes: Smith:S464. Inaccessible Valleys; A Study in Physical Geography. Nineteenth Century 33: 391-404 (March 1893: no. 193).
27. |
Papers re "Inaccessible Valleys" by A. R. Wallace comprising: 3. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone postmarked 1892, labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Mss of [Wal] on Inaccessible Valleys", containing 1 and 2 above when listed. Notes: Smith:S464. Inaccessible Valleys; A Study in Physical Geography. Nineteenth Century 33: 391-404 (March 1893: no. 193).
28. |
"A New Book on Socialism": Mss and proof of an A. R. Wallace review titled "A New Book on Socialism", comprising: 1. "A New book on Socialism", review of "The Great Revolution of 1905… by Frederick W Hayes"; Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink with corrections, 15 numbered folios of lined notebook paper written on one side only, signed by A. R. Wallace on last page; from Land and Labour Jul 1894. 2. "A New Book on Socialism", review by A. R. Wallace, proof pasted onto red-lined blue paper sheets; 5 numbered sheets enclosed in white paper folder annotated in ink on the front in A. R. Wallace's? or another hand "The Great revolution of 1905 [sic, this is a view of what the future might be under a socialist government] by F W Hayes | Reviewed by A.R. Wallace" Notes: Smith: S501. A New Book on Socialism [review of The Great Revolution of 1905; Or The Story of the Phalanx by Frederick W. Hayes, 1893]. Land and Labour no. 57: 52-54 (July 1894). Smith does not say this was given as a lecture, and the inclusion of the MS in an envelope marked "lectures and diagrams" (transferred to WP18, Miscellanea - see WP18/25) was probably an error.
29. |
"A Counsel of Perfection", undated MS c. Oct? 1904 in A. R. Wallace's hand on exercise book paper, 23 ff. written on one side only, annotated in red ink on p. 1 "19th Century"with an illegible annotation below this in pencil; folded inside a page headed in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Mss. Of 'A counsel of perfection"' and in pencil at top right in an unknown hand "B2". Notes: Smith: .S505. A Suggestion to Sabbath-keepers. Nineteenth Century 36: 604-611 (Oct. 1894: no. 212). --reprint: as 'A Counsel of Perfection for Sabbatarians' in SSS, Vol. 2: 364-374 (Nov. 1900)
30. |
Papers re "Man's Place in the Universe", and "Man's Place in the Universe. A Reply to Criticisms", 1903 journal articles by A. R. Wallace, including Mss, corrected proofs, printed copy of a critical article by H H Turner and printed copy of a letter to the Editor of the Fortnightly Review by Ernest Marriott. Notes: Smith: S2903 Man's Place in the Universe. The Independent (New York) 55: 473-483 (26 Feb. 1903: no. 2830); also printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe: As Indicated by the New Astronomy' in Fortnightly Review 73 (n.s.; 79, o.s.): 395-411 (1 March 1903: no. 435, n.s.). --reprints: The Living Age 237 (7th s., vol. 19): 1-13 (4 April 1903: no. 3065); Eclectic Magazine 9(5) (3rd s.; 140(5), o.s.): 561-573 (May 1903); in Modern Inventions and Discoveries (J. A. Hill and Company, New York, 1904): 219-237. (Smith S602) Other related publications are: S604. letter to the Editor [one of several printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe']. Knowledge 26: 107-108 (107-110) (May 1903: no. 211)
31. |
"Man's Place in the Universe | article", undated (c. Feb? 1903?) Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand on lined exercise book paper so annotated on front in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand, 42 numbered folios (signed on f 42), plus title/cover. Notes: Smith: S2903. Man's Place in the Universe. The Independent (New York) 55: 473-483 (26 Feb. 1903: no. 2830); also printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe: As Indicated by the New Astronomy' in Fortnightly Review 73 (n.s.; 79, o.s.): 395-411 (1 March 1903: no. 435, n.s.). --reprints: The Living Age 237 (7th s., vol. 19): 1-13 (4 April 1903: no. 3065); Eclectic Magazine 9(5) (3rd s.; 140(5), o.s.): 561-573 (May 1903); in Modern Inventions and Discoveries (J. A. Hill and Company, New York, 1904): 219-237. (Smith S602) Other related publications are: S604. Letter to the Editor [one of several printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe']. Knowledge 26: 107-108 (107-110) (May 1903: no. 211)
32. |
"Man's Place in the Universe | Reply to Criticisms", undated (c. Aug 1903) Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand on lined exercise book paper so titled on front in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand, 29 numbered folios written on one side only plus title page/cover Notes: Smith: S606. Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms. The Independent (New York) 55: 2024-2031 (27 Aug. 1903: no. 2856); also printed in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.). --reprints: The Living Age 239 (7th s., vol. 21): 193-201 (24 Oct. 1903: no. 3094); Eclectic Magazine 10(6) (3rd s.; 141(6), o.s.): 773-781 (Dec. 1903).
33. |
"Man's place in the universe: a reply to criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, TS, 21 numbered pages plus title page, with corrections in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand, annotated in pencil on the title page "for the 'Fortnightly"' and "Adams"; stamped on back page "Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, 31 Jul 1903" below pencilled note in an unknown hand "Proofs to Dr A.R. Wallace C/o Curtis Browne", with address. Notes: Smith: S606. Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms. in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.). In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded. Title page torn, paper thin
34. |
"Science in 1907", papers comprising: 2 "Science in 1907", Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand on 3 folios of lined exercise book paper Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
35. |
"Science in 1907", papers comprising: 4. Small buff envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Science in 1907 | New York World" and in pencil "A2". Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
36. |
Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 2. Ms, "Flying Machines in War" by A. R. Wallace, draft letter in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink, unsigned, four numbered folios exercise book paper.
37. |
Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 3. Small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in ink "Letter to Daily News | Flying Machines in War | Feb. 6th 1909", sealed (accidentally?) before listing, containing: Press cutting "Flying Machines in War" by A. R. Wallace, 3 copies, one ann. "Daily News Feb 6 1909 in unknown hand. Press cutting n.d. (6 Feb 1909?) from "Daily News"? headed "War in the Air" referring to a letter by A. R. Wallace published same day and letter from Edward J Gosling, Weymouth 6 Feb 1909 congratulating A. R. Wallace on his letter against the use of flying machines in war published that day in the Daily News
38. |
Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 8. Buff envelope containing all of the above when listed, annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Flying Machines | & War" and in pencil in WGW's hand "Noted | WGW"
39. |
Notes apparently on cell division and development of the embryo; in A. R. Wallace's hand on a single sheet of lined exercise-book paper written on one side only; headed "?Mss - to come at foot of first slip"; note beginning "(To the Editor) | I send the above condensation" at the foot of the page. Notes: This probably belongs with other notes; possibly the file of oddments labelled "Variation" - relating to whatever the particular publication is. "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection..." (1889-) seems the most likely; there is a discussion of the embryonic development of man on pp. 448-449 in ed. 2; but it may be some unidentified short work.
40. |
Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture, titled on front cover "Lecture 1. | On the climate & Vegetation of the Tropics" with pencilled annotation "Linn. Trans. vol. XXII | Pitcher Plants" below title in his hand; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm , fifty-three numbered pages with notes on the Pitcher plant inserted between pp. 18 and 19 and numbered tags (slide or diagram numbers?) glued to some pages; undated, possibly 1863 when he lectured at the BAAS meeting in August and September (Shermer, p. 153). Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school- style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inserted notes on the pitcher plant are on a smaller sheet, perhaps a form or invitation folded over a cotton thread and glued together at the edges, print and some handwriting are visible inside; other pages in fair condition.
41. |
Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture titled on the front cover "2. | Lecture on | Animal Life in the Tropics"; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm , forty-six numbered pages with numbered tags (slide or diagram numbers?) glued to some pages. Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school-style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inside pages in fair condition.
42. |
Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture titled on the front cover "Lecture 3. | On the Races of Man in the Malay Archipelago" and the pencilled annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand "Capt Cook's Voyages, King of Tahiti Papuan | Phot. of Siamese"; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm; forty-seven numbered pages with text continued onto the inside back cover; undated, (BAAS, Sep 1863?); part of a printed market share list, torn, glued to the bottom of the last page. Place: Netherlands Indies Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school-style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inside pages in fair condition. No numbered tags pasted onto pages in this book.
43. |
"The Centenary of Darwin" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof annotated at the bottom in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From 'The Clarion' Febr 12th 1909", and "Centenary of Darwin | Article in the Clarion" in his hand on the back.
44. |
"The Cambridge Scholar and the Ghost | As recited by the late Mr. Fredk. Smith, at the meetings of the Entomological Club", undated Ms copy in A. R. Wallace's hand of poem with 17 numbered stanzas, on 1 folio ( 3 pages) of blue paper. 1900.12.14 16 Envelope annotated "The Ghost" in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone by "[G?].A.S.", postmarked South Kensington 14 Dec 1900 Notes: Possibly Frederick Smith 1805-1879, entomologist, Assistant Keeper in Zoology, BMNH c 1875
45. |
Poem, "Locksley Hall Sixty Years After". By Alfred , Lord Tennyson. Cutting from "The Boston Herald" Wednesday 22 Dec 1886, Some passages marked in blue pencil, faint annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: USA Notes: Folded and brittle
46. |
Ephemera associated or apparently associated with William Mitten comprising a plant specimen and a postcard view of land near Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex
47. |
Loose dried plant (grass) specimens (Apera species?) contained in a brown envelope 23 cm x 14.5cm, addressed to Mr W Mitten, Chemist, Hurstpierpoint Hassocks RSO Essex. The envelope is printed with illustrations of three types of (bottle-stoppers?), bears a half-penny stamp and is heavily postmarked "T | NPO" with no visible date. It is annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Apera | Sandpit I Hassocks | July 1904." Place: Hassocks West Sussex England Notes: The envelope is brittle and has been pierced by the dry grass stem in at least one place. If kept, the specimen(s) should probably be glued into an to acid free folder.
48. | |
49. |
The south Wales farmer: his mode of agriculture, domestic life, customs, and character
50. |
[Notebook 2/3] "Insects / Insect Notes. 2 3." "Birds / Birds [and] Mammals. / 3."
51. |
[Notebook 5] "Register. 1858 / Birds." "Register. 1858 / Inse<cts>"
52. |
Formal certificate of thanks from the Trustees of the British Museum, 12 Oct 1946, to William Greenell Wallace for donation of stone arrowheads and implements from Ohio and other sites in the USA. Place: USA
53. |
Formal certificate of thanks from the Trustees of the British Museum, 21 Oct 1947, to William Greenell Wallace for donation of Mss and correspondence of A. R. Wallace; annotated on the back by WGW "many letters from scientists writers &c &c including the Darwin letters, Huxley, Spencer Hooker &c Oliver Lodge Crookes &c &c&c ".
54. |
Page of notes in pencil in the hand of William Greenell Wallace headed "Mss sent to Brit. Museum | Aug. 1947" listing titles of works by A. R. Wallace and names of 8 correspondents whose letters were sent; undated, c. Aug 1947?
55. |
Formal certificate of thanks to William Greenell Wallace and Violet Isabel Wallace from the National Portrait Gallery, London 9 Dec 1916 for their donation of a collection of photographs of A. R. Wallace. See also WP16/2/41 and WP16/2/42.
56. |
Certificate of acknowledgement of receipt of a gift, to William Greenell Wallace from Borough of Poole Public Libraries, 20 Nov 1947, with thanks for his gift of 1 vol of Timsworth's Works by Edmund Gosse.
57. | |
58. | |
59. |
Printed portrait engraving by C H Jeens, image approximately 7cm square, centred on a sheet of paper approximately 19.5 cm x 28 cm. From a photograph by John Watkins. Presented to the subscribers to "Nature" No 200 18 Sep 1873.
60. |
Diagram in ink and pencil on grey/green letter paper approximately 18 cm x 12 cm, headed in A. R. Wallace's hand "Sketch for Argand Candle Lamp" and signed on the left Alfred R Wallace | Dec 1899, showing parts including spring, air filter, cylindrical candle and wick. Notes: Torn on bottom edge to left of centre. See letter to Violet Wallace 24 Nov 1897 (WP1/2/96) mentioning this device.
61. |
Lock of hair wrapped in paper and enclosed in an envelope. The wrapping paper has in an unknown hand "William G Wallace's Hair when he was 14 months old. March 1810 23d". The envelope is labelled in a second unknown hand "Hair of William Greenell Wallace (brother of A R Wallace) March 1810." Notes: Formerly in Wallace Family Correspondence c. 1835-1893 Not listed in contents. The hand on the envelope appears to be the same as that in the contents list and is apparently not that of Mr or Mrs Richard Wallace. WGW? The wrapping paper appears to be very old (1810?), the envelope is much more recent (20th century?). Various sources give the name of A. R. Wallace's brother William as William GEORGE and his SON as William Greenell. If the date is correct the hair must be his brother's, not his son's, but if so the middle name is incorrect. PJL 9/1/03
62. |
Invitation card , name of invitee blank, for admission to a reception given at the Hotel Metropole, Northumberland Avenue London W.C. on Thursday 30 Jan 1908, by the Directors of the First Garden City, Ltd, the Council of the Garden City Association, Letchworth, Herts; torn in half; annotated on the back in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand? "Reviews | by A.R.Wallace". Notes: Found loose in a document wallet in original box 3, with 18 corrected proofs of short works by A. R. Wallace including book reviews and letters to the editor, 1867 -1908.Torn in half.
63. |
Ms poem 1905, "A Christmas Present" in an unknown hand on paper headed Lantosca, Upper Parkstone, Dorset Notes: Possibly written by a member of the Casey? (or O'Casey?) family to Violet Wallace? See also envelope addressed to Miss A Bertie [C] Casey at Lantosca, WP18/18When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
64. |
A. R. Wallace to G A Boulenger, photocopies of letters held in the NHM archives comprising: Letters from Parkstone, Dorset: 1. 11 Jul 1891 re names of genera of Palaearctic reptiles and amphibia - 2. 28 Aug 1891 re corrections to a work on Palaearctic reptiles and amphibia, about to go to the printer. 3. 30 Aug 1891 with thanks for names of genera of Palaearctic reptiles and amphibia, asks for similar list for Nearctic region - 4. Undated, Nov 1891? with thanks for names of genera of Nearctic reptiles and amphibia - 5. 14 Nov 1904 letter from Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset re fish drawings and notes sent separately by parcel-post, would like information on them to include in autobiography which he is now preparing. Notes: The originals are in Reptile Correspondence, Box 10, folder 88, at 30 Jan 2004. Located and photocopies supplied by Karen Taylor.
65. |
Manuscript notes (p. 69) on the fish species Ageneiosus militaris from the Rio Negro in South America, dated April 1852.
66. | |
67. | |
68. | |
69. | |
70. |
Papers re autobiography My Life: Papers re the creation and publication of Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1905,"My Life; A Record of Events and Opinions". 2 volumes. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Oct. 1905, including correspondence, proof text and illustrations, original photographs and sketches, and reviews. See press cuttings, WP14, for further reviews.
71. | |
72. | |
73. |
Diaries, notebooks and sketchbooks kept by A. R. Wallace and members of his family comprising: address book; diary of a journey in the Lake District; sketchbook; undated notebook in an unknown hand and notebook with entries c. 1846-1913 in A. R. Wallace's hand and that of other members of his family including his brother-in-law Thomas Sims on various topics including lectures and photography.
WP3/1 1846-1885? Notebook with notes in several hands
WP3/2 1856? Sketch book containing pencil sketches
WP3/3 1873?-1913 Address and Note book
WP3/4 1893 Notebook with notes re tour of Lake District
WP3/5 ND Undated Notebook in an unknown hand beginning "Why is the Sea salt?"
74. | |
75. |
Large watercolour drawing of a painted malocca at Caruru (published in "Travels on the Amazon")
76. |
Biographical Material and Portraits 1850s-1920s: Biographical material and portraits of A. R. Wallace and members of his family.
WP2/1 1850?-1913 Portraits and Images
WP2/2 1887?-1913 Interviews and biographical print pre November 1913
WP2/3 1913-1923 Obituaries and Memoirs of A. R. Wallace
WP2/4 1882-1889 Honours, Awards and Membership Certificates
WP2/5 1909-1916 Biographical Miscellanea
WP2/6 1915-1916 Papers re James Marchant's "Letters and Memoirs . . ."
WP2/6/1 Papers re proposed biography of A. R. Wallace
WP2/6/2 Chronology and outline of A. R. Wallace's life
WP2/6/3 Reminiscences, letters, drafts and related papers
WP2/6/4 Marchant Publisher's Papers
WP2/6/5 Marchant Miscellanea
For other correspondence re Marchant's book and memoirs of ARW see also WP16/1: Wallace, William Greenell, and Wallace, Violet Isabel, papers / Correspondence re ARW's death, publication rights and other matters.
77. | |
78. | |
79. |
Six folios of undated rough notes, apparently entomological, in pencil and ink in an unknown hand, and a (draft? ) letter, undated, to "Dear Sir " (A. R. Wallace?) from Ernest F Bates, with annotated envelope. Notes: First date based on A. R. Wallace's arrival in Malaya (but could be earlier), last date on the date of death of Frederick Bates, assuming E F Bates to be his son, but no information has been found on him.
80. |
Note in Wallace's hand entitled "Notes on Curculionidae" with the following localities covered; Singapore, Sarawak, Aru Islands, Macassar, Ternate, Dorey, Ceram, Waigion, Batchian and Menado
81. |
Sketch book containing pencil sketches in an unknown hand (A. R. Wallace? HEW?) including a scene of [Chinese?] and western men [sailors? dancing? in a clearing in front of palm trees and huts, [Church?] ruins [in Wales?], portraits (copies, including Byron? - has over the top the quote "Look on his feature and behold his mind …", "Napoleon Buonaparte" - hand looks like A. R. Wallace's - and George III, Jane Austen? Nelson? And Beethoven? ); portrait of a child writing by candle light; landscapes, decorative details of buildings. Book approx 18.5 cm x 14 cm with pink and grey marbled paper cover sewn on without spine, about 20 pages, most with protective tissue interleaved.
82. |
Undated MS in ink and pencil A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "The Chinaman at Singapore" with brief notes re the typical Chinese merchant, shopkeeper, planter and coolie, and Kling (Chettiar) tradesmen.
83. |
Rough undated note in pencil listing (biography categories? aspects of the study and practice of entomology?) including "Friends (photos)" "Correspondents" "Books -Societies" "cleaning-repinning and carding" and "Distribution - knowing where species come from". Possibly in A. R. Wallace's early hand but doubtful. Notes: First date based on letter to H W Bates from A. R. Wallace in 1856 including discussion of need to record location of species collected
84. |
Wallace A. R. Annotations in his copy of Darwin's Origin of species, the Keynes room at Cambridge University Library.
85. |
"On the Trade of the Eastern Archipelago with New Guinea & its Islands" Published as S65.
86. |
Undated notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Kingsley Letters &c (1856) [sic] Feb 26"; 1 small folio of stiff blue letter paper, contained in envelope no 1 above when listed.
87. | |
88. |
Ms and print re public lectures given by A. R. Wallace including some details of dates, places and payments. Topics include geographical distribution of species and colours in animals. See also letters from ARW in correspondence, items WP1/1-3 and WP1/5-7, which contain numerous references to lectures, and press cuttings from North American papers, WP14/2.
89. |
Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1889, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" (London, Macmillan 1889 and later editions) including corrected proofs, rough notes and diagrams, correspondence and reviews.
90. |
Cardboard folder labelled on the spine in print in A. R. Wallace's? William Greenell Wallace's? hand "Scraps - Darwinism" and on the front in blue pencil " Variation | Notes - Diagrams" and in lead pencil "Extracts from early Reviews of Origin of Species" in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; approx 24 cm x 15 cm; containing forty-one separate folios comprising: 1- 5: Quotations in A. R. Wallace's hand from reviews of Darwin's "Origin of Species"
6-38: Ms notes and diagrams in A. R. Wallace's hand relating to chapter three ("The Variability of Species in a State of Nature") of his book "Darwinism, an Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with some of its Applications (1889; 2nd ed 1890, 3rd 1901)
39: Letter, incomplete copy in A. R. Wallace's hand, from A. R. Wallace to an unknown correspondent, from Westbourne Grove Terrace 24 May, annotated in an unknown hand "1864"; with thanks for criticism of A. R. Wallace's paper 'Human Races and the Antiquity of Man Deduced from the Theory of "Natural Selection"' ( Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. 2: clviii-clx; read 1 Mar 1864)
40: Letter from A. R. Wallace to Samuel Butler, from Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon 9 May 1879 with thanks for and criticism of Butler's books "Life and Habit" (1878) and "Evolution Old and New" (1879)
41: Postcard to A. R. Wallace from H Tiedeman, from Fordwych Road Hampstead 13 Dec 1901, re "Wallace's Line", asking whether his views on distribution of species as expressed in the most recent edition of "The Malay Archipelago" have changed, with annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand dated 10 Apr 1904. Notes: Each folio has been numbered in pencil in square brackets to assist counting but to save time no reference nos added. Most but not all diagrams (graphs) are published in some form in A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism" (1889, and 2 later editions). Some of these papers may be misfiled but as all seem relate in some way to the subject they have not been separated. PJL Dec 2003. 6-38: Ms notes and diagrams in A. R. Wallace's hand relating to chapter three ("The Variability of Species in a State of Nature") of his book "Darwinism, an Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with some of its Applications (1889; 2nd ed 1890, 3rd 1901) 39: Letter, incomplete copy in A. R. Wallace's hand, from A. R. Wallace to an unknown correspondent, from Westbourne Grove Terrace 24 May, annotated in an unknown hand "1864"; with thanks for criticism of A. R. Wallace's paper 'Human Races and the Antiquity of Man Deduced from the Theory of "Natural Selection"' ( Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. 2: clviii-clx; read 1 Mar 1864) 40: Letter from A. R. Wallace to Samuel Butler, from Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon 9 May 1879 with thanks for and criticism of Butler's books "Life and Habit" (1878) and "Evolution Old and New" (1879) 41: Postcard to A. R. Wallace from H Tiedeman, from Fordwych Road Hampstead 13 Dec 1901, re "Wallace's Line", asking whether his views on distribution of species as expressed in the most recent edition of "The Malay Archipelago" have changed, with annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand dated 10 Apr 1904.
91. |
Papers relating to Richard Spruce and to A. R. Wallace's edition of Spruce, Richard, Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes (1908).
WP8/1 1866-1906 Botanical print by and related to Richard Spruce
WP8/2 1894-1900 Obituaries and Memoirs of Richard Spruce
WP8/3 1866?-1908 Papers re A. R. Wallace edition of 'Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes.'
92. |
Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, correspondence and annotated print relating to his edition of Richard Spruce, 'Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes.'
93. |
List in A. R. Wallace's? hand on four small account-book pages (1 folio) headed "Lectures" listing amounts paid for lectures with dates covering 1867 -1894 and places in England, Scotland and Ireland but not titles of lectures; not in strict chronological order; titles of earlier lectures are noted on one page. Place: England Ireland Scotland
94. |
Papers related to the writing and publication of books by A. R. Wallace, including Mss, printed proofs of text and illustrations, annotated photographs and drawings, printed reviews, rough notes and correspondence.
First date is that of publication of first or only edition of work, dates in brackets those of the archived papers.
WP6/1 1869 (nd) Papers re Malay Archipelago
WP6/2 1870 (1871) Papers re Contributions to the theory of Natural Selection
WP6/3 1876 (1876?) Papers re The Geographical Distribution of Animals...
WP6/4 1880 (1880-81) Papers re Island Life
WP6/5 1889 (1889?-1901?) Papers re Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection…
WP6/6 1900 (1887?-1900?) Papers re Studies Scientific and Social
WP6/7 1903 (1904? Papers re Man's place in the Universe
WP6/8 1905 (1904-1906?) Papers re autobiography My Life
WP6/9 1907 (1907) Papers re Is Mars Habitable?
WP6/10 1910 (1911) Papers re The World of Life
WP6/11 1913 (1913) Papers re Social environment and moral progress
WP6/12 1889-1899 Readers' correspondence and related papers
95. | |
96. |
Illustration captioned "Church of St. Nicholas, Ghent", black and white woodcut or engraving showing the church in the middle ground, with a horse and carriage nearby and four or five small groups of people in Victorian dress in the street in the foreground; approximately 9cm x 7cm, apparently cut from a book or journal. Place: Ghent Belgium Scotland Notes: Possibly from "The Illustrated London News" or a similar paper. Both cuttings were found loose among William Greenell Wallace correspondence.
97. |
Mitten, William, Papers 1870-1907: Print, correspondence, and samples of a grass in an envelope, 1853-1907, by and relating to William Mitten, including reprints of papers on Botany, Geology and Natural History sent to Mitten by authors including J T Kirk and Clement Reid, and printed obituaries of Mitten c.1906-1907.
WP15/1 Mitten Papers: Correspondence -
WP15/2 Mitten Papers: Print -
WP15/3 Obituaries and Memoirs of William Mitten -
WP15/4 Mitten papers: Ephemera
98. |
Illustration captioned "Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries-shire", black and white woodcut or engraving showing a distant view of the castle between trees in the close foreground; approximately 9cm x 7cm, apparently cut from a book or journal.
99. |
Physiography examinations: Three small cardboard folders apparently made from the covers of books or notebooks from which the original pages have been removed, bundled together with a sheet of paper with general title "Examinations" in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand. They contain printed copies of Physiography (physical geography) elementary and advanced examinations, c. 1870-1897, and ms notes, mostly in A. R. Wallace's hand, containing suggested questions, names of examiners, notes of examination (board) meetings, statistics, comments on the qualities of the candidates and copies of amusing answers to questions.
100. |